Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
6th August 2009 23:25
Title: Triskelion.
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil, PS.
Characters: Dobby and friends.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: Rule 34. No exceptions.
Themes/kinks chosen: Threesomes.

6th August 2009 12:18
LOL I think I'll have that image burned into my brain for sometime! Love the triangle, the tongue on the one that's right-side up, the nose of the one on the bottom. Fun!
7th August 2009 02:28
Oh, dear, an eyeworm! Thanks! =)
6th August 2009 13:00
*giggles* No exception, indeed.
7th August 2009 02:32
Hee! Glad you enjoyed them! =)
6th August 2009 14:43
Ahahahahahaha, I love this so much. Bravo!
7th August 2009 02:30
Thanks! =)
6th August 2009 20:14
7th August 2009 02:30
=) Glad you enjoyed!
6th August 2009 21:09
Your house-elfs are insanely cute!*///*
I love the idea (I mean, if a house-elf threesome isn't deviant, what is?^^) and the colours!
7th August 2009 02:27
Thanks! =)
6th August 2009 21:53
You kill me! *giggles insanely*
7th August 2009 02:26
*revivifies* Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks! =)
6th August 2009 22:48
Aaaaaah, so much win!!! I love their inventive positioning. *g*
7th August 2009 02:27
Thanks! =)
7th August 2009 00:09
Hilarious! - And although it's depraved, they're still really cute ;-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
7th August 2009 02:29
Thanks! I do seem to have a liking for the combo of depraved plus cute. =)
7th August 2009 06:26
OMG, I laughed until I cried! And the nose... OH!
8th August 2009 14:11
Thanks! =)
7th August 2009 18:24
Argh, you should NOT be making me think that house-elf sex is a good thing...
7th August 2009 22:08
Yes, I should! Come oooooon! You know you want to.... =D
24th August 2009 17:59
of course I do, I've written Kreacher/Ron. But I live in denial...
7th August 2009 20:28
Haha. Thank you for giving me something to smile about. I love your house elves, they're awesome!
8th August 2009 03:42
LOL, that's awesome.
8th August 2009 22:38
It's so...cute! Seriously, I love this. I can't stop looking.
10th August 2009 02:21
*dies* That's awesome.
17th August 2009 04:39
Whenever I see Rule 34, I try to come up with an exception.

This is strangely adorable and innocent. :)
20th September 2009 20:40
Whenever I see Rule 34, I try to come up with an exception.
*snerk* I sometimes do that... for the persposes of writing fic about it. :p
21st September 2009 22:50
16th September 2009 06:40
...... OHH NOOO, I've gone blind!

20th September 2009 20:38
*cackles madly out loud, very loudly...*
God this is brilliant! I loooove it! *adores you for this!*
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