Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
[Art] Pansy's Gang 
1st August 2009 21:41
Title: Pansy's Gang
Artist: [info]la_dissonance
Media: Watercolors, slight photoshop retouching
Characters: Daphne/Pansy/Millicent
Rating: R
Warnings: None. (Or imminent choking, I guess, depending on how you look at it)
Themes/kinks chosen: ménage à trois
Artist's notes: More fun with watercolors! I think I might be getting the hang of this. Many apologies for how abjectly un-kinky this came out. :(
Art preview:

2nd August 2009 02:35
Pansy's Gang, eh? How do I join? ;)

This is lovely and soft and yay, watercolours!
2nd August 2009 03:07
She accepts applications on a quarterly basis. Brightly colored underwear is a must. ;D

2nd August 2009 02:43
Wow, watercolors are SO HARD! This is really beautiful. :)
2nd August 2009 03:12
Heeee! Yup. My biggest problem is being too impatient to let layers dry in between, and then painting in the wrong place and fucking everything up. xD

But really, it's a lot of fun, and a nice change from teh photoshoppes. I'm so glad you like this!!
2nd August 2009 03:04
I love all the violet colour, and the tangle of feet. Lucky Pans!
2nd August 2009 03:31
Thank you so much! And Pansy isn't lucky so much as very very persuasive. ;)

LOVE your icon btw. Heee!
2nd August 2009 03:09
that's a nice gang! Seems like fun! Fabulous colors!!
2nd August 2009 03:37
Lol, yes, they're definitely nice to Pansy at least... being the ringleader has definite perks. ;)

Perhaps greens would have been more appropriate, but I am ever so partial to purples... ah, the pitfalls of planning on your feet.

Thank you, bb!
2nd August 2009 03:11
I love your watercolors. And yes -- they aren't all skinny girls! Love the angle of Millicent's jaw.
2nd August 2009 03:53
Thank you so much! Pansy is always skinny in my mind, Millicent is always a bit thick (am upset that my attempt at drawing muscular shoulders did not pan out so well, grr), and I have no set Daphne in my head. Clearly my go-to body type is... that of a stripper? xD

Millicent is all Om nom nom Pansy your hair smells so gooooood.

2nd August 2009 03:16
This is so pretty! *gazes* I love how she's sprawled in the middle on that pile of pillows and the soft colours, with all that skin shading. Lovely :-)
2nd August 2009 03:56
Yay, thanks! When Pansy spends a lazy day lounging about in her underwear, she does it like she means it. With a jillion pillows, the biggest bed in all of Hogwarts, and plenty of pretty girls. Tehe!
2nd August 2009 03:54
First: PURPLE!

Love it.
2nd August 2009 03:59
I toyed with the idea of doing an f/f/m threesome (I imagine Pansy and Millicent could have quite a bit of fun if they got Draco in bed with them, say...) but in the end girls are just easier to draw. And poor Daphne deserves some loving too. *g*

I'm so glad you like it!!
2nd August 2009 06:43 - (this is tailoredshirt)
I love the watercolor effect! The colors are gorgeous. And I love the girls' breasts, especially the little peek of Millicent's. All three of them are beautiful.
2nd August 2009 12:58 - Re: (this is tailoredshirt)
Yay, I'm glad you like it! Boobs are way fun to draw, even if the areolas might get away from you when you color them... *giggles*
2nd August 2009 11:19
Gorgeous. I love the way their legs are entwined, the contrasting hair/knicker colour, Pansy's blissful expression. Lovely work.
2nd August 2009 12:55
Thank you so much! *g*
3rd August 2009 22:32
That is beautiful! Honestly, I had no idea you arted at all, hon ♥
3rd August 2009 23:18
Thanks! I've been doing more art recently, yeah... helps when the writer's block sets in. ^^
5th August 2009 21:32
Wonderful! I love the colours. :)
5th August 2009 21:51
Thanks! Had I known they were going to be Slytherins when I started, I might have used a cooler palette, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out anyway. ^^
8th August 2009 22:43
Damn, that's one lucky bitch!
9th August 2009 00:16
Oh, yes. And she knows it. ;)

9th August 2009 23:19
Lovely! Nice to see ladies of various sizes. :-)
10th August 2009 00:52
18th August 2009 07:28
lovely, lovely, lovely. such beautiful colors, and i adore pansy's face. i love your watercolors! :D
18th August 2009 14:41
Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed this! *grins*
12th November 2013 18:49
LOVE THIS. Different body shapes for the win! And there is some sort of wild tenderness about this, perhaps also because of the watercolour technique (beautiful, btw). I love how you drew Pansy's belly and the colour palette is really nice. The tangled legs look great and... imminent choking? Ooooh yes :'D
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