Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Nurse 
26th July 2009 23:25
Title: Nurse
Artist: [info]ghot
Media: ink & PS
Characters: Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash.
Themes/kinks chosen: Medical scenes: playing doctor or medical kink.
Artist's notes: My first AS/S art.
PS: I was in a hurry to post this and forgot that there are always bandwidth problems with Ripway, re-uploaded the image and it should stay visible.
PPS: I know a wizard wouldn't normally need a cast but I imagine Al did something really awful to that leg...

27th July 2009 03:17
Mmm - nice composition, and I love their expressions - and Albus's one sock!
27th July 2009 03:19
if this is your first then I suggest you keep making more...this is HAWT!
27th July 2009 03:21
OMG! That is so gorgeous and wickedly hot, just fabulous!
27th July 2009 04:06
LOVE the way you do their skin tones......... Al's expression is so blissed out and Score is totally into it!

*drools a little bit*
27th July 2009 04:28
fantastic - that's one way to take his mind off the cast!
gorgeous composition and I love the colors you used to highlight their skin.
27th July 2009 05:29
Oh, wow, I hope it's not the last! Love Albus' expression and the color of his shirt, and Scorpius' bum looks so round and firm!
27th July 2009 06:14
Oh my god, this is beyond gorgeous. I love the expression on Al's face, and his hands on Scorpius's hips... and everything else... *melts* Excellent take on the prompt.

If you don't mind my asking, what drawing program do you use? :)
27th July 2009 11:36
Dug the image url out of the code and found that the reason I couldn't see it was because the daily bandwidth had apparently been exceeded. Boo! Looking forward to seeing the boys :)
30th July 2009 02:59
30th July 2009 09:26
this is incredibly hot and gorgeous. guhhh!
31st July 2009 21:15
God, that is just INCREDIBLY hot. I love Scorpius's nurse uniform. Just GUH.
31st July 2009 23:09
Oooh, art is here now! And nnnnngh, holy hell, it's hot. Love their facial expressions and their gangly boyish limbs.
1st August 2009 18:30
what a way to mend a broken leg. nnnnnnngh

Very nice. I love the look on both their faces and I can practically hear Scorpius's moan. *fans self*
1st August 2009 18:55
Scorpius is a nurse's uniform is my new fantasy! I love how Albus looks just slightly out of it yet still obviously enjoying himself and Scorpius is beyond sexy. GORGEOUS!
2nd August 2009 01:17
Dear GOD that's hot.
How the hell did I miss this?
DAMN... *fans self*

Have I mentioned today how much I love your art?
2nd August 2009 02:20
That's just all kinds of hot. Wow. *fans self* Excellent work.
5th August 2009 21:33
Oooooohhhhhh, I love it! You have to do more of this pairing! I love how they both look, sort of like their fathers but not completely. Perfect! And the glimpse of Scorpius's little bum? a;lksjdf. So hot!! ♥ !
18th August 2009 06:33
very hot! albus is *gorgeous* and i love scorpius' nurses' uniform!
20th August 2009 21:50
Aww, boys! I love the expression both of their faces and the careful way they're having sex. This is gorgeous! I plan to rec this in my next rec batch.
20th September 2009 20:41
This is just lovely. Your colouring, composition, and lighting is just impeccable. Albus' face is exquisite!
21st September 2009 15:51
Unf! This is... oh my.... so fucking hot! *melts*
12th October 2009 17:34
omg HAAAWT. and then harry and Ginny walk in like "albus how you fee..(O_0).ling". Thats the first thing that came to mind after id wiped up all the drool lmao
27th November 2009 19:31
I imagine both their parents walking in on them. Then the parents go at it right there! *fans self*
27th November 2009 19:47
oh... oh my! That is wonderful! I LOVE IT!
27th November 2009 20:06
So hot, and a great way to distract Al from his cast.
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