Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: "The Lingering" (Walden/Unidentified Female, NC-17) 
19th July 2009 23:14
Title: The Lingering
Author: [info]pre_raphaelite1
Characters: Walden MacNair/unidentified female
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: character death, torture, noncon, snuff, spanking...
Themes/kinks chosen: Necrophilia (damnit, why won't any of the rest of you lot write the hard stuff? :P )
Word Count: 1075
Summary: People thought- wrongly, Walden knew- that methods not birthed in green light were just as final, just as crisp. But he knew how some bodies held something, he didn't know how to identify it, but something lingered.
Author's notes: So, this was written in 40 minutes in the middle of the Prison Break Ball at Azkatraz when I remembered today was my posting day... And this did cause my poor girlfriend to have another squicked flail of "OMG! I dating [info]pre_raphaelite1!" (yes, she uses my username for this flail)

The handle of his axe was worn to a shine, the wood gleaning with a warm polish that attested to its frequent use. He'd been offered new weapons: longer handles that would give him more distance from his victim, heavier blades that would reduce the effort it took to severe a head, sharper edges that would slide through bone and sinew like mother's milk, enchantments that would limit the blood splatter over his clothes.

But Walden MacNair always refused the offers, the thinly veiled attempts at bringing in politics and compassion and weakness into his duties. This was not a job of clean hands or for clean hands. It was physicality and truth and gore. It was life in all its bleeding, dying, messy beauty.

And when it was done, all that was left was the corpse. People thought- wrongly, Walden knew- that methods not birthed in green light were just as final, just as crisp. But he knew how some bodies held something, he didn't know how to identify it, but something lingered. Without a head or a heart or that vital pulse of blood through contracting veins, some of the supposedly empty corpses lived. He'd catch a glimpse of it beyond the glaze of clouded eyes or in smallest finger. A movement that was no more apparent than a flick of a fly's wing, but just as indicative. These were the flicks and twitches and flutters that Walden watched for, hungered for.

He found the fear in people's eyes intoxicating, the resolution to their fate even more so. It was these sorts, oddly enough, that resulted that lingering. As he wasn't a man who valued the thoughts one pondered over a brandy and a cigar, Walden didn't focus on the why of it. He only noted it so he could more readily anticipate when he might have a body at hand that died slower than the rest.

Her head was bowed. Her clothes torn from her body like the flesh from her arm. Perhaps at one point her hair had been brown but it was only dirt and blood and bits of her own skin fused into matted knots. She swayed even in the corner of the room where she huddled, shivering from a cold that was only in her mind. Walden knew Lestrange had been keeping the girl/woman- her age was lost in empty eyes and bruised lips- and no one could break a soul apart like Lestrange could, as easily as if the power of faith, pride, and hope were glass trinkets under booted feet.

But like such trinkets of memories forgotten even by the spun glass, the girl had lost meaning when she no longer fought, screamed, or refused. So Lestrange left her for Walden to dispose of, though he had no inclination to do so quickly. He reached out with his free hand to catch the twisted locks, so much like dried out seaweed and tangles of brittle wool, and he pulled her out of the corner. Her hand came out, weakly, out of reflex, but it had not the strength to do more than flutter in butterfly futility at his wrist. Tossing her into the center of the room beneath a flickering shaft of light from somewhere high above them, Walden could feel the liquid heat of arousal pooling low in his balls, hanging heavy as the axe in his grasp. Her shoulders hunched in preparation, in acceptance, head never lifting up as the axe rose above her. He swung it down, without so much as a grunt of effort, so long had he been wielding his weapon of choice, and it met its mark. A moment of initial resistance as metal met flesh and bone then nothing as it sank through, cleaving the girl's head from her thin, battered body. Both fell: the head with a rolling thunk, the nose breaking both itself and the head's trajectory; and the body with heavy thud of nevermore proud shoulders on uncaring stone.

Walden watched for a moment while the head finally came to its messy pause halfway across the room and the blood spurted from a neck ringed with fading bruises, the girl's wasted attempt to heal herself. He slid to his knees behind her and laid his axe along side, the metal bathing now in her blood. He rubbed his right hand over his flies as he used the other position her better, drawing her hips up now, raising her arse high, lines of mottled purple and red crossing it, and Walden had to push away the thought of days he spent as a child having to write his letters in a high cursive script between carefully measured lines or risk the bite of his father's leather belt. The memory did nothing good for his erection and he focused on giving her arse a few more slaps, hard as he could without toppling her, but there was not enough blood left in her to be raised. The quiver of her flesh in response to his strikes, however, made his cock jerk back into full hardness and he freed it from his trousers.

The choice was never difficult for him, nothing so troubling as short sword or broad sword, hands or garrote. Her cunt was lined with dark curls that seemed to tremble as he rubbed the head of his cock over it then he drove in, forcing his way fully into her. And he felt it. That last final clench of refusal, of acknowledgment of what he had done, of who had finally, completely mastered her.

Walden fucked her slowly then, savoring the gradual cooling of her body. He was taking every last pulse of life from her, drawing it out as his cock slid in and out and back in again. And only when there was just the sound of his own breathing, when the puddle of blood under her and now under him started to congeal into a thin layer of rusted jelly, did he find his own release, filling her lifeless cunt with his pale spunk, millions of opportunities for life and vitality pouring into her, seeking out any remaining lingering in her. But Walden had taken every drop and tremble of it from her. So he withdrew from the corpse and cleaned himself up, before leaving it and its silently screaming head to rot alone in the darkness.

20th July 2009 07:30
*runs away*

Dude, OMG! Snuff fic? At the Ball? *shakes head*
I can certainly say it was...effective. Yikes!

*goes to look for fluffy fic*
20th July 2009 07:33
*giggles and chases with axe Butterbeer!*

Well, err... yes? Sorry about that. Seriously though- people really should know better by now than to leave the really squicky things un-done by the 19th. :P

20th July 2009 11:35
What to say, what to say. I can absolutely believe this of MacNair. Amazing physical descriptions of the girl, and especially the line about the sperm seeking 'opportunities for life'. Chilling fic. Well done.
20th July 2009 15:57
Thank you for the compliments and for being brave enough to read this! He does seem the sort, doesn't he?
20th July 2009 16:49

......I can't believe I read that.... shows my level of curiousity *shudders*

Very well written, and so totally in character with MacNair, I can easily see him doing this. Quite a few great details, especially the description of her body. I agree with torino10154, chilling fic.

I'm left wondering which Lestrange, I rp one of them.. not sure I want to know, heh.
20th July 2009 22:11
*snerks* I lure people in this way then I put them into my collection. *eyebrow waggle*

Thanks for the brave curiosity and the review!

And yes, I didn't intend to identify which one. :P Which Lestrange do you RP?
20th July 2009 22:21
*grins and munches icon cookie* ;D

I RP Rodolphus (and Bellatrix, but I assume we're talking one of the brothers here). He's a fun man to RP - with the people he cares for, not a lot of those, he's protective, possessive and loving, with others he can be quite brutal and will use them left, right and center ;P

He kinda uses the people he loves as well but that's a different story. *attempts looking innocent*

*points to icon* My Rodolphus.
29th July 2009 22:57
Ooh, he makes a lovely Rodolphus! And your characterization sounds awesome. My Narcissa had a bit of a fling with him before her marriage to Lucius (and Rodolphus' to Bella), as he was the one who took her out and taught her how to kill Muggles. :P

As for your assumption about one of the brothers being the "Lestrange"... I think it's perfectly fair to include Bella as a potential. :D
30th July 2009 01:15
Thank you! :D
Heh, my Rodolphus is smirking wide... He and Lucius have been very competitive with each other ever since they were children, so he's loving the idea that he's had a pre-marital fling with Narcissa. ;D
Plus, he says, just look at her, who wouldn't want to... *smacks him for wicked thoughts* xP

Beautiful choice of PB for her. :)

*grins* I can easily see Bellatrix doing this, just the sort of thing my Bella would do for kicks. (icon is my Bellatrix)
20th July 2009 19:06
20th July 2009 22:11
THank you, darling! *loves*
21st July 2009 02:08
Wow, wow, and wow. Excellent. Oh, sure, it's chilling and squicky and dark. . .and so well-written. And believable.

Impressive elements:

--the opening attention to the axe sets the perfect tone and reveals so much about his character.
--that ending line
--this simile: as easily as if the power of faith, pride, and hope were glass trinkets under booted feet
--this image, with its wonderful sound pattern: flutter in butterfly futility

And you wrote this in 40 minutes? I'm not sure whether to become your most abject fangirl or hate you :)
29th July 2009 18:33
*blushes at the praise* Thank you so much. This means the world, particularly in response to a more extreme fic. I'm particularly pleased by your appreciation of the cadence of that butterfly phrase.

Don't hate me. Fear what will happen to my brain when I grow old. :P
23rd July 2009 21:43
...I kind of *totally* agree with what kelly_chambliss said.^^°
"flutter in butterfly futility" sounds so marvellous I had to whisper it a few times.^^
Wonderful imagery throughout the whole story, and although people might consider it squicky (I don't, by the way; I don't think anything can really squick me anymore after all the pervy, kinky, dirty fanfics I read^^), it also has some strange beauty; I can't be disgusted because the way you wrote the kink isn't disgusting... does that make any sense? If it doesn't, I apologize; I'm dog-tired. *yawns* I'll go to bed now. Feel free to kick me if this is too senseless.^^°
29th July 2009 18:37
I can't be disgusted because the way you wrote the kink isn't disgusting
That makes perfect sense and I'm very pleased for it! I really do strive to make even the kinks with higher squick levels to not actually be deliberately squicky. I think it's a triumph if people say what you have just said. So thank you!
28th July 2009 23:47
Wow. Chilling and horrific and wonderfully written. I am amazed by the kink challenges you take on and how well you write them. And in 40 minutes! Ah! How?!
29th July 2009 18:41
Hee, thank you so much. Really, I do generally decide on my kinks based on what no one else will write, so this leaves me the more extreme things. I think I might try a bit more with necrophilia- I started a Padfoot/dead!Cedric one once on a dare but never finished it. It has a very sacred sort of feel to it- if only I could find it.
29th July 2009 20:56
Ooooh! I hope you do finish it. That sounds very intriguing!
29th July 2009 22:53
I'll continue my hunt for it. I'm afraid I started writing it by hand at Lumos (the HP con 3 years ago), so it's in one of my many notebooks... somewhere. :P
29th July 2009 18:17
This is kind of amazing for something done in 40 minutes. *awe*

Excellent take on the kink. You did so well at getting us right into MacNair's head that it was hardly squicky at all. More like hauntingly beautiful. *shivers*
29th July 2009 18:43
*blushes* Thank you!

I was briefly worried that I'd gone for the obvious necrophiliac choice here but sometimes that makes the story work best, as I'm glad to see it seems to have here.
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