Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Mirror, Mirror (Kingsley/Harry, NC-17) 
11th May 2009 06:38
Title: Mirror, Mirror
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Characters: Kingsley/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Themes/kinks chosen: Mutual masturbation, fingering
Word Count: ~1,670
Summary: Harry isn't willing to wait until Kingsley gets home.
Author's notes: Thanks to my betas [info]florida_minxie and [info]eeyore9990 for their lightning-quick turnaround times. And to the slash chat folks for prompting me when I couldn't figure out what to write.

"I know the timing couldn't be much worse, and that we agreed I wouldn't travel for the rest of my term, but I have to go." Kingsley sighed and scrubbed a hand across the back of his bald head. "Every other leader of a Wizarding community in the European Union for Magic will be there."

"Fine," Harry huffed. "I guess that leaves me explaining to the Weasleys again why you had to miss my birthday party again."

"My term's up in five more months, and then you'll be complaining that I'm underfoot all the time." Kingsley smiled.

Harry crossed his arms over his chest. "And how much of the next five months are you going to spend at home?"

"You know I can't promise--" A shuffling noise at the door to Kingsley's office had them both turning their heads. Seeing his assistant, Kingsley snapped, "What?"

"If I may interrupt, Minister." His assistant, Carlotta, stood in the doorway, tapping one stiletto-heeled foot. Her navy blue, pinstriped business robes were as immaculate at 10 o'clock at night as they had been when she'd arrived at 7 o'clock that morning. Not even a single hair had dared to escape from the French roll in her brown hair.

"You always do," Harry muttered, and then rolled his eyes at Kingsley's surreptitious hushing gesture.

"The Aurors are here with your Portkey. Auror Finnigan has your suitcase and everything else you asked me to gather for the conference. You have precisely nine minutes to finish your," her lips pursed sourly as her eyes flicked over Harry, "personal business."

With that she spun on her heel and flounced out of the room, leaving the door wide open.

"That woman," Harry fumed, "is a homophobic bitch with delusions of grandeur."

"And she'll be out of our lives in five months," Kingsley said, calm and reassuring.

With a wave of his wand and a couple of muttered words, he shut the door and activated the privacy wards. Then he perched on the edge of his cluttered desk, and Harry moved to stand between his legs. They stayed there for a minute, or possibly longer, with their arms around each other and Harry's head resting on Kingsley's shoulder.

All too soon, however, Kingsley's voice rumbled through his chest. "I have to go, Harry."

Stepping back, Harry ran a hand through his hair. "I know. I just..." He shook his head and walked over to the window.

"I'll call tomorrow night." Kingsley came up behind him and rested his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Our usual?"

"I hate those fucking mirrors."

"No, you don't."

"Okay. Not really. Well, except for the way they remind me of..." As Harry's voice trailed off, Kingsley wrapped his arms around him. Harry leant back, finding comfort in the solidity of Kingsley's firm, broad chest. After a few seconds of silence, Harry asked, "Can I fire her when you're done?"

"You'd have to come back to work for the Ministry."

"Not a chance in hell."

After a brief but intense kiss, Kingsley murmured into Harry's ear. "You know, we could just leave her where she is. I'm sure Malfoy will show the proper appreciation for her attempts to run his life."

"Three minutes, Minister." Carlotta's voice -- and her disapproval -- crackled through the intercom.

"Malfoy and Carlotta, can you imagine?" Harry mused. "It almost makes me wish I was an insect Animagus, just so I could be a fly on the wall for that showdown."

They were still snickering when the Portkey swirled Kingsley, Carlotta, and the Aurors away.


The mirror that hovered at the end of their bed, between the bedposts, looked nothing like the small, square one that populated some of Harry's nightmares. This large, oval mirror had ravens and crowns carved into its ebony frame. It was canted slightly downwards, so that Harry was fully reflected in its surface.

Harry lay on the bed. The covers were folded at the bottom and pillows were piled under his head. A pot of lube sat on his bedside table within easy reach.

Kingsley was late, as usual, so Harry fidgeted. Picking up the latest issue of Quidditch Illustrated -- birthday present from Ron, of course -- he thumbed through it, made faces at the players, and then dropped it back on the bed. He considered running into the other room to get the Exploding Solitaire cards that Ginny had given him, but decided against it. He always seemed to end up with ash on his face.

Bringing his knees up to his chest, Harry tilted his head to one side and examined his reflection. Hands behind his knees, he pulled his legs apart, pushed them down, and then drew them up again. Too obvious, he finally decided, and placed his feet flat on the bed. He moved them around until his thighs were just wide enough apart to frame his cock and bollocks and provide a hint of his cleft.

Still not quite satisfied, he shoved a pillow under his hips. He was about to change positions again when he heard his name being called and the mirror clouded over.

"Yes, Kingsley," Harry responded, and the mirror started to clear. His breath hitched when he saw his partner sitting on an overly ornate bed, hung with blue and gold curtains that matched the fleur-de-lis painted on the headboard. Kingsley's dark skin looked incredible against that backdrop.

"Harry," Kingsley repeated, his deep voice turning that single word into a caress. "I'm sorry I was late."

"Do I even want to know?"

"I didn't even want to know." Kingsley shuddered. "Suffice it to say that, should the Romanian Minister's next wife leave him for another witch, I don't even want to be on the same continent."

"Would a little distraction help?" Harry ran a hand down his chest, around his navel, and down. Playing with his dark, curly pubic hair, he trailed his fingers around his cock and bollocks without touching them.

"That kind of distraction always helps." Kneeling, arse resting on his heels, Kingsley copied Harry's movements. His tongue wet his lips as his gaze swept up and down Harry's body. "Pinch your nipples. I want to see them stand up around those rings."

Keeping his left hand down at his groin, Harry drew his right hand upwards. A tug on one nipple, a pinch on the other, and then he began to play with them. Using his nipple rings to increase the feeling, he rolled his nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Yes, just like that." And then Kingsley mirrored Harry's movements, playing with the gold bars that pierced his own nipples.

Watching, feeling, Harry's cock hardened without being touched.

"Use some of that lube, Harry. Show me what you need."

Without taking his eyes off Kingsley, Harry reached out with his right hand and dug his fingers into the pot on his bedside table. He held up his hand, showing Kingsley the lube, and then brought it down to the base of his cock. In one quick movement, he wrapped his right hand around his cock and slicked himself.

"Again," Kingsley said, sliding his hand up and down his own cock.

Just seeing that twist Kingsley always did at the end, the one Harry could never duplicate, and remembering how it felt on his own cock, made Harry moan. "Fucking miss you, Kings."

"Miss you too." The wistfulness in Kingsley's voice twined around Harry, only to send a jolt through his cock when it turned commanding. "Now show me what you want from me."

Harry began to stroke himself, timing his movements to Kingsley's. Raising his hips slightly, he lubed two fingers on his left hand and brought them to his puckered opening. Circling, pressing, he had to force himself to keep his eyes open, to keep watching Kingsley.

"Push one inside you, Harry."

And when Harry did, they both groaned. Kingsley rose on to his knees, one hand gripping a bedpost, his hips thrusting forward, his cock gliding through the circle of his fist.

"More," Harry begged.

Kingsley hissed, "Yes."

Two fingers inside, rubbing over his prostate, Harry's hand moved faster and faster on his cock. His hips bucked.

Never taking his eyes off Harry, Kingsley fisted his own cock and said, "Now."

Harry's stomach muscles tightened. His hips surged up off the pillow, shoving his fingers deeper. He could almost feel Kingsley's big hand wrapping around his cock, Kingsley's cock pulsing inside him. And he came, his orgasm drawing up from his clenched toes, swamping him.


Later, after they'd cleaned up, Harry lay on his stomach on his bed, feet waving in the air, and Kingsley sat, propped up against a mound of pillows, and they talked.

Harry told Kingsley about the crazy witch who'd shown up at his office, complaining about the Dark Magic rituals that her crazy neighbours held every night and wanting him to "decursify" her kneazles. Kingsley described how he'd had to physically intervene between the French and Italian Ministers when they drew wands on each other during an argument over wine.

At the end of the evening, when Harry's jaw was cracking from the yawns he couldn't suppress, Kingsley suggested, "Join me."

Harry's head snapped up and he stared. "What?"

"Tomorrow," Kingsley said. "Close up the office for a few days. I'll arrange for a Portkey and someone to meet you."

"But Carlotta said..."

"Fuck Carlotta," Kingsley growled.

"No, thanks." Harry shuddered. "I'll leave that job to Percy. The prat deserves it."

Kingsley's laughter left Harry aching with the desire to rest his head on Kingsley's chest and feel it vibrate through his body.

Before he could change his mind, Harry said, "I can be ready by 11 o'clock."

"Thank you."

"Just be there when I arrive, all right? Trailing reporters behind you like a bridal train. If I'm going to come out, I might as well do it with a bang."

Kingsley smiled, approval bright in his eyes, and Harry found himself looking forward to getting his reward the next night.
11th May 2009 09:32
Nice! I liked the reference to the mirror Sirius gave him, and the fact that that doesn't stop Harry now.
11th May 2009 21:13
Thank you. I'm glad you liked that reference. I couldn't imagine Harry not thinking about Sirius at any point when a mirror like that is given to him.
11th May 2009 09:41
You know my love of all things Harry/Kingsley, yes? *g* Hotness aside, it's the little moments - the hug in the beginning, the conversation at the end - that make this pure love for me. Nice one!
11th May 2009 21:15
Thanks, darling. That's the thing about non-canon pairings, you know? I need to ground myself in the relationship, before I can get to the sex. I'm so glad that everyone else likes that as well.
11th May 2009 21:34
Oh, I know. I have tons of little fics with various pairings trying to get myself grounded in the real part of their relationship. You did good finding the Kingsley center for this one. ;)
11th May 2009 21:40
Thank you. I've never written Kingsley before, so he was an interesting character to write. He's always struck me as an intensely strong, intensely self-confident character.
11th May 2009 10:24
I have to agree with Minxie, the hottness was damn good, but it was the relationship bits that made this fic perfect! :D Thank you!
11th May 2009 21:15
Cool. Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked their relationship.
11th May 2009 10:27
Gah, so nummy! Even after having seen this several times now, it still makes my brain fizzle. I LOVE IT!

*obviously needs more Kingsley icons, dammit*
11th May 2009 11:43
*raises hand*

I have Kingsley icons you can nick. I do, I do.
11th May 2009 21:19
And I think I'll be nicking. Because I don't have even one.
11th May 2009 21:35
I told you before to nick whichever ones strike your fancy, darlin'! *G*
11th May 2009 21:18
Thank you for your help. And fizzling? Is good.

Hmmm... I don't even have one Kingsley icon. Must get.
11th May 2009 10:37
Oh yeah!! This was hot...and sweet...and tender. Frankly it was perfect. I would love to see more of the boy's lives together if you ever feel like writing it.
11th May 2009 21:22
*glee* Thank you.

I don't know if I'll write more, but I've said no before, and found the words pouring out of my fingertips. So, I'll never say never.

11th May 2009 11:30
Meep?! *snuggles close to fic*

I LOVE ♥ Kingsley/Harry and you my dear always manage to make me love it even more. It's usually the small things, like caring for each and thinking of Sirius and the talking after the sex :)
11th May 2009 21:26
Yay, thank you. This is my first time writing this pairing, and I'm so glad that it worked for you so well.
11th May 2009 12:35
That was very nice and hot. Love the interaction between Harry/Kingsley and the not so helpful assistant. The visit using mirrors was delicious.
11th May 2009 21:27 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
Thank you so much. Carlotta was a lot of fun to write, and so were the mirrors.
11th May 2009 18:23
Mmmmm, and again I wish there really was magic. Guh!
And is it bad that I want to see Malfoy deal with Carlotta? ;)
Awesome, babe!
11th May 2009 21:28 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
I'd like to see Malfoy give Carlotta her comeuppance, frankly. Kings is just way too nice. Although that might change after he no longer has to depend upon her good graces to hide his relationship with Harry. *g*

11th May 2009 21:55
Eeee, I love their intimacy -- both emotional and sexual.
11th May 2009 22:08 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
Thank you so much. I'm so happy that that came through in the story.
13th May 2009 13:30
Phew, certainly made me see Kingsley in a different light! I'd never considered this pairing before but you gave this relationship credibility, one of many things I adore about your writing. Great job, xxx
13th May 2009 13:59
I aim to please. *g*

Seriously, I'm glad this pairing worked in the story. That's one of the challenges I love about writing rare pairs.

And if you want to read more Kingsley/Harry, I recommend the stories written by [info]florida_minxie. See http://the-minx-17.insanejournal.com/tag/hp+pairing:+hp/ks and, for a special treat, http://the-minx-17.insanejournal.com/tag/hp+pairing:+hp/ks/cw
18th May 2009 08:37
Haven't read very much of these two, but I love the dynamic here. Wonderful. :)
24th May 2009 21:58 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
Thank you so much.
19th May 2009 19:36
Wonderful! I just adore Kingsley-as you said in one of the comments above he's definitely strong and self-confident which makes him oh, so sexy. And as others have mentioned their relationship is just as brilliant as the very very hot smexiness. Great job, my dear!
21st May 2009 08:39 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
Thank you so much. Yes, Kingsley's strength is so much a part of his appeal (to Harry as well, I'm sure. There haven't been enough strong people in his life that he could depend upon.)
17th July 2009 03:50
Ooh... very inspiring. Thanks for the tip, Leela!
20th August 2009 18:28 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
Thanks for letting me know you liked the story.
18th June 2010 11:23
Wow, how I miss this, loving Harry&Kings the way I do? ^^ Just wonderful!!!
23rd June 2010 03:13 - Re: Mirror, Mirror
I'm so glad you found it, and that you enjoyed it so much.
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