Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Ashamed (Viktor/Percy, NC-17) 
10th May 2009 01:58
Title: Ashamed
Author: [info]emiime
Characters: Percy/Viktor
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None.
Themes/kinks chosen: Mutual masturbation
Word Count: 1010
Summary: Viktor likes to watch, but Percy is ashamed.
Author's notes: Um, it's the ninth in Hawaii, still, I think…

"Come to me."

Viktor pulled Percy close to him by his thin wrists. Percy shivered, and Viktor smirked. He knew that Percy liked it when he was rough. He had made Percy confess as much in one of their first heated nights together, had held off touching Percy's prick until Percy had spilled his secret, the secret that Viktor had already known. He knew it from the way Percy shivered and arched against him when Viktor used his teeth and his nails and his strong fingers to leave marks on Percy's pale flesh.

He kissed Percy hard on the mouth. Percy returned the kiss, and his was not tentative, as their first exploratory kisses had been, but hungry, demanding, the kiss of a man who had denied himself for too many years.

Viktor broke away from the kiss but kept his face quite close to Percy's.

"I want to watch you."

Percy blinked at him. "Watch me do what?" His voice was husky from the wine and the kisses they had shared.

"I want to watch you take care of this." Viktor slid his hand down and cupped the bulge between Percy's legs, and Percy closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I can't do that."

Viktor raised an eyebrow. "Look at me." Percy opened his eyes. "Yes you can, and yes you will. I want to watch you." Viktor tightened his grip on Percy's wrists, and Percy exhaled.

"Let's go to the bedroom, then," he said.

Viktor knew that this was as close to a promise as he would get from his strange lover, but he also knew that if he needed to, he could give Percy just a little of what Percy wanted in order to gain what he wanted for himself. He followed Percy into the bedroom and tugged his jumper over his head, then peeled off the shirt he wore underneath. He was halfway out of his trousers before Percy had even finished unbuttoning his shirt.

Though it had taken some time, and though it still frustrated him, Viktor understood that Percy had trouble showing his body, and he tried to be patient. But he could have sworn that Percy was going more slowly than he usually did, and Viktor frowned, standing there in their bedroom in just his pants.

"Please let me see you," he said, "Please finish your undressing and let me see and let me watch." He stepped closer. "You are so strange. I would not be with you if I did not like you." He stumbled a bit over his words. Percy was always so good and so precise with his, and Viktor was ashamed sometimes of the inconsistencies with the language that still plagued him.

When Percy was down to just his pants, Viktor laid him across the bed, holding tightly to those wrists he so loved to grip and bite and bruise, pressing rough kisses to Percy's throat, then moving lower, lower, suckling on a nipple and flicking it with his tongue, scraping teeth against skin and causing Percy to make the noises Viktor so loved.

"Please—" Percy arched up, rutting against Viktor, and Viktor could feel the hot hardness of him, and a smile tugged at his lips.

"No," he said, releasing Percy, "I told you what I want to see."

Percy let out a noise that was almost a whine when Viktor let his wrists go. "Just give me a bit more," he gasped, and Viktor narrowed his eyes.

"No, now," he said, and he shoved down the front of his pants and took his own prick in hand, smearing his precome over the head of it with his thumb. "See? It is not hard to do." He stroked himself, looking down at his lover, straddling his knees. He had wanted this for quite a long time. Viktor had always liked to watch his lovers, even when they were doing mundane things, and to watch someone come apart was, to him, the height of intimacy.

When Percy finally reached for his own prick, Viktor let out a breathy moan. "Yes, like that, yes," he said, and he continued stroking himself, thrusting into his hand.

Percy shoved his pants partway down, as Viktor had, just enough to let his prick and balls peek out, just enough to give himself space to manoeuvre. Viktor sped his hand on his cock as Percy finally began to stroke himself.

Viktor shuddered and looked up from Percy's cock to his face, and frowned when he saw that Percy had his eyes closed. "Eyes opened," he demanded, "Look at me and touch yourself. Fuck, yes, Percy, you watch me, too."

Percy nodded and squirmed under the scrutiny, but he kept touching himself, finally relaxing and letting his hand fall into what Viktor knew must be his natural rhythm.

Viktor swore, urging Percy on, feeling the tightening coil of orgasm beginning, and he thrust forward harder, harder, into his hand, and he finally choked out "Need to see you," and either Percy understood or he couldn't help himself, for his orgasm exploded from him then, and Percy cried out, and Viktor did, then, too, releasing himself all over Percy's stomach, his come spattering on Percy's skin as Viktor threw his head back and shouted.

Viktor collapsed next to Percy on their bed, one leg over one of Percy's, shuddering with the aftershocks of his orgasm.

They were silent, then, save for their breaths, which mingled and slowed in the humid air of their bedroom.

After some time, Viktor moved his leg away and spoke.

"I like you just how you are," he murmured, "Don't ever be—" He cut himself off, searching for the word. "Fuck, I don't know it. But still, you don't do it." He turned away from Percy, and a moment later, thin arms went around him from behind, and Percy's voice was close to his ear, warm and reassuring after his verbal fumbling.

"I like you just how you are," said Percy, "Don't ever be ashamed."
10th May 2009 07:58
Mm, delicious. I enjoyed reading this.
10th May 2009 12:53
Thank you!
10th May 2009 08:45
That ending was unexpectedly touching. Loved this!
10th May 2009 12:54
Yay, thank you!
10th May 2009 10:04
Mmmmmmmf, Viktor Krum, you fantastic sex god, you. :))
10th May 2009 12:54
I think that's pretty much his entire function...
10th May 2009 13:46
This is so very sweet!*-*
How they are both ashamed and want to reassure the other... *sighs happily*
Oh, and it was hot as well (thought I should tell you that, too.^^°).
Thank you for making me feel so warm inside!^_^
Bye, prayer:-*
10th May 2009 14:54
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!
10th May 2009 18:26
Oh, this was perfect! Made my tummy do those little flips and everything; they're just beautiful together. VERY sexy & sweet.
10th May 2009 23:09
Yay, thank you!
10th May 2009 18:31
That was lovely, sexy, and so sweet!
I love how Viktor is sure of himself yet unsure of the right words and how precise Percy is and yet unsure of his own appeal. What a sweet pair they make. :)
10th May 2009 23:10
Thank you, honey! ♥
10th May 2009 19:55
That was great! They make a good couple, very sexy together. :)
10th May 2009 23:10
Thank you! :D
10th May 2009 22:07
Oh wow. I don't like Viktor OR Percy, but I like this!

*nom nom nom*
10th May 2009 23:12
Heeee, I'm glad! :D
10th May 2009 23:01
Good lord. Such hotness! The sweetness is a major bonus, of course, but I really like the sexing :)

"See? It is not hard to do."

Gah. *fans self*
10th May 2009 23:13
Yay, thank you! I was honestly kind of unsure because I wrote this in a manic, exhausted hour-long rush last night after realizing I'd completely forgotten my DD day...so I am seriously glad it seemed to work. :)
11th May 2009 05:58
What a deliciously hot fic, made better still because it also managed to be tender and snuggly and all those good things (although hot is very good, too, of course).
11th May 2009 21:59
Thank you! ♥ ♥ ♥
11th May 2009 13:02
Aww, that was so hot and sweet. They're both fumbly in their own way. I am so loving this surge of Viktor fic ♥
11th May 2009 21:59
Thank you! and yes, more Viktor fic is always good...
21st May 2009 18:20
Interesting that they both feel shame, but about different things (nudity, language) and yet neither thinks that what the other finds shameful is any sort of problem. Great complementarity (and very hot!).
21st May 2009 19:30
Thank you! :D
25th May 2009 12:40

*cries a little bit*

*realises it's an over-reaction, but awwww*
26th May 2009 01:28

*passes tissues*
9th June 2009 00:58
That last line made me forget that I just read a lot of smut. It was just so sweet!
9th June 2009 02:08
Thank you!
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