Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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9th May 2009 10:16
Well, I did notice that it was a different Claude. Nicer, and very much younger, obviously. Jeremy, too, was clearly a different Jeremy, as the original wasn't a slag. Do you really think that anyone who read that Amazing Epic of Fornication would have forgotten it?

Maine has a fight ahead still, but one good thing is that Mainers hate outsiders telling them what to do. If nothing else, that might get a bunch of the indifferent, or the fence sitters, off their duffs to vote to keep the legislation. Someone mentioned that in CA, they bussed in a bunch of immigrants to picket and such. Good luck with that here. They'd have to get 'em from Canada if they don't want them immediately noticed for who they are, as Maine isn't the most diverse place in the world. Not that we're all that exclusionary or anything, we're just a lot colder, and the job market sucks, so....
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