Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
4th April 2018 
01:00 - Time to Vote for Your Favorite Fornicators!
Apologies yet again for the delay. My internet connection and I need to have a serious heart-to-heart about its habit of wanting to go down at the most inconvenient times. (Still not at fun as it sounds!)

[Posted using this personal journal rather than the mod account due to the fact that polls can only be created/posted by paid or permanent accounts. Apologies for the aberration!]

It's time to vote for your favorite Wheel of Fornication pieces in a few fun categories! You'll have five days to read, view, and vote -- until midnight U.S. Eastern time on Monday, then we'll announce the winners and hand out awards on Tuesday.

A couple of quick notes about the categories:

For "best use of prompt," in cases where multiple prompts were used in a piece, you only need to vote based on the use of one prompt that you particularly liked. E.g., if someone's use of "birthday cake" was only average, but their take on "pin the tail on the donkey" was the greatest thing ever, you absolutely can vote for the piece in this category.

As for "deliciously deviant": define that however you choose. The kinkiest, the most irreverent, the least fit for polite society. Pick the piece that you believe most represents the sort of thing we all love around this comm.

Once again, here's the masterlist of pieces.

...And here's the poll!

Poll #7986 The Wheel of Fornication Winners
Open to: All, results viewable to: None

Which contains the most blisteringly hot birthday bang?

Let's Slip Away
1 (10.0%)

It's My Party and I'll Lick Pussy if I Want To (Part 2)
2 (20.0%)

By Personal Invitation Only or: The Potions Master Entertains
1 (10.0%)

Packs a Punch
0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

Slow Hands
0 (0.0%)

Her Waiting Mouth
3 (30.0%)

Ribbons and Beaux
0 (0.0%)

Ladies' Night
3 (30.0%)

Which contains the best use of a prompt?

Let's Slip Away
1 (10.0%)

It's My Party and I'll Lick Pussy if I Want To (Part 2)
1 (10.0%)

By Personal Invitation Only or: The Potions Master Entertains
2 (20.0%)

Packs a Punch
0 (0.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Slow Hands
0 (0.0%)

Her Willing Mouth
1 (10.0%)

Ribbons and Beaux
1 (10.0%)

Ladies' Night
3 (30.0%)

Which is the most deliciously deviant?

Let's Slip Away
1 (10.0%)

It's My Party and I'll Lick Pussy if I Want To (Part 2)
4 (40.0%)

By Personal Invitation Only or: The Potions Master Entertains
2 (20.0%)

Packs a Punch
0 (0.0%)

1 (10.0%)

Slow Hands
0 (0.0%)

Her Willing Mouth
0 (0.0%)

Ribbons and Beaux
0 (0.0%)

Ladies' Night
2 (20.0%)

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