Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
29th November 2016 
10:24 - Fic: Confess (Seamus, Harry/OMC; NC-17)
Title: Confess
Author: [info]_melodic_
Characters/Pairings: Seamus, Harry, mention of Harry/Ginny and Harry/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Adultery. Erotic Confessions.
Other Warnings/Content: Infidelity. Wanking. Coming in Pants. Semi-Public Sex. Morally Ambiguous Seamus.
Word Count: ~1,790
Summary/Description: Harry, overcome with guilt, confesses his infidelity to his good mate. Seamus is only too eager to listen.
Author's Notes: I had a lot of fun with the themes this month! Thank you to [info]gracerene for the beta!

Confess )
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