Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
19th August 2016 
13:49 - Fic: 'A Horned Slug, Passant', Horace Slughorn/Luna Lovegood, R
Title: A Horned Slug, Passant
Author: [info]purplefluffycat
Prompt: The ABCs of sex: L; and AUgust: 'Voldemort wins'
Pairings: Horace Slughorn/Luna Lovegood
Themes: For you to guess :-)
Content: I'm not sure whether this should be an apology or an assurance(!) but it's not actually very porny - more of the AU scenario that insisted on being taken for a walk. It does just qualify for the R rating, though. I hope you give it a try, despite/because of the unorthodox pairing!
Rating: R
Words: About 4500
Summary: In a dystopian future where Voldemort has triumphed, Horace receives a disturbing letter from the Department for the Preservation and Furthering of Magical Blood.

A Horned Slug, Passant )
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