Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
17th March 2016 
18:42 - Birthday Bash: Memorable Messages
As another part of our 10th birthday celebration, we ask for your:

Daily Deviant has lived a long time in HP fandom, through a lot of pinnacle events and changes. Some of us have been along for the ride since the early days while others came in somewhere in the middle. Our fandom experiences are all different as are our experiences with this comm.

We invite everyone to write messages describing how Daily Deviant has affected your fandom experience. Remember when or how you first found out about Daily Deviant? Have memorable moments or funny stories to share? Discovered a new favorite kink you didn't know existed? Just want to say hello and thanks for all the porn? Let us know!

Your messages can be as short as a sentence or as long as an essay. Just leave them in comments to this post.
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