Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
13th March 2016 
21:30 - Retrospective recs
I recced fourteen of my old favourites from DD over on my journal. Link not a repost, sorry, but I can't do any more formatting and keep my sanity :) Obviously this is all about my tastes and doesn't have a couple of old favourites I've recced before - but everything on the list is fabulous so you should still check it out :)

Recs ahoy!
23:05 - Retrospective Recs!
So I totally spaced! I meant to do this before but, alas, here I am at the last minute collating recs.
What follows are the fics I haven't before recced that I always return to when I need a good, delicious, DD read.

Recs ahoy! )
And that's all I have time for at the moment.
23:08 - Fic Recs
Argh, I had planned so many recs for this part of the Birthday Bash, but of course, I forgot that the deadline was upon me. So I will have to make do with only five. I'm a sucker for older characters, rare pairs, and kink that grows from character. All the stories below fit those requirements wonderfully. You'll just have to take my word for it that I could have recced many more (if only I had paid closer attention to the schedule).

A Few Kelly Recs )
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