Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: This Evening's Entertainment (Luna/Pansy) R 
19th April 2009 01:00
Title: This Evening's Entertainment
Characters: Luna/Pansy
Kink:sex shows
Rating: R
Summary:The Dark Lord always has an eye for new talent.....

19th April 2009 00:05
Dear me! They're so pretty!
The Dark Lord definitely has a discerning eye. ;)
Beautiful work.
19th April 2009 02:06
Thank you very much!
19th April 2009 00:16
That's ... wow. Absolutely gorgeous!
19th April 2009 02:05
Thank you!
19th April 2009 00:40
And another reason to root for LV :P

That is really gorgeous, lovely work!
19th April 2009 02:04
19th April 2009 00:50
Oh, my! This is beautiful. I love the expression on Luna's face; it's so hesitant and wide open; and Pansy's too for that matter. Oh oh oh! This picture is so much love. <3
19th April 2009 02:03
Thanks! :)
19th April 2009 01:56
The Dark Lord has great taste in women. I love this -- esp Pansy's coy little grin from behind Luna. :)
19th April 2009 02:02
Thank you!
19th April 2009 03:17
God, I love this. Both of their expressions are perfect and gorgeous.
29th April 2009 11:38
Thank you!
19th April 2009 06:13
Oh, that is GORGEOUS. I feel so naughty looking! I love Pansy's coy smirk and Luna's "who's watching this?" nervousness. It's beautiful.
19th April 2009 07:02
Both their expressions are just sooo perfect-the wide eyes on Luna and the little smirk from Pansy. Love the position they are in as well. Great job.
19th April 2009 08:10
This is amazing! The lines are clean and expressive without being stark, and their facial expressions are very striking.
19th April 2009 08:24
Oh, they are both so BEAUTIFUL. I love the expression on Luna's face. One of coy surprise ♥
19th April 2009 08:53
I adore your style!
19th April 2009 09:48
That's gorgeous!! I love the looks on their faces, and such a sexy pose. I love the detail that it's the Dark Lord who's watching, too. *shivers* Very chilling and very erotic!
29th April 2009 11:35
19th April 2009 10:38
Oh, wow. It's the little details that make this work. Not just the looks on their faces, but the placement of their hands. The way Luna's hand is reaching down, and Pansy's is bringing Luna closer.
19th April 2009 11:28
Oh wow! This is very gorgeous and I love the expressions on both Pansy and Luna's faces, not to mention the pose you have them in.
19th April 2009 17:48
*stares* That is gorgeous and very, very hot...
21st April 2009 07:50
Oh, this is gorgeous! I love their EYES. So luminous, which I can't figure out how you DID that! lol Really beautiful work.
29th April 2009 11:26
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it! :)
21st April 2009 12:46
Pansy's face in particular is PERFECT!
21st April 2009 18:43
Beautifully done, I love the style of inking on this and your anatomy is spot on! *is envious*
3rd May 2009 09:12
Wow, I'm not really into femslash at all but this is beautiful. The look on Luna's face kills me!

12th May 2009 17:32
Wow! Oh, wow! This is amazing. What look! Beautiful!
20th July 2009 01:48
i LOVE pansy's expression, especially in contrast with ginny's. amazing snapshot, I feel so dirty looking at it!
9th December 2010 03:04
Utterly gorgeous
25th June 2012 15:57
Oh, this is fabulous. I love Luna's open and vulnerable expression and how Pansy holds her, both steadying and keeping her in place. And the implication that it's the Dark Lord who's watching adds a chilling quality to this already striking picture.
Bookmarking so I can stare at it whenever I want ♥

This review was written for Recensioni d'Estate @ maridichallenge (http://maridichallenge.livejournal.com/).
25th June 2012 16:02
Oh, this is fabulous. I love Luna's open and vulnerable expression and how Pansy holds her, both steadying and keeping her in place. And the implication that it's the Dark Lord who's watching adds a chilling quality to this already striking picture.
Bookmarking so I can stare at it whenever I want ♥

This review was written for Recensioni d'Estate @ maridichallenge.
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