Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Fan, R 
26th February 2009 18:34
Title: Fan
Artist: [info]ghot
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Oliver Wood
Rating: R
Warnings: Wanking, man bits.
Themes/kinks chosen: Pornography.
Artist's notes: Oliver really loves Quidditch.

ETA: Anyone knows of a decent image host?? Every time I have this bandwidth problem with Ripway! Just uploaded it to TurboImageHost, but I don't know if I like this site... Aww, damn, uploaded to LJ now.
26th February 2009 15:56
Mmmm, lovely!
The beefy portrait on the wall is awesome, as is the dude on the front of the mag.
And OLIVER! rrrrrow! Verra nice! :)
26th February 2009 15:59
Oh my God, you are so good! This is so realistic!! I mean, uh. Cough. I haven't seen a man naked in... a while. But you know what I mean! ;) Totally awesome, and of course Oliver really, really likes Quidditch. And Quidditch players. Whee!
26th February 2009 16:00
My gosh, I don't even like Wood all that much, but this pic makes me want to lick him at various places.^^
Great work!
26th February 2009 16:06
I just made a completely involuntary noise upon seeing this that sounded approximately like nmgnghhnn. I'm speechless. Well, except for the nmgnghhnn. Wow.
26th February 2009 16:31
You titled this 'fan'... I think I need one. It's a little warm in here! *wipes brow*

Hot stuff!
26th February 2009 16:34
Oh Sweet Merlin! The accent makes me melt! Now I just wanna crawl into the picture and taste him ALL OVER!! Bravo!! Well done!
26th February 2009 17:44
Mmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Yes, hello. *looks Oliver up and down* He's just delicious...
26th February 2009 19:41
it's not working! something about exceeding the bandwidth *cries*
26th February 2009 19:45
Beautiful drawing! - he's wonderfully proportioned and I love the texture of his skin :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
26th February 2009 21:02
Oh man, this is gorgeous.

I use imageshack. So far they haven't deleted any of my stuff.
26th February 2009 21:23
Oh wow! Incredible!
26th February 2009 21:24
Mmmmm, beautiful Wood! wow he is gorgeous! I like Quidditch too, apparently!
27th February 2009 00:32
omgfuckikjhgfds; Your art just keeps getting better and better. The shading is absofrigginlutely amazing.
27th February 2009 00:37 - !
That's so eye pleasing! I love how realistic he looks. So very nice!
27th February 2009 00:54
Wow! The coloring in this is just fantastic! His skin tone is perfect, and his features and expression look realistic and all over lovely. All over hot, too. Whoo. *gets a little sweaty*
27th February 2009 01:33

I'm blown away by the quality of this piece. It's gorgeous, and your coloring is to die for.
27th February 2009 02:34
That is beautiful. Just beautiful.

27th February 2009 03:47
*is too busy drooling to comment properly*
27th February 2009 06:41
Worth waiting for-dear God, that is gorgeous! He's just about perfect. GUH! Wow. Amazing.
27th February 2009 08:09
Gorgeous. I love, love that poster on the wall. Nekkid!Oliver is always good!
27th February 2009 10:17
Now THAT'S some Wood! Oh, my , yes indeed! I'm oddly attracted to the colour of the sheets and now nicely it sets off his skin tone (random weirdness, I know). His legs are stunning (man, I wanna be all OVER that skin) and his abs - the way he's looking down with those eyelashes just... well I imagine them fluttering slightly in bliss as he handles his.... erm.... weapon of mass distraction!


I think I need to lie down.
27th February 2009 10:18
Y'know, I think I'd die a happy death if I could produce something like this. Siriusly.
27th February 2009 15:48
Oh my goodness--that's just...GUH *speechless* Seriously hot. *is having all sorts of inappropriate thoughts now*
27th February 2009 19:01
Holy crap, this is gorgeous.
27th February 2009 20:46
Oh my god, honey, you have outdone yourself. QUIDDITCH PLAYER SMUT YES. :)
The way my screen is, as I type all I can see is Oliver's lower leg, and the tone, definition, shading, red knee, and little bird ankles (yay, I have those too, Oliver!) just kill me. If I scroll up, the rest makes me faint.
This just makes me want so much ghot art, it is crazy. (I'm so greedy!) HEARTS AND STARS FOR YOU!!! YAY!
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