Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Colin and Marietta Make a Porno, R 
7th February 2009 19:53
Title: Colin and Marietta Make a Porno
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Colin and Marietta, with Crabbe and Goyle, a lot of Polyjuice, and a magical strap-on.
Rating: R?
Warnings: Silly.
Themes/kinks chosen: Pornography.
Artist's notes: My day will be the sixth of the month, but I only figured out the invite thing today and read the themes a couple of hours ago, thus I am late and rushed and posting on the seventh. I will do better next time!
Art preview:

Marietta: Too many candles. It's distracting. It should have a plain background.

Colin: Drink your nice Snapey Polyjuice and get in there and I'll let you get rid of the candles. In fact, swoop in there in a bad temper to banish them. And make him stop waving while you're at it.
7th February 2009 01:33
Oh man, this is brilliant!!! :D I love that Crabbe and Goyle are polyjuiced as Harry and Hermione(?), and how into the strap-on they are! And the caption just makes it so much sillier, if possible. *loves*
7th February 2009 17:59
Thanks! =D Glad you like the silly.
7th February 2009 01:55
OMG! I love it so much. This is awesome---hahahaha! The idea of making wizarding porn with polyjuice is so much win!

7th February 2009 17:59
Thanks! =D
7th February 2009 02:36

7th February 2009 17:54
=D Glad to amuse!
7th February 2009 03:01
"Drink your nice Snapey polyjuice" - LOL! That's genius.

7th February 2009 06:40
7th February 2009 17:57
Thanks! =D
7th February 2009 07:19
Love Crabbe and Goyle, er, I mean Harry and Hermione. *g* I like Marietta's clothes and posture-don't mess with her. Perfect job for Colin. *nods* Well done (especially so quickly!).
7th February 2009 17:54
7th February 2009 07:30
LOL! Very funny. I'd love to see Snape swoop in on them!
7th February 2009 17:55
Thanks! I'm imagining the swooping as extra-dramatic. :D
7th February 2009 09:45
OH WOW THAT'S AMAZING! This made me giggle, then I read the work at the bottom and I actually laughed out loud. It's so amazing and I love the movie reference. *g*

Also, I'm going to be an utter dork and say OMG YOU'RE HERE AND I LOVE YOUR WORKS. ♥♥♥ /end dorkiness
7th February 2009 17:53
Thanks! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I love the title and I'll see it if it ever gets to this country.
I'm thrilled I got an invitation to be here! Hi! Wheeee!
7th February 2009 09:53
great fun, and a nice little drawing as well.
7th February 2009 17:57
Thanks! =D
7th February 2009 10:04
LOLOL This is made of win and awesome!!! Polyjuice porn FTW xD

Loving the art itself, and your choice of characters, and then add the text and you have me crying with laughter!! Amazing first post. :D

It's pure genius to have it be Marietta and Colin, she wants revenge over Hermione and he wants to see Harry naked ;D
7th February 2009 17:56
Thanks! =D

she wants revenge over Hermione and he wants to see Harry naked
That's what I figured.
7th February 2009 10:32
Utterly brilliant. *giggles*
Welcome to DD! :)
7th February 2009 17:57
Thanks! =D
7th February 2009 10:51
Ahahahaha, WIN!!! The waving at the camera. Just. *dead* ♥

Welcome to the comm!
7th February 2009 18:01
Thanks! =D
7th February 2009 12:09
This is fanTASTIK! The whole set up is great, and 'Harry' waving? And 'Snape' about to swoop in? *dies*
7th February 2009 16:26
The cheery expressions on the faces of 'Harry' and 'Hermione' just broke me!
7th February 2009 17:04
I don't know what to say other than : OMG SO MUCH FUN!!! :-D I love it.
7th February 2009 17:35
*dies laughing*

This is brilliant, I love it.
8th February 2009 02:35
That is fabulously hilarious!
8th February 2009 03:09
Aaaahahaha, awesome! Crabbe and Goyle's unabashedly cheery expressions about the whole thing are just hilarious. As is the idea of Snape!Marietta swooping in to join them! ::snertle::

Wow, I can't believe you whipped this out in time for posting, considering the short notice. Color me impressed. Welcome to the comm!
8th February 2009 03:09
*dies* That is the most awesome thing I've seen all day. Great first post! (And WELCOME!)
9th February 2009 07:31
wow, that is hilarious and wrong. what a debut! :D
10th February 2009 06:14
This is hilarious.
10th February 2009 15:35
OMG freaking hilariously PERFECT!! What an excellent first post! You're completely awesome and this art is fantastic!
13th February 2009 11:32

*revives and checks picture*

*dies again*
14th February 2009 00:44
Ahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, this is so much fun!
16th February 2009 23:50
I love this! I suspect Crabbe and Goyle are loving it, too!
27th February 2009 09:00
This is hilarious - and also very well-drawn. Kudos!

PurpleFluffyCat x
1st March 2009 08:51
Wait, are those two fucking Crabbe and Goyle?!! Oh my God, amazing!! LOL
Their expressions!! *dies*
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