Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas for Senjy, Art 
18th December 2008 00:40
Title: Finding Christmas
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Media: Photoshop and tablet Tablet
Characters: Snape/Tonks
Rating: R
Warnings: NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: Kink: Oral Sex, Holiday item: Christmas Tree
Artist's notes: Tonks convinces Severus that some holidays are worth celebrating. Merry Kinky, Senjy!!!!

18th December 2008 03:38
Wow, Tonks is extra-festive, isn't she?

I like how Severus looks like he's doing this almost lazily, and ooh, his nice long leg... and Tonks staring straght at the observer!
20th December 2008 10:40
She sure is, that girl knows how to accessorize!
18th December 2008 04:34
Love Tonks's Christmas-coloured hair!
20th December 2008 10:40
Thank you!
18th December 2008 05:51
Oh, hot 69! And very festive mood! I love Tonks's red and green hair and her matching coloured socks. :-)
20th December 2008 10:41
Thank you!
18th December 2008 05:58
Ooooh, lovely!
20th December 2008 10:41
Thank you!
18th December 2008 07:00
Guh! Festive *and* hot!
20th December 2008 10:41
Thank you very much!
18th December 2008 07:20
OMG I love Tonks! Matching hair, socks, bangles and rings! And the pose is fabulous. There is never enough soixante neuf. ;) Happy Christmas indeed from the look of things. Excellent work.
20th December 2008 10:41
Thank you very much!
18th December 2008 07:50
I think I would be such festive as well if I were in her shoes (if only! *sighz*)
Yummm, her lolly looks like extremely delicious :D And lovely socks.
20th December 2008 10:42
Thank you!
18th December 2008 11:04
WAH!!! *glomps Karasu to death* I had no idea you were doing this!!! *flails with happiness*

I adore adore Tonks' colour co-ordination with her socks and bangles and she's so pretty! And Sev looks like he is concentrating on the matter at hand :D Gah, I really love the way her tongue is sticking out and licking over the top of Sev's cock, and her lips!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Man, I have to make Tonks' face into an icon right now!!

Oh! and I love the xmas tree in the background too! :D
20th December 2008 10:42
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
18th December 2008 12:13
yummy candy cane she's got there.

For some reason, I love the couch... the colour the way it slouches under them. it's like I can feel the velour on my skin...
20th December 2008 10:43
Thank you!
18th December 2008 14:22
Festive!Tonks FTW! *g*
And intent Severus... *drools*

And I agree about the squishy couch. I wanna lie on it with them.
18th December 2008 18:29
Aw man, this makes me wish for a gift just like this. Delicious.
20th December 2008 10:43
Thank you!
18th December 2008 19:56
Eeee, Karasu, that's fantastic!!! Tonks's hair, YAY! And the position - mmmmmmf. Awesome. :)
20th December 2008 10:43
Thank you!
18th December 2008 21:23
Her hair and the Christmas lights set this off so well. Beautiful!!!!
20th December 2008 10:43
Thank you!
20th December 2008 10:26
Oh if only I could be as festive as Tonks!
What a merry merry Christmas for the both of them
20th December 2008 10:43
Thank you!
20th December 2008 21:27
Hahaha, Tonks's sense of style is great! I love those socks -- and the matching hair and jewelry, too! :D
21st December 2008 00:03
Everyone's said it, but I LOVE Tonks' hair. She is entirely too sexy with her flirtatious eyes, too. The whole piece is just YUM! Lovely.
23rd December 2008 01:42
I'm just mesmerized by Tonks's position... and sock. :D
27th December 2008 12:25
I know it's been said, but I absolutely adore Tonks' hair, matching her bracelet, her lipstick, her eyebrows, and her socks. And the way Severus just seems to enjoy his position. This is amazing! Plus, I love the Christmas tee at the back--it's so naughty and fun at the same time. :3 Thanks for sharing!
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