Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: My Little Girl (Percy/Oliver, NC-17) 
18th November 2008 00:08
Title: My Little Girl
Author: [info]emiime
Characters: Percy/Oliver
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Angst, crossdressing, copious amounts of whisky, vaguely insane Oliver.
Kinks chosen: Gender-bending
Word Count: 1040
Summary: Oliver doesn't fuck men.
Author's notes: So, this contains not one, but two things I don't like and therefore never write: bottom!Percy and crossdressing. I have no idea where this came from. ♥ to the mods for letting me post on a different day from my regular since I fail at deadlines.

Percy doesn't like it, but Oliver doesn't know that.

Percy gets off simply because it's Oliver fucking him, Oliver's cock buried in his arse, Oliver's skin sweat-stuck to Percy's own. Percy doesn't get off on silk knickers. He doesn't come from Oliver's cooing nicknames, My sweetheart and My little girl. Percy's wanted Oliver for so long, and he'll be a girl if he has to, he'll be whatever Oliver needs him to be, he'll wear the lacy little things Oliver picks out for him, just to have Oliver in his bed, in his flat, in his life.

It doesn't matter that Percy doesn't like what he has to become when they fuck, because Oliver's gripping his hips and grunting and soon Oliver will come inside him, and that's all Percy wants, that's all he's ever wanted.

No, that's a lie. He wants Oliver to stay in the bed afterwards, too, long enough for Percy to peel the sodden knickers from his softening cock and drop them on the floor, long enough for Percy to slip on his glasses and become Percy again, long enough for an embrace, a kiss, a touch.

But he won't. Oliver's in the bathroom, washing up and brushing up, before Percy's even come down from his orgasmic high. Percy does peel off the knickers, but he doesn't drop them on the floor. Instead, he pads to the hamper and drops them in, then wipes the come from himself with a towel he keeps for this purpose. That goes in the hamper, too. He'll do laundry in the morning.

"Hey. Ol." Percy's put on his dressing gown—a masculine dressing gown, maroon and dark gold—and he puts his arms around Oliver from behind as Oliver finishes brushing his teeth.

Oliver grunts a question that sounds like What's up and meets Percy's eyes in the mirror.

"…nothing," Percy says lamely, and he kisses Oliver's bare shoulder and goes to make himself some tea.

"I don't fuck men."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't fuck men," Oliver repeated. He picked up a photo of Percy's family from the end table and studied it, then set it back down again. "I don't know what you expect is going to happen, Perce, but I don't have sex with blokes."

"I didn't expect—"

"So forget it."

Percy nodded. "Right."

There was a silence. Percy carried two tumblers and a bottle of whisky to the table, then sat. Oliver joined him after a moment.

"It's just—why were you buying me drinks, Ol? Why did you have your—" Percy paused, uncorked the whisky bottle, splashed some into each tumbler. "Why was your hand on my knee?" he continued, staring into his glass. His voice was rough and his thoughts were spiralling out of control. He forced himself to stop, to wait for Oliver's answer.

"Why did I come back here?" Oliver was drunk already; there was no doubting that. Percy was hardly sober himself.

"That, too."

Oliver shrugged and picked up the other tumbler of whisky from the table. He downed half of it in one go, then walked around the table and took Percy's chin in his hand, tilting it upwards and studying Percy's face.

"You'd make a pretty girl," he said, and Percy just sat there, stunned.

"Put them on," Oliver urges, and Percy lifts a pair of knickers from the pink box. "Not those. The lacy ones. You like lace."

"I do. I like lace," Percy replies, and he's glad the bedroom's just dark enough that Oliver can't see the blush that confirms Percy's lie. Not that Oliver's looking at his face, anyway. He's watching the pretty knickers in Percy's hands, watching them slide over slim, freckled hips.

They fuck, Oliver pushing the knickers aside to slick Percy's arsehole and push in.

"My sweetheart," he whispers against Percy's curls, against his sweat-damp neck. "My little love."

Oliver thrusts gently at first, as if Percy will break like a china doll, then speeds up as he grows more excited and less reverent. He'll tear the knickers, Percy thinks, and this is not an unprecedented event in their bedroom.

"Tell me you love my cock," Oliver commands, and Percy does love Oliver's cock, and he tells him so, keeping his voice light, almost feminine. Oliver likes it that way.

When Percy's parents came for dinner, they remarked on how nice the boys kept their flat.

"Not bad for a couple of bachelors," Oliver said with a hearty laugh, and he poured a scotch for Percy's dad. Percy went into the kitchen and stood at the counter for a moment and tried to collect himself. He wanted to tell them he was in love, wanted to tell them the second bedroom was just for show, but he couldn't, wouldn't, or he'd lose Oliver. He knew it. So he pasted on a smile and ate pot roast and carrots with his family and his lover and he talked about work and he pretended everything was as normal as it could possibly be.

His mum helped him with the dishes and his father and Oliver talked over more scotch and Percy thought that Oliver probably liked it this way. Girls talking nonsense in the kitchen, men talking Quidditch in the sitting room.

Later that night, Oliver had a brand new pair of knickers waiting for his sweet little girl.

Oliver's breath is whisky-warm again on Percy's neck.

"You're my little girl, aren't you? My sweetheart."

Percy nods and thrusts back, wanting Oliver's cock deeper inside him.

"Say it."

Percy whimpers.

"Fucking hell, say it." Oliver's close to coming. Percy can tell by the urgency in his voice, by the way his breath catches, by the way he grips Percy's slim hips harder, harder.

"I'm your s-sweetheart," Percy hisses through clenched teeth, "I'm y-your—"

"Little," insists Oliver.

"Your little girl," Percy says, and it's almost a whisper, and he's rewarded for the words he hates to say with Oliver's triumphant groan, with the warmth of Oliver's semen flooding his arse.

When Oliver comes, so does Percy, spurting over his hand and biting his lip until he tastes iron.

"Stay," he murmurs, but Oliver's already halfway down the hall.
18th November 2008 01:19 - Percy/Oliver = crazy!hot
Oh! This is so sexy, but also starts out fun and cute, then stabs me with the sadness... Love how you shifted the time sequence. It just --ouch. (Makes me hurt so for Percy.) More stabs of shock as I discover they are flat-mates. Aaagh! This can't end well.

... but until then, there's the sex, and they're so getting off on it, aren't they? (Oliver, you're going to wake up to reality some day, I think.)

What a pair! What a story!
18th November 2008 11:30 - Re: Percy/Oliver = crazy!hot
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed.
18th November 2008 03:23
it's so strange...i haven't read hp fic in, like, months, but something drew me to this...poor percy - i hope the sex is good, at least ;)
18th November 2008 11:31
Something=LJ being down? :P

I think the sex has to be. But yeah, poor guy...
18th November 2008 15:55
no, actually! i read this in the wee hours of the morning, having followed the link from your lj :-P
18th November 2008 16:48
I guess if I were smart enough to look at the time stamp, I'd have realized that. :P
18th November 2008 03:25
I have to admit that I'm a ship snob and very rarely cross from my specific pairings but I took a chance with this one.
I am so impressed with your writing. I ached for Percy and just wanted to smack Oliver even though I secretly applaud him for choosing lacy panties.

Wonderful work dear!
18th November 2008 11:31
Glad you liked, and glad you took a chance! :D
18th November 2008 04:48
Wow, wonderful fic. I seem to be drawn to minor pairings more than anything (except for my all-too popular OTP :-) ) - and this makes me remember why.
Excellent. Sad and painful and very well written. Percy's disgust and torn feelings spill out through the pages.

Like [info]slashpine I think Oliver will have to wake up and smell the coffee one day - even if he still likes the cross-dressing.
18th November 2008 11:32
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!
18th November 2008 06:13
Percy/Oliver is a true love of mine, but, unlike you, I love bottom!Percy. I'm not into crossdressing either, but you did a great job here. It's so sad, the things that one does for love/lust or whatever. I really felt for him.

Oliver needs a shocker to stop being in denial. I hope that Percy understands that. And that he'll be strong enough to do it.
18th November 2008 11:40
♥ Glad you enjoyed!

And yes, Oliver definitely does.
18th November 2008 07:24
Hah my OTP happens to be Percy/Oliver so I was directed here and all I can say is OLIVER, YOU STUPID GIT! He probably does get off with the way the roles split at dinner and omg why does he have to get so macho when he's drunk! He should be easier to fool while intoxicated! Give poor Percy and the knickers a break once in a while. Very lovely, indeed.
18th November 2008 11:41
Yay, thanks, glad you enjoyed!
18th November 2008 08:25
Aaaaaaaaaaah, *flaily* That was awesome! "I don't fuck men." a;lksjglsjgg. You have so many queer/questioning type issues wrapped up in here, it just totally made me head explode. In a good way. I don't even know what they'd have to do to fix this relationship, but oh, Percy. *clutches heart* I love that he does it just because it's what Oliver wants. That's so fucked up. And they're roommates. Just. ♥
18th November 2008 11:42
Aw, yay! ♥ So glad you enjoyed. I always like to write Oliver a little crazy, taking off from the moment in canon when he was trying to drown himself in the showers after losing the Quidditch game. So that's where that came from.

18th November 2008 09:47
Oh, this relationship is so fucked so many ways. Percy, you deserve better! Oliver, you twat!
18th November 2008 11:43
It definitely is. And I don't think Percy knows he deserves better...
20th November 2008 12:25
Percy doesn't want 'better', he wants Oliver. That's the trouble - keep your love or get treated by someone you don't love in the way you want :(

Very sad fic, but very hot.
20th November 2008 12:46
You're right, he doesn't want it, but he sure does deserve it, the poor kid.

Glad you liked. ♥
14th December 2008 11:03
Liked it enough that I came back and re-read it. And oh, it's so heart-breaking. *wants to write happy Percy fic to console him*
18th November 2008 12:35
Ouch. Oh, I love Percy/Ol so much and I'm so used to seeing Oliver as a sweetheart that I wasn't expecting that. That hurts, poor Percy!

18th November 2008 16:47
Yeah, my Oliver is generally a bit crazy, and it really manifested itself here.
19th November 2008 11:12
Oh, but my heart simply breaks for poor Percy here! *sniff*
Poor boys.
Oliver needs a wake up call. :/

Really well done, sweetie, even if poor Percy is in a world of hurt. *huggles him*
19th November 2008 15:57
*snuggles you* Thank you!
20th November 2008 21:33
God...this Ollie's so in denial...I want to slap him, but someday Perce'll have had enough and move on, and then he'll get what he really deserve.

*hugs Percy*
21st November 2008 01:41
I think Percy needs all the hugs he can get! :)
21st November 2008 13:13
Poor sweet messed-up Percy. Brilliantly hot and bitter.
24th November 2008 12:39
Thank you so much!
24th November 2008 04:14
Oh! This broke me a little. SadSexy and bittersweet and I find myself yelling "Stay! Stay you fool!" at my computer screen.

Very very lovely!
24th November 2008 12:39
Aww, thank you so much!
26th November 2008 20:18
Oh my God. I love this so much. It's so freaking hot and yet just devastating at the same time. Percy--oh Percy. Oh messed up boys.

So well done!
28th November 2008 15:45
Thank you so much!
27th November 2008 22:33
Oh, this is great! I do love Oliver/Percy and this was so sad.

Very hot and emotional. I really liked it. :)

I hope they work it out someday.
28th November 2008 15:46
Thank you! Glad you liked!
27th November 2008 22:54
Oh, what delicious angst! Nicely done.
28th November 2008 15:46
Thank you!
23rd December 2008 19:18
Owwww, you broke my heart.

*smacks Oliver*

Poor Percy! *wibbles*

Great fic, darling. <33
24th December 2008 01:56
♥ Thank you! *carefully tapes heart together*
13th May 2009 05:40
whoa, sexyhotcrazysad.
great Percy/Oliver.
13th May 2009 15:27
Thank you!
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