Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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17th November 2008 14:31
This is so definitely not "too strange." It's perfect, awesome, wonderfully different. I love your Teddy and your Snape both. Their characterization, and the situations each is in, open up a huge world of possibilities!

Which is no doubt one reason their encounter is so hot.

Teddy "wakes up" - wow. That last line is *so cool*! Everything about this fic is a waking-up of Teddy, the reader, Harry too probably...

... and Snape? What *is* Snape doing?!?!? My brain dreams of more, and I'm not on Blue Skies. Merlin, I love a post-ep AR with Snape amongst the Muggles. Teddy is his most perfect complement in any such world.

Also, I must say I *love* the Snupin-y overtone with Teddy's resembling Remus (awww! *wibbles*), and Snape being one of the few that spots it. Hah! More 3some-ish UST.
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