Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Coping Mechanism (Remus/Sirius, R) 
5th November 2008 17:35
Title: Coping Mechanism
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Rating: R
Warnings: HA! Um, read the chosen theme carefully!
Themes/kinks chosen: Coprophagy
Word Count: ~1250
Summary: Remus spends a rough night alone. What's a werewolf to do but find comfort where he can?
Author's notes: Thanks to [info]eeyore9990 and [info]sevfan who were brave enough to look this over for me. I promised them fluffy scat and I hope I got it right.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.


Coping Mechanism


Wolfsbane was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, he could remember what it felt like to be human even when in a wolf’s body, and to some extent he still thought like a human under its influence, but on the other, there was no longer any forgetting of the excruciating pain of his transformation. He remembered every bone breaking and re-knitting, every torn and reshaped muscle, every gouge he inflicted on his own skin.

And he still dreaded the moon. As he lay there, panting, staring up at it, Remus’ loneliness hit him once more. Another thing losing himself to his animal form had allowed him to forget.

Growling softly, he clambered to his feet, swaying a bit before glancing back at the cottage that he knew as home. Senses now sharpened, he sniffed, inhaling the scent of wood and man. Sirius.

Normally Padfoot would have been here, huffing at him, already nudging him towards the deep woods where they would run and where Moony could forget himself in the sheer thrill of the chase. But his companion had been hurt earlier that day, and therefore he couldn’t safely transform tonight. Moony was once again alone. Packless.

Throwing back his head, he howled.

Turning away from the cottage, he headed towards the woods, towards the last place Padfoot had cavorted, a clearing only a few yards away. Moony had watched, in human form, as Padfoot had rubbed himself everywhere, marking the area.

Padfoot’s scent was still strong here and Moony, overcome, threw himself to the ground and rolled around, trying to find where it was the strongest. He kept coming back to one specific spot...

It was slick there, the underbrush damp where the sun hadn’t been able to penetrate to dry everything out. The mud felt cool on Moony’s skin and he growled as he coated himself.

But there was more than just mud there. Burying his nose in it, Moony sniffed, whining in the back of his throat when he encountered a pocket that had the strongest Padfood scent yet. Padfoot had left him a gift!

It was no longer warm from Padfoot’s body, left as it had been hours ago, but Moony didn’t care. It belonged to his love, to his pack, and it would be enough.

His paws shook as he rubbed it all over himself, especially his face. The smell was pungent, and Moony couldn’t help himself; he licked it, ecstatic as Padfoot’s unique flavour burst over his tongue.

His prick, not usually hard in this form, filled with blood, and he began to hump the moist forest floor, the slide of the mud and waste feeling sublime to his still aching body.

It wasn’t enough, though. With a huff of frustration, he rolled onto his side and somehow scooped up some of the mud/Padfoot mixture. Then, his forepaw pressed firmly against his prick, he moved, tongue lolling as he rutted against his muddy paw.

They had rolled around here that very day, Moony as a human, Padfoot as a canine, and Moony--Remus had been aroused, had come.

Padfoot had watched him do the same thing he was doing now, rub his cock and finally spill onto the forest floor. The dog had even licked it up...

The memory was too much. Moony arched his back and came, spilling into his coated paw and onto the ground. The pleasure was sharp, intense, almost overwhelming. He lay panting for several minutes before he could get to his feet. Raising his paw to his mouth once more, Moony licked his forepaw clean of his and Padfoot’s mingled flavours.

A soft rustle made his head snap up, and his sharp eyes spotted a rabbit deeper in the woods. With a soft snarl he was off, the rabbit just ahead. Above his head, the moon shone on.


Remus groaned and flopped onto his back. God only knew where he was this time. The sun had already risen and he was, naturally, naked. He ached as he always did, and although his memories of the events the night before were mostly clear, there were things that were fuzzy.

Had he actually rolled around in shit? He shook his head and groaned as the motion made his headache explode. He needed to go home.

Crawling to his feet, he limped back toward the cottage.

From the delectable smell he could tell Sirius was up and had made breakfast. Remus smiled. Sirius never liked people to know he could cook, but he really was an excellent chef. Remus loved his full English.

Habit made him check the area before approaching the house. It wouldn’t do to have someone be visiting and see a naked man slip in the back door. Not that they cared if their neighbours knew they were together, but Remus wanted no extra trouble. Being a werewolf was bad enough.

Slipping inside, he padded towards the kitchen, his stomach growling as he discerned the scent of not only toast but bacon, eggs, tomatoes, and beans.

“I could tell you were coming from a mile away,” Sirius said as Remus walked into the kitchen.

“Did my stomach give me away?” Remus asked.

Sirius shot a grin over his shoulder before focussing his attention back on the cooker. “That and the smell,” he said.

“Smell?” Remus chuckled as he came up behind Sirius. “What are you saying? You don’t appreciate eau de werewolf?”

“It’s more like ew de werewolf,” Sirius muttered. “What did you do last night, anyway?”

Remus blushed. “Nothing.” He backed away. “You know. The usual. Chased stuff, ran--”

“Was that all?”

Something in Sirius’ voice made Remus look over at him sharply. “Yes, why?”

“Oh, nothing. You just had that guilty look on your face.” Sirius was smirking, and Remus knew he’d done something.

“What did you do, git?”

“Now is that any way to talk to your best friend, your soulmate?”


“Oh, all right. I slipped a bit of a pick-me-up into your tea before you took your Wolfsbane.”

“You what? What a stupid thing to--”

“Relax. I checked with Snivellus before I did it.”

Remus did a double take. “You talked to Snape about dosing me with -- what was it -- sex potion?”

Sirius flushed. “It was something to give you a hard-on. And I didn’t talk to him directly. I hinted at it. Well, sort of. Well, I had Harry ask him.”

Remus continued staring until Sirius looked away again. “And Snape said it was okay?” he finally asked.

Sirius shrugged. “I guess. I imagine Harry had to distract him pretty thoroughly to get any answer.” He shuddered. “What he sees in that greasy git is beyond--”

Remus shook his head and grabbed Sirius’ arm. “What is wrong with you? That could have been dangerous! You don’t know what could have happened--”

“But nothing did except you had a good time, right?”

“That’s not the point--”

Sirius shrugged. “Yes it is. I thought you could use the distraction,” he mumbled. “I knew I couldn’t be there and figured your prick could distract you in my stead. I know it would distract me...”

“You are unbelievable.” Remus was incredulous.

“Want to punish me?” Sirius was grinning, and Remus was torn between being furious and amused. Amused won.

“I really should,” he muttered. “Reckless prat.”

Sirius grinned. “Okay, but first you need to take a shower. You smell like shit.”

5th November 2008 17:57
You smell like shit.

Hee! Well done! I really applaud your creativity in coming up with such a great fic to go with this kink. I just had to read it. And there was a bit of bonus Snape/Harry, too. Awesome. ;D
5th November 2008 18:58
LOL! Kudos to you for the bravery you displayed in reading it! *hugs*
And yes, even in a scat fic there must be background Snarry. ;)

Thanks, hon!
5th November 2008 17:59
That was cute-remarkably not too gross, no doubt because it's Moony and Padfoot. I think I like best once Remus has to try to explain to Sirius and Sirius tells Remus what he's done (oh and secret Snarry hidden in the fic). Seriously, best last line ever. :P You're a brave woman, darling. Well done.
5th November 2008 19:00
Yeah, the involvement of animal forms helped. Not sure I could have done it with 'all human all the time' characters.
And yes, there must always be background Snarry whenever possible. ;)
Thanks for being brave and taking a chance, darling! *hugs*
5th November 2008 19:24
I applaud you! Fluffy scat, indeed! Not exactly a kink of mine but very tastefully done (as these things go). ^_^
5th November 2008 23:01
Yeah, I'm not sure whose kink this is but it must be someone's, right? And I do love the challenge of seeing if I can make odd themes fluffy. *g*

Thanks for reading! It was quite brave of you. :)
5th November 2008 19:43
hahahah, well that was interesting, but it was kinda cute!!!
5th November 2008 23:03
Wheee! So fluffy scat, right? *bg*

Thanks, hon!
5th November 2008 20:20
bwahaha living with two of the beasts I know that dogs are filthy creatures! They love stinky things with a fiendish delight.
My BlackDog's fave is "dead fish!" mmmmmm. Lily is a butt-sniffer.

Nice job with a "distasteful" subject, Ali!

5th November 2008 23:05
Yeah, dogs really will eat almost anything (ALMOST as bad as goats).
And hahahaah at the butt sniffing. I hadn't thought to include that... ;)

Thanks, sweetie! You're a brave woman. *smooches*
6th November 2008 08:53
brave? well, I have Severus and Harry on my side!
6th November 2008 11:19
It is easier to brave when there's Snarry, isn't it? ;)
5th November 2008 20:28
Excellent work. I like Sirius' reaction to Remus' smell, lol. Yay for a hint of Snarry too.~Sophia
5th November 2008 23:07
Hee, yeah. I am a firm believer that there should ALWAYS be a hint of Snarry. ;) And thanks for taking a chance on it!

Thanks, hon!
6th November 2008 03:42
I don't know how, but you somehow managed to make that not only tolerable, but actually (*hides face*) appealing. I clicked to read this story thinking I'd be satisfied if I didn't gag, but then it turned out to be sort of hot. In that 'let's all pretend I never said this' kind of way.
6th November 2008 11:14
I'm wearing a huge grin right now! *glee*
I think I just wanted to prove to myself that I could write 'fluffy scat'. ;)
I wasn't expecting so many brave people to read it, actually. *bounces*

Thanks so much! Your comment made my day. :)
6th November 2008 06:54
You smell like shit.


So scat is one of my biggest squicks. Huge squick, really. But then I thought, well, it's Ali, it can't be very gross. *g* And it wasn't. Maybe because it was Moony - but thank you anyway for not making it too graphic. ;-) So, it was actually quite amusing. And the last part was really funny. Hee!
6th November 2008 11:18
Yeah, it's a staple on people's squick list, but it is a documented kink so I thought (since there has to be someone out there who likes it) I would give it try. *g* And yes, I figured that people know how undiscriminating canines are, so this wouldn't be THAT hard to manage. ;)

I'm so glad you gave it a chance, my dear! *hugs*
Thanks so much. :)
6th November 2008 12:25
Just like Sirius to think it was all hilarious - if only he knew! There were so many great things in here, like the description of Remus's transformation (Ouch! *cuddles him*), and Sirius's incorrigibility...he only barely checked with Snape, lol! Alas, scat is still not my kink, but at least now I can say I've read it... :P
6th November 2008 12:47
Sirius has a mischievous and sometimes dangerous sense of humor. ;) And I could just see him barely checking with Snape so he could pretend that he actually did something responsible for a change. *g*

Thanks for taking a chance on the scat! It's not my favorite theme either (far from it) but I do love how d_d lets me explore less than popular things in my writing, and now I can say I've written it. :)
6th November 2008 16:22
I remember you talking about this fic. I can't believe you made it fluff! It was so funny my dear. You took one of my major squicks and made it adorable. How did you do that?
8th November 2008 14:42
Hehehehe. It's my muse. I dunno how she does it either. ;)
And yes, this is the infamous scat fic I was threatening to write.
At least now I can say I've done it, right? *g*

Thanks for taking a chance on it, hon! *smishes*
6th November 2008 21:13
I Don't think I would like Sirius as a lover, he is so completely irresponsible and thoughtless.

I am glad I wasn't eating dinner as I read this; I took your warning to heart.

Eww..not the story but the subject.

Thank you for the hint of Snarry.
8th November 2008 14:45
Sirius is fairly blithe, I'll give you that. For some reason he appeals to Remus, though, go figure. *shrugs*
And yes, this is not one to read while eating. :/
Thank YOU for taking a chance on it, and whenever possible, I believe in including a hint (or more) of Snarry. :)
Thanks again!
9th November 2008 19:35
*winces, peeking through hands*

That was...actually really sweet.

Still really grossed out, though.
10th November 2008 07:29
*hugs you*
You are so good to me. I can't believe you read it, sweetie, although I did work to make it as fluffy as possible. *smishes*

Thanks, hon!
16th November 2008 00:47
OMG - you are a brave soul! Tackled this kink and did it soooooooooo well! Poor Remus, I think Sirius deserves his punishment!
16th November 2008 17:46
YOU are the brave one! *smishes*
I am glad I tried to write it although I will likely never do it again.
Thanks for taking a chance on it, dear! ♥
16th November 2008 00:48
Well now I can say I've read scat and that I even know someone who wrote it. *giggle*

It was actually very cute. Poor Remus in the beginning, but the ol' werewolf seemed to have had a good time in the forest. LOL at Sirius being able to smell him from far away.
16th November 2008 17:48
Yes, you can. ;)
And I did vow to make it fluffy, so yay! *g*
Thanks for risking it, sweetie! *hugs*
21st November 2008 11:56
Ah. It's by you. That explains why it failed dismally to record on my squicks counter :)

21st November 2008 18:48
My fluffy scat succeeded. *g*
Thanks, hon!
16th December 2008 15:05
Oh wow!^^
You really managed to write fluffy scat... I'm impressed.^^
Actually, I haven't read any scat at all before, simply because nobody seemed to write it; really, I never saw it before. And to be honest, I was a bit afraid it would be awful, but I thought: "It's alisanne, it can't be really bad."
So, I read it, and I must say: it is actually sweet!>///< "Padfoot had left him a gift!" Awwww! What an exceptionally cute sentence is that? Especially considering what he's talking about.^_^
And (just like everybody else, it seems^^) I loved the Snarry hints! You are so right, whenever it is possible, there should be Snarry.^^
I'm glad you dared to write scat, my dear! That was fabulous!^.^
Bye, prayer:-*
18th December 2008 15:42
Hee! Thanks so much for taking a chance on this! I honestly did it as an exercise for myself, to see if I could make a gross subject, well, palatable *g* and I wasn't sure anyone would read it. I have been pleasantly surprised. :)
I've never read scat either, so I'm not sure what it's normally like, *g* but I figured it could only be improved (like most things) with the addition of some Snarry. ;)
I appreciate you letting me know you read it (very brave of you! *hugs*) and actually liked it. *pleased*
21st January 2010 02:04
Ha! That'll teach me not to read the warnings. That said, it wasn't that difficult to take, and I could see this as a natural response that Moony would have. A really gross, natural response, but one that makes sense nonetheless. Really great job, I had a mild 'ew' but I wasn't squicked. And the writing is very well done.
22nd January 2010 05:45
Heh. Yeah, well, this was my attempt to actually write this kink without grossing myself out. ;)
Thank you!
I'm glad you managed it!
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