Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Error of judgement, R, NWS 
29th October 2008 14:00
Title: Error of judgement
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS, tablet, extreme lack of time
Characters: Duke Kirley and Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rating: R
Warnings: Terrible outfit
Themes/kinks chosen: Alternative pairing, piercing
Artist's notes: Scraped together some time to get a token picture in; many apologies!
Art preview:

28th October 2008 20:13
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Full of awesome!
29th October 2008 00:48
:D - thanks! Kirley is incorrigible.
28th October 2008 20:16
Most highly amusing!
29th October 2008 00:48
Thank you!
28th October 2008 20:26
Oh man! Kingsley doesn't look like he quite understands what he's netted himself there, but both guys look hot! Love the 'jewelry'. ;-)

29th October 2008 00:50
So, the idea of shiny pink beads instead of chainy stuff actually cracks me right the hell up :). It'd look SO silly. Well, it does ;). Daft, but pervy? And yes - I don't think Kingsley has quite figured out the motivation behind the exposure. Heh.
28th October 2008 20:34
Maybe they are playing 'Auror and Perp'. Kingsley is hot in his sexy Auror robes. And damn, those are some fine piercings! Clearly Duke is happy with the proceedings. ;)
29th October 2008 00:51
Duke has been cuffed at wandpoint by his Ultimate Wank Fantasy. Happy is an understatement, heh ;). Crazy pink piercings for silly fun!
28th October 2008 21:17
heh, Duke looks like he's a lot of fun! Lighten, up, Kingsley!
29th October 2008 00:52
Serious Auror is Serious :D. I bet Duke would be all twisty and enthusiastic, too :).
28th October 2008 22:13
YAY!!! OMG YAY! Someone else did the alternate pairing! I love you! I love this! It's so fucking perfect! And you know he's just pulling the big, bad Auror so he can have hot hot prison-cell sex with Duke! Hee!

Dude! The pink pearls! ahahaha! And the nipple ychain clampy thingy (no idea what that's called, lol) is just *flails* AWESOME! AWESOME I SAY!
29th October 2008 00:54
I have that open to read, argh... and, hee, nipplychainclampythingy will do nicely, as I also have no idea if there's a proper name for it. Probably not when it's pink and beady-sparkly ;).

You'd think, actually, that with the prompts this month I'd be all over them - adultery? anal plugs? piercings? But, apparently I can't resist the rock star and the copper :).
28th October 2008 22:40
That is hilarious. *giggles*
29th October 2008 00:54
:D Yays! If I don't have the time for something nifty, I might as well go for the giggle (or apparently, as some months would indicate, the shock - I prefer the giggle).
29th October 2008 00:36
OMG - I loved the story and I love the art - the color - the cock! Excellent!
29th October 2008 00:55
Hee, thank you! The bright colour was fun :D.
29th October 2008 03:31
29th October 2008 05:43
Hee, this is fun! Um, am I a bad fan for not remembering who Duke Kirley is? Well, he looks hot anyway! (Love the hair.) As does Kingsley. *g*
29th October 2008 06:34
I usually find the alternate pairings very hard to fathom, but this one was definitely a hot prospect, and I am very glad to see art for it.

Kirley is perfect here, and I am glad he found out a good way to grasp Kingsley's attention.

And Kingsley's hot as ever, of course.
29th October 2008 07:23
Even with the other figure all beaded and torn-pants willingness, Kingsley is just the sexiest thing ever in this fanart!
29th October 2008 07:57
Hahahaha, this is great! :-D
29th October 2008 11:44
WIN!! omg I am loving this rarepair this month!! Kingsley's robes are awesome. :)
29th October 2008 14:15
I am so laughing my ASS off. Fantastic. The faces, god!
1st November 2008 15:43
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