Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Lots to Go 'Round 
13th October 2008 23:42
Title: Lots to Go 'Round
Artist: acatnamedeaster
Characters: Young Snape/?
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Oral sex, masterbation and Spoo!
Kinks chosen: Anal plugs
Author's notes: Quick and dirty sketch of a dirty but perhaps not so quick act. Many apologies for the sketchy nature of this, my attention is mostly eaten away these days by very demanding new life change...leaves very little time to play with the paper until we manage to get a schedule down.

Purposely left the receiver of Snape's attentions anon, put in the male of your choice!
13th October 2008 22:57
*faints from hotness*
I'd almost forgotten how good you are at Snape. *stares*
Damn! *speechless*
13th October 2008 23:13
Oh, I'd recognize that cock anywhere! It's Gilderoy's. For sure. Can't you see the sparkle in the semen? It's magical!


So glad to see you're back. And I need you to email me your address again. Have a gift for you (although a bit late for the shower - sorry).

13th October 2008 23:16
It's Harry. This is a de-aged Severus, can't you tell? ;)
13th October 2008 23:18
Pfft... if it was Harry, Snape wouldn't be using the butt-plug, silly! He'd be down on all fours taking it like a man!

And that would be Draco's cock.

No, this is young Snape, practicing on Gilderoy. :D
14th October 2008 18:57
you are incorrigible.
17th October 2008 18:28
And delusional.
This is top!Harry, bottom!Snape with Snape de-aged. How anyone has to ask is beyond me... ;)
14th October 2008 00:11
wow that's hot, and I think it is most defiantly Lucius Malfoy's cock. Cuz his is that big and he likes to point his toes *nods sagely*
14th October 2008 00:43
Here, here. I quite agree. :D That cock is too pretty to belong to anyone else.
14th October 2008 00:44
happy you agree

also your icon rules! Jareth!Lucius FTW!
14th October 2008 00:42
Gorgeous. Just completely mouth-watering. I love the pose.
14th October 2008 02:16

And as usual, that is so freaking hot! I love Snape's hair, and the way his body is arched. Total yum! So glad to see you and your stuff out and about again!
14th October 2008 03:26
Kay, so, I was gonna wave a lone effing Sirius flag here, until I saw that you had posted just above me with, um, a relevant icon.
14th October 2008 03:28
[info]alisanne is so right - your Snape is gorgeous! *sighs* I love your talent and your art, both at awesome.
14th October 2008 03:53
I love your young!Snape, he's perfect!
And I think that's Lucius - I mean, who else would have a cock that massively huge? :D
14th October 2008 04:46
the detail of the sewed up hole in the sock is what sold it. I'm so weird. But I adore this. The lack of arms in the picture from Snape's parter makes me wonder if perhaps someone got a little, *cough* tied up.
14th October 2008 05:25
*spechless and drooling*

Damn! That's HOT!

14th October 2008 06:39
Guhhh, that's yummy! Snape's mended sock is a great detail.
14th October 2008 06:39
Gorgeous! Love Snape's position and the enormous cock he's been feasting on. Amazing as always.
14th October 2008 06:43
Oh wow. Excellent!
14th October 2008 09:49
There's nothing wrong with sketchiness like this! *g*
14th October 2008 10:00
Oh, wow! Ooh, Snape's face, and the anal plug! And SOCKS!
14th October 2008 10:38
Gosh, hot and dirty! Not sure about the quick but Snape certainly looks sated.
14th October 2008 12:17
Ooh, that is delicious!!!
14th October 2008 17:08
Divine!! I love the look on Snape's face. It's amazing.
14th October 2008 17:37
14th October 2008 18:54
hooray, Cat!!! fabulous, as I have come to expect. LOL the patched sock. Whoever his buddy is, he has one helluva tool.
I love the blissed out expression, and the pointing feet.
14th October 2008 20:19
Oh god! Nobody brings teh hot like you do!
14th October 2008 22:23


That is all.

15th October 2008 02:28
Well, as long as we're choosing up partners, I think that has to be Remus! Because I can't see a plug these days and not think Remus...thanks to [info]celandineb and [info]emiime. ;)

Wonderful, utterly porny drawing you have here, Easter! *HUGS* Thank you for drawing and sharing with us!

love, lore
15th October 2008 09:05
God, that makes my toes curl happily in so many ways.
16th October 2008 17:26

*is not staring*

Yay you're back- with company! Congrats again, and I hope things are going smoothly as far as the little things like getting sleep. And more time to draw again. ;)

*is so not staring, truly*
22nd October 2008 04:22
Wow! A most impressive sketch! Gorgeous! ;D
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