Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art : By The Candlelight.  
23rd August 2008 10:39
Title: By The Candlelight.
Artist: [info]remeciel
Media: Pencils, gouache and Photoshop for the frame.
Characters: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Rating: R at the most.
Warnings: None.
Theme: 3) Relics -- Things that remind one of the past, and thus are arousing or a fetish in themselves.
Summary: Remus was supposed to be gone for days but came back sooner to see his lover Sirius having fun with some pictures of him.

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23rd August 2008 06:58
Beautiful work!
24th August 2008 01:20
Thank you so much. :)
24th August 2008 01:33
Thank you so much. :D
23rd August 2008 08:13
This is gorgeous!
23rd August 2008 08:36
Mmmmm, Sirius's abs!! *bites* Love his open robe, too, and the way Remus is leaning over the chair. Love the way Remus's hair is falling, too! Mmmmm! :)
23rd August 2008 08:44
Hehe! I love Remus's expression, and how Sirius seems so satisfied oblivious to his presence. And it's so pretty, with the soft colors and shadows and everything... Great drawing!
23rd August 2008 09:18
lovely! great atmosphere and setting. and real paint, yum! Yup, Remus look is priceless, and washboard!Sirius looks totally blissed out.
23rd August 2008 10:03
Mm, lovely - I like the color palette here, very effective, and Remus's expression in particular (half-hidden though it is).
23rd August 2008 10:15
Oh, great Grimmauld Place atmosphere! (Erm, I'm assuming that's Grimmauld Place.) Sirius's torso is just lickable and I love how Remus's face is half-hidden. :-)

I think one of your tags is wrong? The theme should be relics instead of orgies?
23rd August 2008 10:45
That's gorgeous!
I particularly love the colors, Sirius' hair, the folds of his robes, and his lickable ABS!
Remus looks so sweet, too.
Beautiful work!
23rd August 2008 10:50
Oh yum!!

I love the full backgrounds and their interaction with each other. It feels so intimate and real.

And You know, I'm a sirius puppy lover!!
23rd August 2008 11:18
Love the melancholy tone here! M.
23rd August 2008 20:16
23rd August 2008 21:03
So pretty. I love the colors and Remus' expression.
23rd August 2008 23:43
Lovely piece. I like the colours you've used and the technique.
24th August 2008 01:06

Specially Remus, simply gorgeous.
24th August 2008 15:15
Gorgeous, I love love love when you colour your stuff!

26th August 2008 20:31
Oooh, gorgeous! I can't stop looking at Sirius' chest and belly (and lower!) And you don't draw enough Post-Azkabam Remus/Sirius. I really love them! Oh, and nice touch with the phallic candles!
27th August 2008 11:23
It's absolutely gorgeous! I'm not sure I've seen your work in colour before either - wow! :)
27th August 2008 11:50
Oh, lovely! I love the colors you've used - so dark and moody and warm. And the composition! Beautifully arranged and balanced...gorgeous work. :o)
27th August 2008 14:26
*Pets the pretties!*

Great details Rem! And nice highlighting, showing depth on everything. My favorite bit is Remus, the lay of his hair against his cheek, the glint of his eye.
27th August 2008 15:31
I'm so glad I (supposedly) have an account on IJ though I only use it to comment on fics and art. So I can send a big bravo. You did the boys proud. I LOVE Remus's blush (don't tell me he isn't blushing, I won't believe it.) And Sirius's total absorption in his nightly activities. It may not be porn but it's Too. Darn. Hot.
28th August 2008 04:32
This is beautiful! I love the limited pallet you used, the mostly dark tones that make their skin stand out, and all the details -- the books, the photos, the drops of come -- make this so rich. I also love Sirius' long hair and the way his coat falls, both their expressions. The scene is so quiet, but the deep emotion here really comes across.
3rd September 2008 17:46
This is lovely!
14th September 2008 12:41
RWOWR! This is loooooverly! *glomps and loves on you*

I have to say, I simply ADORE Remus here. *takes him home*
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