Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Memory (Snape) 
22nd August 2008 00:00
Title: Memory
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Snape, James/Lily implied
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: wanking, hurray!
Themes/kinks chosen: relics, romantic marraige
Artist's notes: Snape totally wants either Lily or James. I leave it to the viewer to decide who. ;)
Art preview:

21st August 2008 23:31
Awww! Poor pining!Severus. I feel so bad for him in his dingy room wanking to a picture of someone who doesn't want him. :(
I just wanna hug him!
26th August 2008 18:58
He does need some hugs, poor thing.
22nd August 2008 00:24
Oh, I love this for the sympathy it draws. I love the colors you've used to convey that emotion -- the blueish grays.
26th August 2008 19:00
Thank you! One of the nice things about night scenes is that the lighting is such a powerful emotional cue. :D
22nd August 2008 01:34
Woooot! Hooray for Snape and wanking! It's so beautiful and I love the oddly melancholy feel to it. Beautiful!
26th August 2008 19:02
Thanks! The prompts were too perfect *not* to go this way. :)
26th August 2008 19:09
It definitely worked - and I love the ambiguity of who the subject for wankage is. too. :)
22nd August 2008 02:25

::hyperventilates, brain explodes::
26th August 2008 19:02

Thanks! :D
22nd August 2008 06:34
Ah, poor Severus! His expression just captures the angst perfectly.
27th August 2008 12:39
Thank you! Poor thing, he always gets stuck with the angst.
22nd August 2008 06:41
Oh, poor Snape. How sad is it that he's wanking over a wedding picture of other people. Makes me want to shake him and shout, "Don't be so pathetic!" But after the last book this could very well be canon. :)

I leave it to the viewer to decide who. ;)

Ha! Ummm... both? ;-)

And I love the colours! Especially the skin tones. And all the little details of the room. And I think I'm in love with that little line on his buttocks. :)
27th August 2008 12:41
Poor Snape always gets into these situations.

I'm in favor of both, too! :D

Thank you!
22nd August 2008 07:04
Oh, wow! Simply gorgeous!
27th August 2008 12:42
Thanks! :D
22nd August 2008 07:10
This is gorgeous, and quite melancholy. Nicely done.
27th August 2008 12:43
Thank you!
22nd August 2008 07:47
Poor Snape!!!

*hands him a spare bottle of lube*
27th August 2008 12:43
Haha, love the comment and the icon! :D
22nd August 2008 07:59
Oh, that is just heartbreakingly gorgeous!
27th August 2008 12:44
Thank you!
22nd August 2008 09:33
Oh, that's fabulous! I love the sad motel room idea. And eee, yay, thanks for leaving it open that he might be wanking to James, not Lily! *nodnod* Yep, that's my vote. :)
27th August 2008 12:45
*grins* Thanks! I am totally in favor of both pairings, so I had to leave it open. :D
22nd August 2008 11:47
He is just gorgeous, the setting so sad. Poor Sev.
27th August 2008 12:46
Thank you! *pets him*
22nd August 2008 16:08
Wow, this is so beautiful. The colour tones and the whole set-up are so melancholic. I really love it.
27th August 2008 12:47
Thank you! A nighttime palette always does a great job of setting the mood; it's nice to work with it.
22nd August 2008 17:09
this is great. I love the dark colours which lend to setting the mood. I also enjoy that you can tell it's a hotel (though more likely a motel) Nice!
27th August 2008 12:49
Thank you! (I'm pretty sure that's a motel, too -- they don't make many hotels that tiny and dingy.) :D
22nd August 2008 17:21
Oh, this is so gorgeous and sad (and from reading your journal entry, I can't believe you created this so quickly--I'm impressed!) Man, poor Severus, but this is beautiful.
27th August 2008 12:50
Thank you! I'm certain the speed was a freak occurrence and will never happen again, but it sure was nice to get this out on time! :)
22nd August 2008 18:31
Oh honey! This is just wonderful!!!

*stares* *drools* *stares some more*
27th August 2008 12:50
Thank you! :D
22nd August 2008 19:15
Never have I wanted to be a hotel maid more... ;) That's just what he needs really -- an understanding willing woman to make him forget those two faithless feckers. Nicely done!
27th August 2008 12:51
Haha, thanks! I approve of your plan! :D
22nd August 2008 20:33
I love the coloring and all the small details. Very somber, but beautiful.
27th August 2008 12:52
Thank you! It was a lot of fun to draw (and paint, however digitally...) :D
23rd August 2008 00:42
Wow! I've been in that motel! The Starlight off of RT 234 right? LMAO!

But srsly! This is gorgeous in its melancholy and its greying blue sets a nice tone!

Having shipped Snape with both James and Lily...I'm going to think it's just sad enough that he is pining after the both of them!

27th August 2008 12:53
Haha, I think that motel is *everywhere*.

I couldn't decide who he was pining for, but "both" works for me! :D

Thank you! :D
25th August 2008 05:29
Gah! I want to lick that belly so badly! How did you do that?
27th August 2008 12:54
... the careful application of pink tones over blue? Either that or Snape is just inherently lickable. :D

Thank you!
28th August 2008 04:36
Oh God, Snape wanking in a cheap motel room is LOVE! He's so lonely looking and gorgeous I just want to gnaw on him. XD The darkened room and the sense of moonlight coming in are lovely. NOM!
28th September 2008 17:16
He's so lonely looking and gorgeous I just want to gnaw on him.

Haha, thanks, I think! I didn't mean to encourage cannibalism, but I'm glad you like him! :D :D

Hi! I'm catching up on all the comments I missed.
29th August 2008 22:41
beautiful colour and light, drenched in a soft melancholy.
Is that his DE mask on the desk?
28th September 2008 17:18
Thank you!

*quirks head* Oooh! No, I meant that to be the edge of a photograph of Lily, but now that you mention it, it does kinda look like a DE mask, doesn't it?

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