Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Irresistable (Severus/Remus, NC-17) 
10th August 2008 23:03
Title: Irresistable
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Media: Tablet and Photoshop
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC_17
Warnings: crossdressing
Themes/kinks chosen: Pheromones
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11th August 2008 01:51
Oh mmmmmmmmmmm! That's hot and hummy and look how big he is! XD I love their expressions and how remus is winding around him and their intertwined fingers... just everything basically lol
11th August 2008 01:52
Good gravy, karasu!! Shaggy, casual, curious Remus is just too damn sexy for words...I'll *drool* instead. And Severus so confident! Their gripped hands! EEE!
11th August 2008 03:41
Ooh. I'm starting to feel a bit faint!
11th August 2008 05:41
Oh, Gods, that's utterly gorgeous!
11th August 2008 06:04
Wow, that's really something! I really love Lupin's expression especially!
11th August 2008 07:09

(Severus is reminding me of someone. Can't think who it is. Tch.
Oh! Jack Fairy! It's the hair... : )
11th August 2008 08:16
I love it when you purr.
11th August 2008 08:08
Oh God, that is so hot! Gorgeous!
11th August 2008 09:09
What a lovely outfit!
11th August 2008 09:26
Dear lord. *fans self* Utterly gorgeous. Both their expressions are just perfect. Amazing.
11th August 2008 09:41
Wow, I can understand the title...
11th August 2008 09:41
very nice. I particularly enjoy Remus' nipple and his low slung pants.
11th August 2008 10:01
Ohhhhhhhh, Remus, you sexy beast! OMG the hand-in-jeans-pocket, and the bare chest, and the long hair and sideburns?!?! I always love your Remus sideburns SO MUCH! AAAAAH!! *flaily* Also loving Snape's nose and square shoulders and armpit hair. Mmmmm, MEN. YES. ♥ !
11th August 2008 11:29
I never knew how much I was missing out on with my dial up. To think I might not have seen this... That would have been a tragedy.
11th August 2008 12:25
Mmmm, so delicious! Guh.
Severus is just eating up the attention. :)
And their entwined fingers! Eeeee! *loves*
11th August 2008 14:50
Oh, beautiful! even if I'm not a huge fan of this couple, the drawing is simply amazing!
11th August 2008 19:36
scrumptious! i adore Snape's fashionable hair!
11th August 2008 20:29
Mmmm, omg! That's just delicious!
11th August 2008 21:24
That's so incredibly hot!
14th August 2008 09:38
I thought OMG and then I re-read the title and looked more closely, and realised that it is even OMG-er!
14th August 2008 10:26
Oh wow, I'm drooling! Your art is exquisite, and I love the monochrome. Plus, I really love the poses and their expression. Severus looks so smug and Remus is enjoying himself. Thanks for sharing!
14th August 2008 10:48
This is so beautiful. It could easily replace my happy place icon. :D
14th August 2008 11:00
Mmm... Delicious. Severus has, I think, a little too much waist for such a sheer outfit (something sturdier could be a corset), but, um, yeah, they're both irresistable. I don't think I could keep one hand in my pocket if I were Remus. But maybe Severus required it of him. That's a hot idea...
14th August 2008 12:47
oh, wow :D
14th August 2008 17:36
Oh dear god. Now how am I supposed to get any work done? Really? Thanks a lot.

Hehe, but seriously - gorgeous. (Would we expect anything else?) So much love for Remus' casually-possessive hand on Snape's hip, Snape's masculine yet feminine and completely erotic, and the intimacy. Love, love, love the emotional closeness here.

Yay for cross-dressing!
17th August 2008 12:02
That is so yummy.
17th August 2008 17:46
Mmmmm, that's just yummy... *stares*
18th August 2008 16:57
Oooh, yum!
18th August 2008 23:27
Oooh. That is some kinky lingerie! Very nice. I love the expressions on their faces.
7th September 2008 21:00
oh, my. **is incoherant** their connection is so palpable. great use of prompt!
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