Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
22nd July 2008 05:50

: Anticipation
Artist: [info]venturous 
Media: charcoal, PS
Characters: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy
Rating: Hard R?
Warnings: BDSM, bottom!Snape
Themes/kinks chosen: Flagellation
Artist's notes: My first DD post, thank you for including me in the Delightful Deviations! I had several more dramatic drawings in play, but in the end I really loved the quiet of S's pose, so very compliant. Not to mention that drawing with charcoal is a very tactile experience *g*

22nd July 2008 06:11
OMG. Snape's hair... Lucius's nose... *sigh* That is gorgeous.
22nd July 2008 06:20
*whimpers helplessly*
22nd July 2008 06:28
Lucius reduced to a looming shadow? Beautiful!

And Snape's bony lower back looks so terribly vulnerable and endearing.

This is so wonderfully creative and original - a simple idea executed masterfully. Thank you so much for sharing this delight.
22nd July 2008 06:43
I love that Lucius is present only as a shadow. Fantastic idea! And Snape's pose is so inviting. He makes one great sub.
22nd July 2008 06:54
That is divine.
22nd July 2008 06:56
Excellent! I love the cure of the spine and how thin and fragile he looks bent over too far and with his hair dangling... and of course the shadow!
nicely done.
22nd July 2008 06:58
That is so beautiful; the grace of Snape, and his self-control. I love the contrast between the bones and flesh, and the authoritative shadow. Did you use charcoal crayons or sticks?
22nd July 2008 07:13
Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!! You've outdone yourself this time, missus!! It's f'ing gorgeous! I LOVE Snape's spine, and the underside view of his face, and Lucius as a shadow.. fucking fantastic you are!!!

Flic xxxxxxxx
22nd July 2008 07:49
That's simply wonderful, Ven!
22nd July 2008 08:21
That's gorgeous. I love Snape's pose and that Lucius is only visible as a silhouette!
22nd July 2008 08:54
Ooh, WOW. Lucius's silhouette especially transports this into the sublime!
22nd July 2008 09:20
Wow, that's amazing. Using Lucius' shadow is brilliant. Snape's pose is fantastic, the way his legs are positioned reminds me of exactly how a former lover always bent one leg a bit when he was whipped. Good memories - and I'm sure he'd think so too *ponders linking*
22nd July 2008 09:51
Ohhhhwowwww.... I want to pet those vertebrae and that butt. Gorgeous.
22nd July 2008 13:17
That is absolutely gorgeous and so effective!
Lucius looming in the background is perfect, and poor, poor Severus. His bony back makes me weep for him (and want to feed and cuddle him).
Brilliant job, dear! ♥
22nd July 2008 14:10
Holy good lord, now THERE'S a hell of an introduction to the comm! Welcome to [info]daily_deviant! ::smirks and applauds::

Snape here is the epitome of "ugly-sexy." Lucius' silhouette is brilliant. Hot hot hot.
22nd July 2008 14:25
Snapes backbone

dear lord
22nd July 2008 14:27
Mmm, this is gorgeous! Wonderful position - love those long muscles in his thighs, too.
22nd July 2008 14:32
booming hell fires woman this is HAWT in the extreme. *GUH*

Excellent as always

22nd July 2008 14:59
This is just wonderful! The fragility of Severus's bony body combined with the strength of his quiet pose is great, and Lucius as just a shadow is sublime. I particularly like Lucius's chin and Severus's mouth for some reason, I think they're perfect for the title.
22nd July 2008 21:29
Oh, wow! So brilliant ... I absolutely love the shadow! Beautiful!
22nd July 2008 22:25
Wow, and I was starting to doubt that charcoal could look good being digitalized. That was a real great work mixing those medias. :)

Oh, and bent over Snape is just gorgeous! XD
23rd July 2008 07:45
Oh, delicious! The curve of his spine and the shadow and their attitudes... just lovely.
23rd July 2008 22:13
OMG, I just drooled all over myself. Wicked!
27th July 2008 21:57
Gosh, how did I miss this? That's a really well-done piece. I'm not an artist, but I know that's a very complicated position Severus is in, and you did a great job. Lucius' shadow on the wall is so clever, because the I think implication is more effective than if he were actually physically in the picture. Nice!
1st August 2008 12:29
Oh, I love Lucius just being in shadow. Lovely.
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