Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Ladies, R 
8th July 2008 17:27
Title: Ladies
Artist: [info]ghot
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Luna/Hermione
Rating: R
Warnings: Femmeslash, lacing, fingering,
Themes/kinks chosen: Lacing (corset-piercing)
Artist's notes: I'm being allowed to post this today because I forgot to post in my day, the 3rd. Argh, I'm so sorry, mods! *clears throat* Anyway, I drew this one because I like the pairing and because I hardly ever draw females... still got a lot to practice. ^_^;

8th July 2008 16:15
SO pretty :). The candles are lovely, and the girls both have great faces - love Hermione's expression here :).
9th July 2008 16:53
Thank you! The feminine faces were definitely the most difficult part to do! XDD
8th July 2008 16:16
Mmm, that's very nice indeed! I like the style of this.
9th July 2008 16:54
Thank you! I'm glad you liked!
8th July 2008 16:43
Dude, are the laces through her skin?! Eeee, that fabulous! I love it!
9th July 2008 16:57
Yep, they are (ouch!)
Thank you! ;)
8th July 2008 16:53
Corset piercing! I think this is the first time I've ever seen it in fanart and you did a great job of it! :D
9th July 2008 16:59
Eeeee, thank you! Hopefully there will be more of this kink this month. ;D
8th July 2008 17:27
Yummy -- it's gorgeous! I like Hermione's expression. And Luna's bum. *gropes*
9th July 2008 17:00
Hehehe, thank you!!
8th July 2008 17:42
I knew I would wince when I clicked on this, but I had to see what you'd drawn. ;-) The faces are great, esp Hermione's, and I love the candlelight on Luna's hair. Beautiful job on the skin tones, too.
9th July 2008 17:03
Oooo, curiosity! lol
Thanks! I'm glad you liked! ^__^
8th July 2008 18:32
It's really gorgeous, especially the looks on their faces, although I couldn't suppress a wince at the corset lacing. Ouch!
9th July 2008 17:04
"Ouch" indeed! Haha, thanks very much! ;)
8th July 2008 22:09
I was wondering what lacing was, and then kicked myself for not remembering, I've seen one in person and it's just o.o wow

Totally buy Luna being the one all pierced up like that to.
9th July 2008 17:09
Oh, I've never seen it myself! And yup, Luna is hardcore like that. ;D

Thanks, I'm glad you liked!
9th July 2008 17:29
Yeah, one of the guys at Yaoi-con got the piercing just for the auction that night! He had it taken out right after though, you really aren't supposed to lace them until the piercings have healed.

You can see a (kind of blurry, sorry) picture of it here

11th July 2008 21:11
Oh, the lacing goes only after the piercings heal? Makes sense, ne! (maybe Luna's back shouldn't have been so red...)

Thanks, the pic is very nice! *Mmm, pierced boys* ;)
11th July 2008 22:35
Yeah, because the lacing can introduce all sorts of infection-causes buggies to the site :)

(Y-con is educational too!)
8th July 2008 22:41
omg. you have hit one of my major kinks. corset piercings. and i love how her skin is tinged pink where she's pierced. ilu *squishes*
9th July 2008 17:11
Haha, thank you! I was trying hard to make the piercing "real". XD
9th July 2008 01:35
The corset piercing through her skin is just a brilliant idea. I really love the colours' choices, too - that vivid red and the dark brown/grey make a wonderful contrast.
9th July 2008 17:14
This contrast was my first idea for the pic. I'm glad you liked!
Thank you!!
9th July 2008 08:00
Hermione's face is utterly gorgeous in this. And everything is so beautifully soft as well.
9th July 2008 17:16
Why, thank you! I'm glad you liked! XDD
9th July 2008 12:00
Goodness, that's lovely! Feeds my fetish very nicely. Mmm.
Both girls have lovely faces and great expressions :-)
9th July 2008 17:18
Yay, I'm glad I got the kink right! Thank you! :D
11th July 2008 04:46
Very pretty - I love Hermione's face!!
11th July 2008 21:04
Thank you!
23rd October 2008 03:57
Ouchie, yes, but beautiful, also. Love Luna's arse! :D
And Hermione's face!
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