Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Egoism, NC-17 
3rd June 2008 21:07
Title: Egoism
Artist: [info]ghot
Media: Photoshop and Corel Painter
Characters: Sirius/Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest, nudity
Themes/kinks chosen: Hedonism
Artist's notes: I'm really happy to have been invited to join the community! I'm just sorry that this first post isn't very pr0ny but I'll try harder next month to do the comm justice. ;D

3rd June 2008 21:45
Heh. You gave us nummy, full frontal bits! I don't think we can complain. *g*
I love their muscles, their faces, their hair, and how content they look!
8th June 2008 22:01
Oh, thanks very much! I'm glad you liked! :D
3rd June 2008 22:41

Love the pose.
8th June 2008 22:02
Thank you! ;D
4th June 2008 00:08
Beautiful. I love the shadowy, misty quality.
8th June 2008 22:04
Hehe, trying new styles :D
4th June 2008 00:17
Ooh, it's luscious! I love the dreamy feel of it, (and it looks fairly prony to me.) Yay for your first post!
8th June 2008 22:07
I'm so glad to now be part of the comm! ♥
Thank you! XDD
4th June 2008 10:52
I'm so glad you were up for joining :-) And I think it's a great way to start! I have such a big thing for black and white art, that I couldn't ask for more :-D Besides, with those very nice cocks and balls, it's definitely very fitting!

I love Sirius' face in this one. He looks very familiar, somehow. Well done.
8th June 2008 22:14
Oh, thank you!
This was my first time drawing Sirius and Regulus -besides the new style and being my first post- so I was a bit nervous. I'm glad you liked! :D
4th June 2008 21:11
nice dreamy quality, and their expressions are wonderful. I especially love Regulus' aura of innocence.
8th June 2008 22:17
I was trying somehow to fit to the theme, hehe. ;D
Thank you, I'm glad you liked!
8th June 2008 12:48
Mmmm, I love the shading, and Regulus's arm reaching back. :)
8th June 2008 22:19
Yay, thank you! :D
4th August 2008 11:30
Oh, lovely.

(look, belated comment from reading through the month's round up list).
9th August 2008 23:23
Thanks! :)
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