Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Ron & Harry 
26th May 2008 01:51
Title: Fellatio
Artist: [info]ericahpa
Media: Pen
Characters: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warnings: NWS, no visible bits tho'
Themes/kinks chosen: Fellatio
Artist's notes: I was due for this pairing, having not drawn them for eight months. So now I am good for another eight! Ironically I struggled with this theme, I am officially fellatioed out - for a bit anyway. :) Thanks to everyone who helped me out and let me rant. Love you all!
Art preview:

26th May 2008 00:15
*re-posts from LJ*


Oh, you glorious thing, you! I knew you could do it!!! whee! Thank you, thank you!

I adore Ron's gasping and his freckles. Harry's scar, eyelashes, and, and *stares*

*snogs you*
26th May 2008 19:42

Thank you! I'm glad that you like it.

And I still think you're a turkey.

26th May 2008 00:29
Goddamn. No actual visible bits, and still, meltingly hot. There is gasping. And freckles. And knuckles. And nipples. And probably other things that end in -les. Muscles!

Also, the concentration on Harry, the Adam's apple, the ears, the eyebrows...

26th May 2008 19:44
I tried to NC17 it, I really did. But then some weird sense of modesty overtook and I had to crop it down some.

Thank you so much!
26th May 2008 01:08
My brain has officially blown a fuse, so I lack the thousand words this picture deserves.

I love. The computer screen still doesn't taste good, no matter how many times I try licking it. *sigh*

26th May 2008 19:45
*shakes head*

Silly goose, that's not terribly sanitary....

But thank you!
26th May 2008 01:10
So intense and hot and luscious. Guh!
26th May 2008 19:45
Thank you so much!
26th May 2008 01:30
*is officially dead now*

Weasley man in all his glory-- Guh!

Gorgeous, hon! *smooches my f-list, as I think they were all begging for Harry/Ron*
27th May 2008 21:54
It's a rare-pair for me!

Thank you so much!
26th May 2008 02:44
Ooh, it's so pretty...*dies*

I am always amazed at what you can create with only a pen.

27th May 2008 21:55
I do pencil first!

But thank you so much.
26th May 2008 03:18
27th May 2008 21:55
26th May 2008 03:31
Oh, look at Ron's face!!
26th May 2008 06:15
This is lovely, from Ron's expression to Harry's hair to Ron's hand on Harry's head. Hello.

Very hot, m'dear.
27th May 2008 21:56
Thank you so much!
26th May 2008 07:12
Simply amazing!
27th May 2008 21:58
Thank you!
26th May 2008 07:26
This is just mind-meltingly hot!
27th May 2008 22:00
Thank you so much!
26th May 2008 07:51
Ron's face is priceless. Amazing! Guh...


*fans self*

Very, VERY nicely done.
27th May 2008 22:00
Thank you so much!

And icon!love!
26th May 2008 14:47
Wow, this is amazing. I can't get over the line of Ron's jaw, of his muscles, and of his freckles. I also love Harry's mussed hair and his eyelashes. Beautiful job.
27th May 2008 22:01
Harry's hair is hard. Seriously, messy is so much more difficult for me.

Thank you so much!
26th May 2008 15:16
*lickslips* They look so yummy XD I like your style a lot!
27th May 2008 22:01
Thank you!
26th May 2008 18:03
holy god! that is perfect, completely perfect!
27th May 2008 22:02
Thank you so much.

26th May 2008 22:23
Wow. This is probably one of the best Ron/Harry pictures I have ever seen. It is hot without showing everything, which in this case makes it even hotter (If that makes any sense).
27th May 2008 22:08
Thank you so much!


And I do get what you mean.
1st June 2008 22:33
I think that is harder to do then showing everything. I just looked at it again and fell in love all over!
26th May 2008 23:12
i still want a cock shot (im being a greed wench, i know), but this is still gorgeous. if i could be a fly on that wall...

brilliant job as always!
27th May 2008 22:09
It was actually meant to be there - next time!

Thank you!
27th May 2008 05:26 - Whew! **Fans self**
Ron's expression is just so well done, (the "acting" bit of drawing IYSWIM) his face is telling me *exactly* what he's feeling - the lucky devil!

Thanks for posting this.
27th May 2008 22:10 - Re: Whew! **Fans self**
You are welcome! And thank you for the comment.

27th May 2008 13:18
Damn it! I think I just strained my willing the picture to slide just a bit more to the left. Oh well, totally worth it. Is the one you were talking about on your journal? No R/S so you went with H/R. *sigh* I suppose it's still hot and very well done and completely sexy still. Lovely work!
27th May 2008 22:14
I am R/S'ed out. Seriously I started with them and was actually irritated at the picture so I thought it best to leave them for a bit.

Thank you for the comment anyway!
27th May 2008 14:15
oh that's gorgeous!
27th May 2008 22:14
Thank you!
27th May 2008 19:25
This is lovely! I don't think I've seen your other Harry/Ron pics. Might you have links handy?
27th May 2008 22:15
I am actually embarrassed to admit I don't. There are only two others - I'll try and dig them up for you.
And thank you so much!
28th May 2008 21:06

29th May 2008 10:22
Very nice! I like how you left it to the imagination. And the fist!!!
30th May 2008 08:58
Oops, I meant to comment on this before! This is gorgeous. The best bit is the expression on Ron's face. Oh my! I liked this enough to print it out :D Thanks for sharing - I hope you don't mind that I used it as, er, inspiration for my first DD fic :) Too hot an image to resist!
7th June 2008 06:39
*stares* I think the fact that the bits are outside the picture makes it more intimate, somehow. Their faces make it all obvious. Yay! for closed eyes and pretty eyelashes. Ron look amazing with his muscles and the freckles and his head thrown back like he's moaning. *stares some more*
8th June 2008 12:50
GOD, this is gorgeous!!! I think it's even hotter for all that is left to our imaginations. Ron's body is just delicious, and the way his head is thrown back like that, his open mouth, and I just - algjdk. BEAUTIFUL!!
8th June 2008 13:48

8th June 2008 15:15
Oh, I'm glad it's not explicit!explicit 'cause that makes me squeamish, and this is just absolutely beautiful! Ron's face, and Harry's, are gorgeous, and I'm totally in love with Harry's eyelashes, of all things.

Thank you!
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