Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
A - R/S NWS 
26th April 2008 01:45
Title: Sweat
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Remus Lupin (trust me) & Sirius Black
Rating: NC17
Warnings: NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: Salirophilia (arousal by salty body fluids)
Artist's notes: Anytime that Sirius is licking something - and by something I mean, of course, Remus - he needs to be wearing a collar. It's really just that simple. I personally see the liquid on Remus' back as being sweat, but without much of an imagination stretch it could certainly be something else. ;)
Art preview:


26th April 2008 05:01
Oh damn!
So hot. The curve of Remus' arse is DIVINE, as is Sirius' ear and the hair in his armpits and his eyelashes! GUH. OMG, how do you DO that?
So smexy.
*licks the pic*
26th April 2008 05:05
Silly goose, don't lick the puppies! They just wind up stickier.

My favorite part of this sketch is Sirius' armpits. It's weird, I know - but there you have it.

And thank you!

*hands tissue and disinfectant*
26th April 2008 05:08
OMG the way Sirius' thumb is pressing into Remus looking like he is pushing his legs a part. Good god woman. The arch of Sirius' tongue, his collar, his hair tied back with a bit of his own hair. Remus' heavenly ass. So sexy just so so so sexy.
26th April 2008 13:22
Thank you so much.

Tongues are my speciality don't you know.
26th April 2008 05:58
gods. look at the way remus's bottom presses up against sirius's chest. and look at sirius's tongue...and that collar?!?!? ;lafla s;dfasjfasjfsljfasls fjaslfsls jfl

right... i love everything, but im so not coherent right now lol
26th April 2008 13:23
I haven't had Sirius in a collar in a loooong time, he was due.

Thank you!
26th April 2008 06:31
Gorgeous. Just gorgeous.
26th April 2008 13:23
Thank you so much.
26th April 2008 06:38
Oh god, Sirius's tongue and Remus's arse. This is so hot!

26th April 2008 13:24
Thank you!
26th April 2008 07:26
How exquisite! I love the detailin in all the hair, but truly, it's the tongue that makes my stomach flutter!
26th April 2008 13:24
The hair took quite some time actually, but I am very happy with out it came out.

Thank you so much!
26th April 2008 08:11
I am incoherent.
The eyelashes kill me dead. And that little curl of loose hair behind his ear. How do you do that??
26th April 2008 13:26
Eyes are one of my favorite things to draw - even closed like here!

Thank you so much.
26th April 2008 09:19
I can't get over how perfect Remus' ass looks and how Sirius looks like he completely loves his job.


26th April 2008 13:29
My first sketch his hair was down but it was just getting in the way too much. So I had to tie it back.

I was thisclose to scarring Remus just so everyone knows that it's Remus, but his rump turned out perfect. I couldn't do it.

Thank you so much!
26th April 2008 10:29

how dare you make the puppies that damn sexy!? I try so hard not to be interested in them, but god dammit I am very very VERY interested in them right now ;)

I am in awe of all the brilliant bits that make up this picture *flails*
26th April 2008 13:31
Um, I'm sorry?


No I'm not! Neenerneenerneener.

I will make everyone a puppyshipper, dammit.

And thank you so much!
26th April 2008 13:53
This is deliciously hot!
26th April 2008 20:19
Thank you!
26th April 2008 14:08
OMG, so hot! YES, Sirius should ALWAYS wear a collar! *flails at keyboard* Remus' back... zomg, yes. This is so incredibly beautiful and so fantastically HOT at the same time!!! Oh, good lord, I'm just... *flail*!!!
26th April 2008 20:20
He hadn't had one on for a very long time. Too long - he was due!


Thank you!
26th April 2008 15:16
OMG! This is amazing! The curve of Remus' arse and the perfection of Sirius' tongue! I love the details too...the hair in the armpit and the press of the fingers...

26th April 2008 20:22
Thank you so much!
26th April 2008 18:01
I love your work. Your lines are gorgeous. The feel so erotica.
fangrls you further
*just realizes I haven't friended you yet... goes to correct*
26th April 2008 20:22
Thank you!

*friends back*
26th April 2008 18:08
That is seriously yummy. *licks lips*
26th April 2008 20:23
Thank you!

26th April 2008 21:02
a;slkdgj!! Where do you come up with these amazing angles?!?! Your art is always so creative. God, this is beautiful. I am mesmerised by Sirius's hair, the ponytail and the little strands of it trapped beneath the collar. And the press of his thumb. Mmmmmmmmf. God, what a sexy piece. ♥ !!
26th April 2008 23:29
AS for my angles, I cannot take much credit for as I do use references. I will change pretty much everything, and will sometimes use several different references for one picture but I am not as creative as you think I am.


Yes I am!

Ok, no I am not. If I was a professional artist obviously I would be 100% original, but these are for fun and so I cheat. A little, anyway.

But thank you so much!

27th April 2008 01:50
*gurgle* So...so...damned gorgeous is what it is!
28th April 2008 01:44
Thank you so much!
27th April 2008 04:35
Gorgeous and so, so hot! I just love, love the way you do hair. Every detail hear is wonderful.
28th April 2008 01:45
Thank you!
27th April 2008 10:05
Anytime that Sirius is licking something - and by something I mean, of course, Remus - he needs to be wearing a collar. It's really just that simple.

Abso-sodding-lutely :). And your Sirius is always utterly gorgeous with his mouth open like that.
28th April 2008 01:48
Thank you so much!
28th April 2008 02:42
Gah, Sirius's tongue. And his hair...stuck in the collar... *faints*
2nd May 2008 02:07
I am always so guilty of having their hair too neat. Sex is not an activity where everything stays just so - and I'm trying to remember that!

Thank you so much for the comment.
28th April 2008 21:05
W O W that's really hot!! Great job.
2nd May 2008 02:11
Thank you!
29th April 2008 00:32
What I truly love about your style is how much detail you manage to put in while still using clean lines and sparse shading. And I have to say, that hair is FANTASTIC!!! Well done, as always.
2nd May 2008 02:42
Thank you so much.

(Although I feel like I may suddenly burst into flame from snickering at your icon)

29th April 2008 15:31
That is the single, most sexiest piece of rimming art. God, so much love for Sirius in a collar, too.
2nd May 2008 02:51
Thinking back I am surprised by how many rimming sketches I have done (ok - three but still) Boys will be boys, I guess.

Thank you!
4th May 2008 15:13
Oh holy mother of GOD. I can't stop staring. I go away for a week and this is what I miss?? *adds to mems*
5th May 2008 19:58
What a perfect icon for this posting!


Thank you!
3rd February 2009 16:29
Collar! OMGah, collar!!! And armpit and ponytail and collar! And tongue and "salty body fluid" (harhar^^°), and COLLAR!!!!!
*puddle of goo*
18th January 2010 20:00
Wow. This is incredibly hot.
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