Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Bloodlust - NC-17 
16th April 2008 22:06
Title: Bloodlust
Artist: [info]avialle
Media: Photoshop Elements, Wacom tablet
Characters: Rodolphus LeStrange, Snape in the back being dead (and recently molested) :^P
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: blood (obviously) X^D, erection, dead Snape X^P
Themes/kinks chosen: Salirophilia: Arousal by tasting salty body fluids
Artist's notes: This was really done on time, honest! X^D IJ was down, though so I couldn't post it last night. :^( I didn't have a lot of time to work on this unfortunately so I apologize if it seems rushed. RL has been busy of late. :^\ It's funny that [info]elfflame and I both think of Roddi when we think of someone who'd enjoy the taste of blood! X^DDD And wow . . . I just realized it but my blood looks really Sweeney Todd-ish in color . . . X^DDD Yes, that's a tattoo of a snake going across Roddi's left eye. X^D And his penis isn't really that small, it's just foreshortened. X^DDDDD (albeit probably badly . . .) :^P

Art preview:

17th April 2008 03:03
Wow! That's just... wow. So intense and effectual. Well done.
17th April 2008 08:49
I know it's very bad of me and I really don't like Sev being dead but I still can't stop laughing at that "recently molested" comment :D It took the edge off the situation somewhat and I can't take it too seriously LOL
Don't worry, that foreshortening is pretty good, actually. And I like Rodolphus' legs best. Especially his ankles. Perfect.
17th April 2008 10:25
I don't like Sev being dead either . . . :^( But it just seemed to make sense for this picture. I was debating whether or not to make the "victim" him or just leave it ambiguous but he came out too Snapey for it to be ambiguous. X^D

Thanks, glad you like it (and the foreshortening is okay!) ;^)
17th April 2008 17:00
Is it wrong to think this is somewhat hot?
18th April 2008 04:01
Yes No Oh hell I don't even know
18th April 2008 04:01
Oh my! I love the dreamily mad look on Rodolphus's face. Facedown Snape is so sad. That he's clearly been using it as a masturbatory lubricant is a little... disturbing. (...the rest of it isn't? lol I dunno) I like how the blood is the only colour, too.
19th April 2008 01:52
[info]melusinahp: Thank you, dear! I'm so glad you like it! As I said, it was a little rushed at the end (time was running out though I guess I didn't need to worry so much with IJ down) X^D

[info]whatthefuckbenj & [info]esmestrella: No, it's not wrong to find this hot, don't worry. ;^)

[info]esmestrella: I'm glad you like the pic! To see Snape like that kinda hurts but at least Roddi is enjoying himself! X^D I dunno. It is disturbing but hot only as he can make it. ;^) I got the idea about the color mostly from Sweeney Todd, though I've seen other people make use of the same idea in their work far better than I ever could. X^D
19th April 2008 05:17
mmmmmm- creepy <3
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