Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Charlie/Tonks/NWS 
11th April 2008 00:12
Title: Coitus a mammalia
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Charlie Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: NC17
Warnings: NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: Coitus a mammalia
Artist's notes: Charlie was thisclose to getting a Prince Albert but, alas, I didn't have the heart to do that to him. Next time...
Art preview:


11th April 2008 04:59

Wow. Just, wow. Besides the porn, which is always hot hot, I adore your drawings of HP characters. Your Charlie is totally gorgeous and delicious, with the short hair and freckles - just as I've always pictured him, thank you. :) And I love your beautiful, sultry image of Tonks - her hair and heavily-shadowed eyes. And piercings, YES.
11th April 2008 15:06
I like my Charlie and Tonks to be just a little bit Punkish. Pretty and still jocky and "clean" but with a teeny edge. More than most of the characters in the Potterverse anyway. I sooo want to tattoo Tonks more but I am afraid of continuity, Charlie's big one on his shoulder is enough to remember!

Thank you so much for the comment!
11th April 2008 05:47
That's the most graceful penis I've ever seen. I also love the piercings, Tonks's eyeliner, and the dragon tattoo. Excellent details.
11th April 2008 15:07
Penises are surprisingly difficult to draw. Size really is important and the curve has to be just so.
And that was drawing the male gentalia 101 with Erica. :)

Thank you so much!

I love the tattoo as well. Horray for Google!
11th April 2008 06:03
*is dead of Charlie eyelashes*
11th April 2008 15:09
Thank you!
11th April 2008 07:05
Jesus fuck. You KILL ME. His expression! Hers! The piercings! The eyeliner. The hair (all of it, actually, on both of them). The fingers. Her lips. His lips. His belly. The freckles. Shit. There is nothing about this I don't like, and his eyes look like they are totally rolling back in his head and kajdshfklhf...

...Sorry, Flora's off somewhere drooling and cannot complete this comment at this time.
11th April 2008 15:13
His mouth is my favorite part of this picture. Turned out just right and I always squee just a little when that happens.

Her hair is, once again, too neat, but we can always pretend that they're just starting. :)

Thank you so much!
11th April 2008 10:34
Wow! There aren't words, but his cock, the freckles, their chests, the tattoos....yum!!!
11th April 2008 15:14
It's all about the chests for this theme, eh? Thank you so much!
11th April 2008 10:42
I love the way she's looking at him. You draw the sexiest Tonks(es?). And Charlie is way too hot.
11th April 2008 15:15
I really like this pairing, thank you so much!

11th April 2008 11:22
Oh dear, what a way to wake up-- Nothing is better than waking up to check my friends page and finding Charlie/Tonks-smut. Damn, that is one beautiful man.
11th April 2008 15:16
Luvs Charlie, I do. ^-^

Thank you!
11th April 2008 14:00
*guh* that has to be the hottest thing to wake up to in the morning. The piercings. She's not usually my 'thing', but I especially LOVE Tonks. Her eyes and the way she's looking at Charlie, her hair, the slight part of her lips. Not to mention, Charlie is so incredibly hot :)
11th April 2008 15:18
Her eyes were a lot of fun. I used to be in make-up before having my family, and so few in Potterverse really wear very much. Cept for the baddies. :(

Thank you!
11th April 2008 14:13
Just... yeah, it's hot.

So many hot details... You're awesome.

*goes for a smoke* (and I don't smoke!)
11th April 2008 15:19
Thank you so much.

11th April 2008 14:27
Oh, dear god. That's gorgeous. I mean, this doesn't come as a surprise at all, but... yesh, I just had to say it again. *stares*
11th April 2008 15:21
this doesn't come as a surprise at all

I've put out stinkers, you know! Some really shit pieces!


Honesty is unfortunate sometimes, isn't it.

Thank you!
11th April 2008 14:56
Oh, wow, a Prince Albert is hardly needed here (not to say it wouldn't have been fun too). And damn, that looks almost like a park bench Tonks is sitting on -- can they possibly be outside somewhere? *is dead at just the thought*
11th April 2008 15:00
It's Spring - when all thoughts turn to renewal and nature and warmth and getting in on in the sunshine.

Or is that just me?

Thank you so much!
11th April 2008 15:16
Awesome art and hot stuff! Hope you'll be doing the PrinceAlbert someday..
11th April 2008 15:22
If her nose wasn't pierced I would have. Just seemed like one too many. Next time he's naked I'll give him one.

Poor Charlie!

And thank you.
11th April 2008 15:30
Hey who knows he might even enjoy it? Or give it to Bill he sure would! (that's so supposed to sound ambiguous ;) )
11th April 2008 17:38
very hot
very nice
Tonk's stare is completely captivating
12th April 2008 02:16
Thank you so much!
11th April 2008 20:22
Why hello.

I think this may possibly be the hottest thing ever. Between the nipple rings and Tonks' face (especially the eye, I love the eye), I'm going to be sitting here staring for a while before running to take another shower.
12th April 2008 02:27

*waves like the dork she is*

Thank you!
11th April 2008 20:43
This is SO hot. Tonks is gorgeous and everything is actually proportionate. :)
12th April 2008 02:29
Thank you! Proportion can be tricky sometimes, so it's great to know I got it right! (and you seem so surprised)
12th April 2008 02:31
Oh, it's not you, or anything bad! It just looks so real that it's almost surprising to me.
11th April 2008 22:58
Ok, seriously, I think you need to give up your day job and just draw Charlie/Tonks (or, really, any porn) full time. I have never (NEVER) been unimpressed with any piece of art you've ever done, and this is no exception. I am full of Guh.
12th April 2008 02:32
Day job? If only I had one to give up...
Motherhood will be keeping me busy for a loooong time - teh baby's only 15 months old!

*ponders free time*

Thank you so much, but as I have said - I am fully capable of posting some really shit pictures. Really - trust me.


11th April 2008 23:04
Very hot. Enjoy all the details.
12th April 2008 02:33
I enjoyed putting them in.

Isn't it nice when we all agree?

Thank you!
12th April 2008 02:13
I just love the way she is looking at him. guh!
12th April 2008 02:33
Thank you!
12th April 2008 05:41
I'm trying to form the words to tell you how much I love this, but I think my brain melted, because all I'm getting is "Guhhhhhh*drool*"
12th April 2008 21:22
Thank you so much, works for me!
12th April 2008 20:03
I have never, EVER seen a lovelier Tonks. Her EYES.
12th April 2008 21:24
Wow, thank you so much!
13th April 2008 19:26
Yeah, Tonks's eyes are truly amazing!
17th April 2008 16:10
This is totally amazing! Charlie's face is so fabulous, like it's his first time touching boobies and he's just totally blown away. *g* His cock is a thing of beauty, too, gaaaah. And I love the eye contact, the way Tonks seems so reassuring. The mutual nipple piercings also make me totally weak-kneed, and if you'd given him a prince albert too I would have combusted, so probably best that you didn't. ;)

Totally, totally gorgeous. ♥ !
18th April 2008 03:14
I googled Prince Alberts and everything - if her nose wasn't already done I would have done it! It was just one too many. If *snort* When I draw Charlie's penis again he will have one.

And thank you so much!
20th April 2008 01:17
alkjsdfjklsd!!! PIERCINGS!!!!

(More subdued and rational: I love your style as always :-) Here it's the facial expressions that truly get to me. Aside from the piercings, of course.)
22nd April 2008 20:42 - thank you for sharing
the details are beautiful and the scar gorgeous.
The dare in her eyes makes me wonder if it's (or) not a portrait ;)
20th July 2009 01:47
GUH hottest piercings, ever. i love tonks's expression.
27th May 2011 18:47
Oh my goodness-- this is entirely hot and a major kink of mine *stares* It's also completely and totally gorgeous-- Charlie is divine and Tonks is so beyond beautiful that I have no words! She's so lovely, so gorgeous, so perfect, and I kinda sorta want to shove Charlie out of the way and have my way with her ... but I won't do that to him. Amazing!!
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