Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: "The Third Degree", Harry/Ron/Hermione, R 
30th March 2008 22:45
Title: The Third Degree
Artist: [info]faire_weather
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermion
Rating: R
Warnings: Female Nudity
Themes/kinks chosen: Bisexuality
Artist's notes: I tried a new style...I won't be trying it again, lol. I imagine this is about what it would look like if Molly walked in on Ron spending quality time with his two favorite hoes (before Molly pulled herself together and laid the smack down). *smack smack*
Art preview:

ETA: Now on a more reliable image host.

31st March 2008 04:13
All I see is xs
31st March 2008 16:07
Eek. I'm not sure what to do right now. It's showing up for me (on three different computers), and this is the way I always post so I don't know. I checked the link and it's correct as well. What browser are you using?
31st March 2008 05:15
I can't see it either...:(

You can use Flickr: you just need to set up the pic to private (or Friends Only).
31st March 2008 05:23
Um, actually you don't need to be logged on LJ to see it... I took the liberty and look at the *X* (or where it should be the pic) proprieties: if you past and copy the html you can see the image. To post here you just have to use the html code for pics.

Anyways, nice pic. It reminds me of those vitral paintings. :)
31st March 2008 16:06
The picture is set to Registered users on LJ; I logged out and checked just to be sure. :)
31st March 2008 17:45
Um...but I was log out from LJ and I saw it. (pasting and copying the html address)
31st March 2008 16:08
Wouldn't everyone have to be on my Flicker friends list to see it then?
31st March 2008 17:51
No. People will be able to see the pic. Like this: This is a Flocked pic (nws) that I have on my Flickr:
Hide and Seek1
*You* can see it, right?
And I also can put the link : http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3046/2363427236_9788eefdcb_o.jpg

(if you click the link you'll also be able to see the bigger version:)
31st March 2008 20:51
I can see the second link, and I can see the thumbnail, but when I click the link to the thumbnail, it required me to create an account and then said I didn't have permission to view the photo.
31st March 2008 21:31
But that's the trick! I used a thumbnail as example- but you can pick the size you want. And if you want to post a smaller pic- you can and then you just put the link under the image saying: click here to see it bigger, or something like that.

Take a look at this post of mine just to see what I am trying to explain:)
1st April 2008 01:47
Oh, I get it. :) That's a really great idea; thank you!
31st March 2008 05:36
The links come out broken unless you view them as a web page, whether you're logged into LJ or not. I'm not sure why.

We used googlepages to host/publish our art for [info]wizard_love and it worked beautifully. You just need a gmail account, then you go to googlepages.com, upload the art, publish the page then use that address as your img src and voila, you have art. Google says specifically there are no terms of service/restrictions. In fact, there's something about 'there are images you might see that will offend you. Its up to you to avoid them' or something like that. :)

The art is lovely!
31st March 2008 16:10
This is really weird; I can see it on three different computers and this is the way I've always posted art here, so I'm really at a loss right now. I am setting up a googlepage, though, so at least I'll have something more permanent next time. Thank you very much, also. :D :D :D
31st March 2008 20:56
The only way I can see them is if I cut/paste the link found in properties into a new page. It's insane -- not blaming you, but something's going on with the LJ link for some reason.

Try the googlepage option and see if it works. We were thrilled at W-L when we realised it worked and didn't have to bother anyone else for hosting space!
1st April 2008 01:46
Okay, I've made a google page and uploaded both the thumbnail and the full size image to it; I could see them before, so just because I can see them now doesn't necessarily mean they're there. If you have a moment, I'd appreciate if you could check, but no worries if you're busy. :D And thanks for all the help; I never would've thought to use google pages.
1st April 2008 01:47
Worked like a charm! :) I can see them perfectly.

My co-mod figured the googlepages thing out. I can't take credit for it.
31st March 2008 19:44
..i can't see it either.
1st April 2008 01:46
I've changed it to a new image host if you want to try again. :)
2nd April 2008 08:25
Whoa, cool. Trippy style! Very striking.
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