Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - NM/LM  
25th March 2008 23:56
Title: Corset
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy
Rating: Possibly G? PG at best.
Warnings: None. Woe.
Themes/kinks chosen: Corsets, although it's a sadly plain one. Especially for a Malfoy.
Artist's notes: I honestly don't know if this picture is so tame because of the OMG NWS! sketch from the 11th with R/S/L, or if I simply wanted an easy, pretty piece. Whatever the case I apologize for the lack of anything remotely deviant. I promise full-on genetalia in the next one! I am also sorry for the earrings, it seemed like a good idea at the time, now - not so much. (if you really hate it, pretend it's Fleur/Bill - they're practically interchangeable - NOT a good thing. Curse you black pen!)
Art preview:


26th March 2008 03:57
that's gorgeous
great work!
26th March 2008 04:10
You draw the most perfect eyelashes and the most supple hair I have ever seen. Its amazing!
26th March 2008 04:14
That's just lovely. Mmmm. :)
26th March 2008 04:50
Absolutely beautiful and completely sexy!
26th March 2008 05:22
I like the simplicity of the image actually. The corset and the hair are gorgeous m'dear!
26th March 2008 05:34
How could anyone hate that?????

*goes into 'yummy' overload*
26th March 2008 06:26
Beautiful! Oh to be Narcissa :D
26th March 2008 09:03
Oh PRETTY!!!! That is just about the most sizzling pornographic thing I have ever seen. All the angles are beautiful - Narcissa's thrown-back head especially. And Lucius's HAND - oh! Anyway - thanks for making something so entertaining.
26th March 2008 09:42
Lucius' earrings were the first things to capture my attention. Men with long hair and earrings do me in every time.

You use so few lines, and still you capture depth and foreshortening better than any artist I've ever seen.
26th March 2008 10:24
I'm seriously jazzing on Lucius's earrings. That's hot.

Beautiful piece of art. :)
26th March 2008 11:08
Oh, wow. That's gorgeous.
I love his earrings ^^
26th March 2008 11:16
Mmmmm. What everyone else has said. Plus I love the texture on the corset - veeery sensual.
26th March 2008 11:31
It's so simple yet so complex. And as others have said before me: it's gorgeous!
26th March 2008 12:49
What are you apologising for?? This is sexy as hell! I love the idea of Lucius with those earrings, nnnnnnng. And I love his hands, so carefully lifting the straps away. And the corset itself is so gorgeous. You always manage to capture such deep passion in your art, whether or not there is explicit genitalia! That's what I love about it. ♥
26th March 2008 17:37
This is gorgeous. I love Narcissa's expression, and I have to say again that I love the angle of Lucius' face. They look so refined even though they're being passionate, which is amazing. Thanks for sharing!
26th March 2008 19:10
Oh my God, why are you apologizing, that's beautiful! Lucius and the earrings and the hair and his hands and...*melts into whimpering puddle of goo*
26th March 2008 23:37
Been staring at this for the longest time..

That neck. These hands. Those lines.

Overall gorgeous, thank you!
27th March 2008 04:24
Oh wow, her neck... his hands... ah, you kill me!
Beautiful work as always. <3
27th March 2008 05:16
Beautiful! My OTP, looking as I always imagine them. *loves*
27th March 2008 23:14
That's so pretty :). Lucius' hands, that angle, and the perfect swell of Narcissa's breasts - this is lovely :).
28th March 2008 13:18
Gorgeous-they are both so very beautiful. I like the way Lucius is cut off a bit and Narcissa is truly the center of attention. Both their hair, his hands, her neck-all lovely.
30th March 2008 17:58
I love the way Lucius is leaning in to kiss, and even though I am phobic of piercings, for some reason Lucius having two earings there has just made my heart skip a beat
7th April 2008 18:11
mmm, I like that. It hints at so much joy :)
24th September 2009 15:51
21st July 2010 13:49
20th July 2012 05:20
That's amazing. For a relatively simple sketch, the emotion you convey is stunning.
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