Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - HP/GP 
26th February 2008 00:42
Title: Harry (!!!) & Ginny
Artist: [info]ericahpfa
Media: Pen
Characters: Harry & Ginny Potter
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Het! (again!) NWS, tame tho.
Themes/kinks chosen: Rhythm Method.
Artist's notes: In my world Ginny is a tad Slytherin (and normally paired with Draco) and I wouldn't put it past her to tweak a date or two to her advantage. Especially if Harry was less than generous with teh oral.
I don't often draw Harry and this is the second this month (and another is in the works) and I am Harry'ed out. I want my puppies back!!!

26th February 2008 06:03
I always love your work, whether it's het or puppies :D

I have an irrational love for Harry's back in this picture, and the look on Ginny's face. Well the second part isn't as irrational...
26th February 2008 06:21
26th February 2008 07:24
Guh. *dies*
I love the look on Gin's face. I love her hair. Harry is perfect.
26th February 2008 07:51
I... love you. Seriously. I just finished my [info]hp_april_fools art (hahaha, I called it "art") and I did that with a pencil... and had to use the eraser SO MUCH! I can't imagine how you do this with a PEN!!! PEN! That you can't erase!! Gah, so gorgeous. I am so in awe.

Did you sign up for the RS Games?
26th February 2008 08:06
This is so pretty :)
26th February 2008 08:17
Much as I heart your puppies because you draw them so wonderfully, this, like, oh, say, EVERYTHING ELSE YOU EVER DO EVER, is absolutely beautiful.
You are just about the only fan artist in any fandom I will click the cut for no matter what the pairing. Het? Sure. Kinks that squick me? Sure. Pairings I hate? Sure. Because I know that whatever's under the cut is still going to be one of the most beautiful pieces of fanart I'll ever see. :)

I concur with others, Harry's back = love. Also I love the way Ginny has her hair.

26th February 2008 09:48
Ohmy! I love you Ginny. Honestly. She's so gorgeous! And your Harry too. Delicious boy :-)

I totally buy your scenario, too! :-D She would do that.

It's so great to get these grey-scale pictures. Mmm. I love that.
26th February 2008 09:53
Wow, that's delicious! Just guh. Well done.
26th February 2008 10:43
Gorgeous. The lines of her stomach and her breasts, the lines of his back, the freckles, her face, the hair. Just wow.
26th February 2008 11:06
I like this a lot even though it's Harry/Ginny XD
26th February 2008 11:32

I'm so totally ded.
26th February 2008 11:34
OH I love you so much!! Can't stand this pairing and yet you've made Ginny so hot I'd do her myself *coughs*

Guhh... just beautiful as always
26th February 2008 12:30
Your work is always so beautiful, no matter the pairing!
26th February 2008 12:58
The puppies will always be there when you need them! Meantime, this is beautiful. I love the pose, and woooo, Ginny ftw! I too like the idea that she would demand oral from her men. *g*
26th February 2008 13:01
Oh, yes! The world needs more women getting oral sex. ;-) Gorgeous as always.
26th February 2008 13:10
gah! you can do no wrong!

26th February 2008 14:57
OMG! Harry is so hot here! And Ginny! and the pose is yummy!

26th February 2008 15:39
Oh, very nice; I like Ginny's expression, and Harry's nose! *g*
26th February 2008 16:35
I am so jealous of your talent, especially since I have yet to do my "art" (hah!) for April Fools.
26th February 2008 18:14
Well, you only posted this today, and you already have like, what? 50 comments or something. Do we love you or what? Yeah, I think we do. I'm still waiting for that day (you know the one you insist will happen) when I open something you've drawn and say "WTF was that about?" I'm doubting I'll ever see that day. This was gorgeous. I'm not much of a Harry fan either-- that is until you draw him looking like that-- I am a big Ginny fan and you drew her fabulously (love the freckles). The hair on both of them is gorgeous. Nobody draws hair like you-- It's always perfect. Shame you can't come draw mine on every day before work.
26th February 2008 22:39
Wow!! I'm totally blown away!! It's beautiful and amazing! Great detail!! I like the freckles on her shoulders and the expression on her face! The whole picture is totally hot!! Amazing job!!
27th February 2008 10:27
Gorgeous art - Harry looks so focused! I love Ginny's hair, expression, breasts.. GUH!
28th February 2008 06:11
This art has been rec'ed at

The Golden Seeker
9th April 2008 16:33
I always love your art... and Harry is a silly boy if he doesn't know the fastest way to a woman's heart. ;-)

This is wonderful—from her freckles and lovely breasts to their matching expressions of total focus. Yay!
30th August 2008 22:49
OMG, I'm so late for the party but this is erotic, lovely couple H/G :-)
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