Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Ephemeral Kisses - Snape/Draco - NC-17 
15th February 2008 09:01
Title: Ephemeral Kisses
Artist: [info]avialle
Media: Photoshop Elements, Wacom tablet
Characters: Snape/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: erect penises (oh noes!), the initiation of ghost sex (is that even possible?)  ;^)
Themes/kinks chosen: Talismans/good luck charms
Artist's notes: Draco's been carrying a piece of Severus around with him for a very long time.  As he clutches the ring that his lover gave to him the night before his death, he feels the featherweight of his lover's spirit writhe around him, moving in for a hesitant kiss.

I had to wrack my brain to come up with a good idea for this months themes, but hopefully you all enjoy this. My first post here, and a success (I hope) . . . ;^) At least I got it in on time! ;^D Many, many thanks to [info]snapelike for inviting me here in the first place. I am honored to be amongst such fen! P.S.: I need a nametag. :^\
Art preview:

15th February 2008 14:24
Wow. That is utterly gorgeous. I especially like Snape's face, beaky nose and lanky hair and all.
15th February 2008 14:30
Oh...so beautiful and sad... Very nice. You've done a gorgeous job.
15th February 2008 14:55
That is so many kinds of gorgeous. Draco is beautiful but ghost!Snape is stunning. Wow. Amazing job.
15th February 2008 14:56
Oooh, Draco is so pretty! Gorgeous and sexy. And I love ghost!Snape. I agree with Elfflame, this is beautiful and sad. Great idea and execution. I love it. :-)
15th February 2008 15:27
WOW! That is amazing. I love how you've captured the ghost qualities of Snape and Draco is hauntingly beautiful.
15th February 2008 15:40
This is so incredibly beautiful!
15th February 2008 16:16
Love Snape's nose and everyone's hands are lovely!
15th February 2008 16:48
So beautiful! Ghostly Snape is gorgeous - the profile, the hair, his upper arms - lovely.
15th February 2008 17:28
Utterly and breathtakingly beautiful, and so sad at the same time as it's hot...
15th February 2008 18:09
Oh damn.
Sad and so gorgeous. *sniff*
15th February 2008 18:15

This actually left me breathless for a while.
Incredibly beautiful and so sad it nearly breaks my heart.

It's amazingly well done and you most definitely deserve to be invited to join the awesome crowd at D_D. I look very much forward to seeing what you'll come up with in the future.
15th February 2008 18:30
Wow...so lovely and so sad. I can't stop staring at it--its just, wow. *incoherent*
15th February 2008 18:42
What an interesting idea! I love how Snape looks!
15th February 2008 18:54
Oooh, it's lovely! Draco's graceful fingers, his pretty pretty face, the corona around Snape, and that gorgeous almost-kiss.
15th February 2008 20:45
OMG!!!! Thank you all for your kind words . . . *blushes profusely . . . * I was sweating this morning wondering if it was good enough. X^D But that's me of course . . . Again, a million thank yous! *hugs you all!*
15th February 2008 22:47
It's beautiful! You've got a great style that just makes this image all the more wonderful.
15th February 2008 23:01
Very lovely. I love the shading and how you draw Snape. Excellent work!~Sophia
15th February 2008 23:53
This is positively lovely, Avi.
15th February 2008 23:58
Oh, that's beautiful!!
16th February 2008 01:30
You guys are so sweet! I'm so glad everyone liked this drawing . . . :^D Thanks for the great welcome! *squees!*
16th February 2008 05:42
Fantastic work!
16th February 2008 07:07
Wow, this is really captivating. Fantastic work! :)
16th February 2008 09:49
This is amazing! I am not a fan of the pairing but when you are drawing them it just seems right. The texture of your work is wonderful. The grey in your hand is so colorful. Perfect!
16th February 2008 10:43
Another speechless gasp of incredulity from me. The texture and transparency are beautifully rendered. And Draco's fingers and feet - so delicate. Thank you so much for this.
16th February 2008 13:18
noukran, it means a lot when someone who doesn't like the pairing says they like my Snaco work! X^D Must be doing something right then! Thank you all profusely!

inamac, for once the hands and feet cooperated with me. X^D Usually I struggle with them and have to rework them numerous times, though the feet were a bit problematic at the beginning. The angle was difficult, esp. considering I was too lazy to go hunting for a reference. X^D

I would respond to everyone's comments individually, but I didn't want to flood the post with my own comments. X^D So hopefully no one minds I'm responding to all the kind words this way.
16th February 2008 15:08
gah, draco is so pretty, this picture gives me *shivers*
17th February 2008 03:51
*lusts for ghost!snape*
I want to cry now...damn JKR killing off everyone...
19th February 2008 06:22
Eee, I love the bottle, and the amulet about Draco's neck, and the etherealness of Snape as a ghost. Wonderful, all of it!
21st February 2008 04:28
Oh, Avi. I know I've gone on and on (and on) about your work, but this is on a whole new level. I love the definition of Draco's ribs, and the shadows around his eyes. Severus is sad and beautiful in the ugly way that only he can be, and you already know how much I adore his nose. To be honest, though, I think Draco is the masterpiece here; you've never made me fall in love with him like this before.
21st February 2008 12:55
*blushes profusely!* OMG, thank you, nish . . . your praise means an awful lot to me. *hugs you tightly!*

dumbledoreswang, yeah, I could have strangled JK for killing off so many people, esp. Snape. :^\ Ah, well.
25th February 2008 01:33
Oh, wow. Gorgeous and wonderfully original. I love the style.
25th February 2008 08:14
This is *gorgeous*! I love the flat muscles, the almost kiss, Snape's expression and, esp. his hand. Lovely work, thank you for sharing it. :)
4th March 2008 11:38
Breathtakingly gorgeous.
15th March 2008 11:25
Oh wow, this is beautiful. And the idea is so intriguing!
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