Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
February Art: Rated Nc-17 
11th February 2008 00:31
Title: The Cost of Her Protection
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Media: Tablet, Photoshop2
Characters: Snape/Lupin and Lily
Compliant to: None
Rating: NC 17+ for graphic nudity, Implied Sexual Situation (NWS!)
Theme/kink: February 08 - Charms

11th February 2008 09:06
Blimey, that's just beautiful!
*has turned to mush*
11th February 2008 09:27
Gorgeous! I love it!
11th February 2008 09:30
It is beautiful. I love.

Just. . .yeah, much love! :)
11th February 2008 12:27
OMG! That's amazing!! *looks again* and I want Lily's ensemble! *grins*
11th February 2008 12:27
OMG! That's amazing!! *looks again* and I want Lily's ensemble! *grins*
11th February 2008 12:27
OMG! That's amazing!! *looks again* and I want Lily's ensemble! *grins*
11th February 2008 12:39
11th February 2008 12:51
All three of them are just gorgeous. Love Snape's hair, the delicate contrast between his and Lupin's skintone, the simultaneous orgasm=Nnggh! Lily looks beautiful and so intense.
11th February 2008 15:13
Man, Lily was skilled at charms! :)
This is amazing and hot and gorgeous!
Favorite bit: How their legs are intertwined. Guh.
11th February 2008 16:49
Wowsa! *g*

Love that Snupin and your Lily is just wonderful, love her undies.
11th February 2008 18:33
Lovely, particularly the lads' intertwined legs. I like that Lily looks almost disinterested, with that eyebrow and twist to her mouth - like she's buried in the academia (despite being in very cute underwear) and barely noticing the hot boysex in front of her :).
11th February 2008 18:50
Oh my. I love the expressions on all of their faces especially, and the pentacle and other markings in the background.
11th February 2008 22:09
Hot and SO very gorgeous. *thud*
12th February 2008 00:26
I love how the magic is making the semen and the blood wrap around the wands. Gorgeous piece!
12th February 2008 02:01
This turned out wonderfully! :D Remus and Severus are gorgeous, and the expression on Severus' face is amazing... and how Severus is touching Remus' knee! but I love all the little details surrounding Lily - the dripping candle, showing they've been ehre a while, the bowls, the wands, her sacrifice of blood...
12th February 2008 02:25
Beautiful and hot. I love the colors.
12th February 2008 05:04
I cannot stop staring at Severus's left leg where it's wrapped around Remus's and the way his hand is touching Remus's knee... O.O

Such a luscious bit of scrawniness he is too! And his jawline is killing me dead.
12th February 2008 05:11
All of it incredibly gorgeous, but I'm with nimrod_9. I want Lily's outfit! The pom-poms are too cute!
12th February 2008 17:11
I love Lily's apathetic interest in what the boys are up to and I love how focused on each other they are. The look on Severus's face is wonderful. I really love how his hand is sort of brushing Remus's leg. *fanself* Lol, all that and it's hawt as Christmas in July.
16th February 2008 13:55
wow, really can't think of another word for it other than beautiful
18th February 2008 21:44
Okay, how can Lily possibly be mixing things and reading a book right now?!?!? :) I am totally mesmerised by the coming on Snape's stomach. a;lsdjkg. SUCH a huge kink of mine!! This is beautiful and so HOT, Karasu!
25th February 2008 11:34
Wonderful work!
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