Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Feb 1 ART 
1st February 2008 00:13
Ha! I apologise in advance, but soooo many of the prompts here just scream crack to me! This picture makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, (and it's not even prony!!) but hopefully, it will make you smile!

Title: The Garter
Artist: Tripperfunster
Media: Pencilcrayon
Characters: Giant Squid/Voldie
Rating: pg?
Warnings: crack
Themes/kinks chosen:Mock Marriage
Artist's notes: Please don't ask me for the backstory because I shudder to think what it might be. *covers ears in case Eeyore999 tries to explain it to me*

1st February 2008 06:26
It's the beak I'd be worried about... *snort*

A snippet:

Hell comes in all shapes, sizes and viscosities. Tom Riddle, once known as Lord Voldemort, learned this the hard, squicky way. Given as a plaything to the only creature on Hogwarts property that wanted him, he just made due. Eight times a night. With suckers.
1st February 2008 06:41
*shrieks* Tripper FTW!
1st February 2008 07:29
*dies laughing*
1st February 2008 09:03
Oh dear now there is a disturbing picture but somehow less disturbing then anything that involves a houseelf O_o
1st February 2008 09:29
Awww, you managed to make the squid sexy!
How sweet!
1st February 2008 09:40
Wow! The Squid is quite attractive with those lovely eyes.
1st February 2008 09:53
Bwahaha! This is awesome! OMG, you made the squid sexy, heee. And apparently Voldie is quite happy with the situation. :P
1st February 2008 11:36
That's a very sexy Squid! Tom can't complain at all - I've always pictured the Squid as a perverted old male squid, using the tentacles for something else.

Great use of the prompt, and great art, too.
1st February 2008 12:32
1) far sweeter than Voldisquid sounds!

2) but the Squid loves Ron - it's canon.

3) but what is Voldie doing??
1st February 2008 12:34 - In which the villian is the hero and the heroine is not what you would expect.
The first time young Tommy saw Inky the Sexy Squid, he knew he was in love. As he continued through Hogwarts, causing a bit of distraction during the day so that he could sneak out to see his beloved at night.

It tore at his heartstrings at the end of every year when he would have to return to the orphanage, away from his slippery lover.

After Hogwarts, Tom found a few jobs to make some money to save up for a rather large engagement ring. If you know the price of engagement rings for humans, you could imagine the cost for Tom's 'girl'!

Tom asked Dumbledore for the DADA post so he could be near Inky. Dumbledore refused to give him the post, and so Tom left, broken hearted, and vowed revenge on Dumbledore for keeping him away from the love of his life.

Many years and battles later, a prophecy was made. Upon realizing that this could effect him, Voldemort set out to destroy what he thought was holding him back.

Fifteen years after this new crusade started, he realized that he was fighting the wrong people. What he needed was to take over the Ministry, not the school! With this realization, he set forth quietly upon his new quest, one that would take a bit over a year.

The Ministry finally taken over, he had a few laws changed about Muggleborns, what everyone expected, and slid some extra minor laws in as well, making it legal that he could marry his forgotten love.

Now that it would be legal, the boy who became a dark lord set upon his previous battle of gaining control of the school in the most dramatic way possible.

After obtaining the school, he marched down to the lake while everyone thought he was going after a wand, of all things. Once at the lake, he proposed and quickly planned to have Lucius do the honors of finally letting him and Inky be wed.

And so we arrive at this picture, one of the many snapshots taken that day of the happy couple.
1st February 2008 13:20
oh, too much fabulousness to ever describe!

art noveau bestiality from the potterverse! and it's WorkSafe!
You have illuminated a gloomy Friday.
1st February 2008 13:30
It started out as a means of torturing poor Tom, but once she latched her suckers onto him, pleasure such as he'd never known--whilst living or half-living--filled every part of him. He knew then that he had to have her, his forever. But Gertha (for such was her name, though no one had ever thought to use Legilimency to find out) was not that kind of squid. She demanded a commitment from him (and evidence of his need for an insane asylum did not count) before she allowed him anywhere near her wet and squishy parts.

Tom was perfectly happy to oblige, and after introducing her to his loving family (first the Death Eaters then the Inferi), they set out to find a vicar to perform the ceremony. A well-placed Imperio later, and their reception was in full swing.

Can I just tell you again how much I love you? Seriously, you feed the crack and I can't thank you enough for it!
1st February 2008 14:27
I *love* this. I love how you drew Voldemort!
2nd February 2008 00:14
ohmygod. *loves*
2nd February 2008 03:10
like a car crash. horrible when you really think about it but for some reason you just can't look away... ::giggle::

voldy + tails = ♥
2nd February 2008 04:46
I always get so excited when you post because it means it's either gonna blow me away with the gorgeous or knock me out of my chair laughing. And I love Eey's explanation!
2nd February 2008 05:23
ahahaha, this is great and lovely and Nouveau and yes, the tails! and her lovely big eyes!^^
2nd February 2008 13:37
*dies laughing* Voldemort loves it. You know he does.
2nd February 2008 15:42
Oh god! *dies laughing*
2nd February 2008 17:34
I have no response to this except helpless laughter. *dies*
2nd February 2008 21:39

I'm a little bit wierded out by how hot that squid is. Thank you for helping me realize I might need to be committed.
4th February 2008 06:18
She's so ... pretty? Is that the right word? At least they appear happy, lookit poor Bill - his mock marriage/foray into beastiality had him looking a bit peaky.

Awesome job - love the pencils!
4th February 2008 19:05
Brilliant. And yes, eeyore I am sure will come up with a horribly disturbing back story (may well have done so!)
6th February 2008 05:23
Well, now I want the full story, of course! But it's lovely work. The squid is very beautiful! I love the eyes.
7th February 2008 19:16
Eeeheeheee heee.

That is awesome. I love the thin elegance of the tentacles and the way you've posed them both. Hee heee.

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