Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Slipping (Umbridge/Harry), NC-17 
28th January 2008 22:31
Title: Slipping
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS and tablet and the remnants of adolescent fantasies
Characters: Harry Potter, Dolores Umbridge
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-con (it kinda has to be...), object penetration, bondage, Dolores in a pink outfit, and lazily-drawn hands.
Themes/kinks chosen: Everything old is new again: straightjackets, waxplay, dildos, branding (of a sort) and the Umbridge/Harry rogue pairing ;).
Artist's notes: It's okay! Umbridge has ALL her clothes on :p. And aww, poor Dolores, she has no tag. Such a surprise, heh.
Art preview:

So maybe you weren't thinking exactly this... ~looks shifty~

28th January 2008 11:07
Oh my God...


28th January 2008 18:40
Hee! Yay! I'm so relieved there are actually comments this morning; I rather thought the pairing and warnings would put people off :).
28th January 2008 11:26
wicked hot and evil! agh! Dolores you (clever) FIEND!
**adds Ships_Harry to her fansmut hero list**
28th January 2008 11:26

Yeah. Just...

Dayum, woman! Fuck.
28th January 2008 11:37
I think minx_17 said it all!!
28th January 2008 12:47
Haha! Sorry, but yes, I am actually amused ;-) (I'd normally squick at this because I identify so much with Harry and I'm so bloody Dom *G* The amusement is a huge kudo to you!)

Dolores, you dirty woman! I have to love that mind. Gosh. Honestly, if Harry looks half as cute as he does in my head, I would have been tempted to do something like that to him *G* Or indeed if he looks as he does in your art.
28th January 2008 13:36
Oh my holy fucking... that is so...


so hot omg!!!
28th January 2008 15:09
OMG. *snicker* This is so wrong it's awesome. OMG, poor Harry. That dildo thing is SCARY. I love your brain. :D

Oh, and to actually comment on the art, I love the lighting. It's fantastic!
28th January 2008 15:59
Oh holy fucking hell-that is one heck of a dildo! But this is very Umbridge. Damn, Harry looks incredible.
28th January 2008 16:40

I...have no words. Other than:
WOW, what a dildo! *shifts eyes*
And Dolores is mighty creepy. Great job!
28th January 2008 17:40
*whimpers* That's too fucked up to be true. *melts*
28th January 2008 18:31
O_O I don't know whether I should run or stare some more...

wow, but your art is vivid, though, and Harry's face... HOT!
28th January 2008 19:08
Oh man, I am watching the OotP movie RIGHT NOW, and the detention scene is so totally perverted!! This is a great take on it. Nnnnrg. :)
28th January 2008 19:08


28th January 2008 21:36
I am oddly entertained by this. I laughed and said "that is so f****d up" when I saw it, in that way of I am so highly impressed and liking this. Nie work!
28th January 2008 23:26
God, I canNOT stop staring at the huge bolted down dildo up Harry's ass. *G*
29th January 2008 01:25
Guh! I have no words, but "drool"
29th January 2008 03:16
This should not be hot my squicks tell me, but it is.
29th January 2008 03:20
Hell yes! Amazing, from the words, to the wax, to the huge fucking thing shoved up Harry's arse. Her expression is great, and, of course, so is his, and the light is exquisite. It's like an interrogation light.
29th January 2008 05:29
*is ded* I saw your post first and was thinking "Harry/Umbridge? Weird. Now I have to look no matter how bad I might get squicked!" And then whammo!

The spotlight on Harry's face is great but the candle glow is bloody amazing! And I can't stop looking at that bolted down dildo. It's just so so wrong and yet... Wow.
29th January 2008 08:44

Yes. I love you. This is probably not news. But... GUH straitjacket of LOVE! And stupidly huge dildo. BUt oh the straps. *is kinking out on leather and buckles*
29th January 2008 21:01
*speechless* Despite the pairing and Harry's utter misery, this is fucking amazing. Great use of the prompts! I'm squirming in both good and bad ways over it.

And there is now a tag for character: umbridge. :)
2nd February 2008 18:30
I clicked on this at work and was entranced, only I couldn't leave a comment then. Anyway, I've finally returned and dude, it's still just as arresting this time around.
Poor Harry! Yet he doesn't seem to be having THAT bad of a time, you know? *g*
Anyway, hotness! Whoo!
4th February 2008 19:09
Argh. Meet the place where wrong meets right and becomes Art!
4th February 2008 21:53
I've had this damned tab open for a bloody week now and HAVEN'T COMMENTED YET, what the hell is wrong with me. Absent-minded idiot.

You know I could not adore this more, right? Harry bound so cruelly, and the ball separator and that monstrous phallus and the lines etched into his body and the candlewax and the unshaven line of his jaw that tells me he's been at Umbridge's mercy for a good few days, and Umbridge with her calm pink evil self having herself a delightful ol' time. Her hand on Harry's thigh--god, the violating INTIMACY of that.

I adore you.
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