Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
4th October 2007 15:36 - Fic: Talent
Author: [info]iamisaac
Prompt: Teenage Snape! Either Snape/Remus or Snape/Sirius (or Snape solo while thinking about/spying on Remus or Sirius); include any of the following: first time(!), wall!sex, frottage, angry!sex, awkward!sex, miscommunications, wanking, voyeurism.
Warnings: implied wanking, gentle SM, hate!sex, frottage
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~2300
Title: Talent
Pairing: Sirius/Severus
Summary: See prompt – except it’s Sirius/Severus, not vice versa.

talent )
3rd October 2007 12:03 - FIC: No Help Like a Woman's (Severus/Remus + Lily, NC17)
Title: No Help Like a Woman's
Author: [info]celandineb
Characters: Lily, Remus, Severus
Rating: NC17
Warnings: voyeurism, semi-threesome, first time, cross-dressing (sort of)
Themes/kinks chosen: Lost prompt #68: "Lily/Remus/Severus. Severus/Remus are in a secret relationship they want to go to Yule Ball as a couple-goes to Lily for advise. Lily helps Severus transform into a passable gal. What is a girl to ask in return from two hot guys?"
Word Count: ~6500
Summary: Remus desperately wants to go to the Yule Ball with Severus, and with Lily's help, they find a way.
Author's notes: The title is taken from the title of a 17th-c. play by Thomas Middleton: No Wit, no Help, like a Woman's.

No Help Like a Woman's )
2nd October 2007 08:33 - Hey ya'all!
Title: Untitled
Artist: [info]blue_onion
Media: Wacom tablet, Opencanvas, Photoshop
Characters: Ron/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Het, Nudity - NWS
Themes/kinks chosen: 73. Ron/Tonks. Tonks as dom, Ron sub. Spanking, pegging (magic strap-on for her pleasure), light bondage, not humiliating. Plot if you can add it in.
Artist's notes: Umm... I'm not that big on bondage or spanking, but I was intrigued by the pegging bit. And I think Ron's having too much fun at the moment to feel humiliated. I did throw in a blindfold to spice things up a bit more. =D

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1st October 2007 11:27 - October ART
Lost Prompts Entry

Title: All Thumbs
Artist: [info]tripperfunster
Rating:pg, sorry!
Warnings:Severe lack of pr0n
Themes/kinks chosen:prompt 96. Snape/Lupin - making up after the worst. Desperation, Passion, finger-sucking.
Artist's notes: mmmm finger sucking!
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All Thumbs )
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