Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Addendum to Previous Message 
20th September 2019 19:52
Current Daily Deviant posting members who are not yet members of the comm on DW, feel free to hit the "join" button. We’ll approve your membership ASAP.

Any former posting members who might have left due to inactivity on IJ or something similar and are interested in returning after the move to DW, just get in touch with us! We’ll get you taken care of.

Watchers do not need to "join" the DW comm; you only need to "subscribe." As always, no fic or art will ever be locked, so you need only watch/subscribe to view all the content.

The DW comm will likely be messy for a while as we move things around. And remember, the move officially happens in November. Please keep watching Daily Deviant on IJ for further news and announcements as well as great, smutty work throughout the rest of September and October!
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