Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Samhain Dinner Date 
13th October 2017 23:10
Title: Samhain Dinner Date
Author: Akatnamedeaster
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Sirius Black (Not)Fake Blood
Other Warnings/Content: Vampires, blood, implied murder, anal, rough sex, scratching
Summary/Description: "Foolish girl. She thought I had invited her to dinner."
"Well, she was partially correct."
"Wicked bastard."
Author's Notes: This was supposed to have been good but somewhere along the way I lost the plot and made a mess and then ran out of time and have other pressing art matters to attend to. Hopefully it's not completely awful.

Happy Halloween!

18th October 2017 02:43
I knew this was going to be fabulous from the previews, and it totally is. The utter, sensual wallowing in depravity and murder! The carnage and seductiveness! The spooky grey wash of color, broken only by splotches and smears of blood! I adore their faces - they're so unrepentant, so gleeful, so high on bloodshed. Sirius looks downright joyous, and Severus - oh my, he's absolutely liberated by evil. He looks powerful and sexy and very, very dangerous. You do not want to meet these two in a dark alley. Or even in the local Tesco's.

A couple of points: I love how you drew their smiles to fit the shapes of their faces, Sirius' square and almost laughing expression, Severus' triangular, almost drugged-looking cross between a smile and a snarl. Apart from those creepy, mesmerizing smiles, I think my favorite details are the curve of Sirius' arse and beautifully lit thigh, and OMG, Severus scratching him hard enough to draw blood. That cruel caress is intensely sexy.

A wonderfully atmospheric and appropriately chilling double portrait, Kat. You have quite a gift for bloodplay. ;) Bravo!
1st November 2017 15:30
First off, this comment made my cold little heart sing and reminded me why I still hang on to this place. :)

Thanks so much! I had a much more graphic picture in mind but reckoned a lot of folks would get offended by my choice of victim. However, I'm glad I held back since I think the more subtle approach works better.

(I'm also delighted that you enjoy a wicked Snape. I've been missing that little bastard in the midst of all the hyper-romantic, super-duper lover Snape and wanted to give the nasty git an airing.)
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