Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Banging Birthday Pieces Past Due! 
29th March 2016 20:39
Hello, Banging Birthday participants!

Those of you who are writing or drawing for BB should have either submitted your piece or sent us an extension request by now. If you haven't done so yet, get in touch with quickly -- before we strap on our stomping boots, grab our nail bats, and come looking for youse. ;)

We've now replied to all the submission emails and extension requests we've received, so if you sent something in and didn't hear back from us, let us know ASAP.

Posting begins very soon! Stay tuned for info on the posting schedule and exactly when you can expect the first porny party favors to go live...
30th March 2016 14:30
Woohoo!!! I can't wait to read all the fun! <3 Thank you for all your hard work.
30th March 2016 16:02
I did hear back from you when I sent my submission, but I'm continuing to tweak it so I may resend it to you. Sorry, I'm being a perfectionist.
2nd April 2016 17:38
Sorry, just saw this... emailed you a few days ago, sending my submission RIGHT NOW! <3 <3 <3

Sorry for being a tool.
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