Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Note to Kinky Kristmas Participants: 
22nd November 2014 11:51
Those of you who've sent us your Kinky Kristmas pieces in the last week or so, please give us a couple more days to respond. Both mods have been traveling, and we're behind on... well, everything at the moment! We'll be doing our best to get caught up over the next two or three days.

Also to those who've already submitted your pieces -- thank you! And to those who're still putting on the finishing touches (or just getting started, heh), remember that the due date is just under a week away.

Thanks, all. We're looking forward to digging into your smutty submissions (hmm, that sounds extra dirty for some reason) very soon!
28th November 2014 14:27
Hi Mods
I emailed you twice asking for an extension but haven't heard from you. I know it's been nutsville in ModLand, but just giving you a heads-up here in case the emails got lost!
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