Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Greenhouse 12 
6th September 2011 23:34
Title: Greenhouse 12
Artist: [info]didodikali
Media: pencil.
Characters: Cho, Neville.
Rating: NC-17.

6th September 2011 23:07
This is lovely! I especially like the way the vines are twined around them and Neville's pants down around his one ankle. He still has one boot on! love it. :D (And is just my imagination or are the plants enjoying the show? *g*)
7th September 2011 00:48
Aw, this is gorgeous!
7th September 2011 07:41
So hot! I loved their tangled bodies.
7th September 2011 14:14
So sexy and playful, lovely! :)
8th September 2011 01:05
That is absolutely gorgeous.
8th September 2011 13:45
Ohhh, really nice, passionate and playful!
9th September 2011 16:33
This is beautiful! I love how happy they both look. <3
16th September 2011 08:36
So sensual! Love the vines and the little bit of tongue they have going on there.
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