Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
The seductive properties of the Malfoy smile [Snape/Draco; NC-17] 
29th March 2006 10:42
Title: The seductive properties of the Malfoy smile
Author: [info]ldybastet
Pairing: Snape/Draco
Rating: R to NC-17
Summary: Snape finds a picture of Draco in the Daily Prophet and can't stop looking at it...
Warning/Kink: Pictophilia, anisonogamism, voyeurism
Disclaimer: The world and characters of Harry Potter are the property of J K Rowling and the various copyright holders. No infringement intended, no money made. No people, either real or fictional, were harmed in the writing of this story.
Notes: Beta read by [info]lysa1, and any remaining errors are mine. Anisonogamism - to be attracted to someone either much older or much younger than oneself. Pictophilia - arousal from pictures, either by looking at them or having them taken.


The seductive properties of the Malfoy smile

It was during the summer that Snape found a picture of his old friend Lucius Malfoy in the paper. It was taken during some opening event for something that Lucius had donated money for; Snape didn't care about the details. In the picture, Lucius turned toward the viewer and gave him one of his patented, cold smiles, then apparently replying to a question the reporter had asked. He looked as elegant as always, confident and strong. But what caught Snape's attention wasn't Lucius, not this time.

At Lucius' side stood his young son. Draco, too, smiled at the camera, a charming, open smile that Snape had seen directed at himself many times during the previous school year – Draco's first. Then the boy tilted his head up to give his father an adoring look, and Snape's heart flipped. Draco was young and attractive, held a fresh beauty and a self-confidence that reminded Snape so much of Lucius, yet was Draco's own. Lucius had never been that unreserved.

Snape finished his breakfast, put the paper down and went about his business, but the scene in the picture didn't leave his mind. Before bedtime, he gave up, realising that he would regret it deeply should he throw the paper away... He cut out the picture, discarding the rest of the article, and placed it in a drawer in his desk, but not before having given it another long look.

Could it be that he was missing the boy? Snape discarded the thought. He had no reason to miss him; Draco would be back at Hogwarts come September, and before then, he was sure to meet him at least once or twice, when visiting Lucius.

Before long, it had become a ritual of sorts – every morning, after he had dressed, Snape went to his desk to sit down and take out the picture. He spent a few minutes watching Draco smile and then turn his head up to look at his father, over and over. He noticed how lovely the line of Draco's neck was, how his lips curled, and how he seemed to shift his weight from one foot to the other...

As the days passed, Snape began to feel a little unnerved about one thing. He'd noticed that there was more to his interest in the picture than simply missing having the boy around. He'd caressed the cheek of the Draco in the picture, and at that moment the figure had turned to look at him and flash his smile. And Snape's breath had almost caught in his throat. The sudden warmth of arousal washed over him, and he'd snatched his hand back. Silly of course, he knew, because the boy in the picture couldn't see him, couldn't feel him, and most of all - he couldn't blame him.

Snape had begun to keep the picture out at all times. Why shouldn't he? After all, it was his private chambers, and no one ever entered his bedroom, except for himself. Who would know that he kept a picture of a smiling Draco Malfoy at his bedside table?

He enjoyed propping the picture up against the candle holder and getting undressed before it. At first he'd felt ashamed, but that was soon forgotten, Draco flashing his smile at him again and again as he slowly unbuttoned his robes and let them fall. His guilty pleasure. But the act aroused him, set his blood on fire, and he quickly crawled into bed, pulled the blanket up and stroked his insistent erection until he came with a low grunt and the image of a smiling blond boy fixed in his mind.

In September, a new school year began, and the corridors and class rooms were once again filled with children. The presence of Draco balanced the aggravation of having the dubious pleasure of trying to teach Potter some useful skills that could be important in the boy's future. Draco seemed to genuinely like his teacher, and Snape favoured him, of course, letting him get away with snide remarks that Snape approved of. He was pleased with his student's academic efforts as well, and often gave him extra points when he'd earned them, and received a triumphant smile in return.

It was not the smile that Snape longed for but would never let anyone know. In the evening, he closed and locked the door to his chambers and enjoyed the unguarded and spontaneous smile of the Draco in the picture. His Draco.


Draco didn't like the place where they were hiding from Aurors and Death Eaters alike. Snape hadn't wanted the other followers of the Dark Lord to know their whereabouts; it's better if they don't know, was the only explanation he'd given Draco. But he regularly took Draco to the meetings, where he was sneered at and treated as a failure. It was hard for Draco, used to being the one everyone wanted to follow and do favours for, to be reduced to this. He'd tried so hard to live up to their expectations, believing that he would earn their respect and his father's, once he was broken out of Azkaban.

He felt lonely. Snape was spending a lot of time in his own bedroom, when not having his nose buried in a book or being out doing things on behalf of the Dark Lord. Draco had thought that he would get to talk with his former Professor, that he would be given some instruction in the Dark Arts. He'd thought that he would be able to get some answers to all the questions he had, or that he would get to know him better... However, it had been two weeks already, and every time that Draco had tried to open a conversation, he'd been glared at or Snape had simply told him to be silent. A few times, Snape had even left.

Draco didn't know why it was so, but he suspected that Severus Snape did not like him very much at all.

It was boring and nerve-wracking, and Draco wondered what Snape was actually doing while avoiding him. He couldn't follow him outside, since he'd been forbidden to go anywhere without Snape's company and couldn't find the house on his own, but he could spy on him inside the house.

Draco had discovered a crack in the door to Snape's room and if he knelt, he could peer through it and catch a glimpse of the room on the other side of the barrier.

At first it didn't look very interesting; Snape was sitting on the edge of the bed, taking something out, a scrap of paper, from a pocket. He looked at it for a while, and Draco wondered if it was something important or something of sentimental value.

But then Snape began to undress, and even though Draco knew that he should leave, should look away, should stop peeking... he couldn't. With flaming cheeks, he caught glimpses of Snape's body as it was quickly revealed to him. Draco found himself riveted to the spot, fascinated.

Snape sat on the bed again, it's rickety frame creaking under him, and swung his legs up, leaning against the headboard. Draco couldn't see the legs anymore from this angle but he didn't care; it wasn't Snape's legs that held his gaze, it was his cock. Snape's cock in Snape's hand, stroking, moving slowly up and down the hard shaft...

Draco felt his underwear grow increasingly tight as he watched. He wasn't thinking about how and why, but what he saw was definitely making his own cock react. When he managed to tear his gaze away from the wicked sight and up to Snape's face again, he saw that the man was studying that piece of paper again while fisting his cock. Definitely something of personal value then, thought Draco.

It was with a sudden sense of guilt for having intruded upon his former teacher's private moment that Draco carefully withdrew and went back to his own room, distractedly rubbing his crotch.

The next time that Snape closed the door behind him, Draco silently made his way there to once more kneel on the hard floor and peek through the crack. He was wondering who it was on that picture that Snape was looking at, because it had to be a picture, Draco had decided. Had Snape had a "friend" that he'd had to abandon as a result of their wild escape from Hogwarts that evening? No wonder then if he was annoyed at Draco, probably even blaming him for it.

This time, Draco stayed longer to watch. This was so much more interesting than what went on in the dormitories at Hogwarts. That had been fumbling and grunting and groping, whether it had been alone or with someone, and Draco hadn't much enjoyed watching any of it... But this was different - slow, languid strokes over a big and dark cock. Not a teenaged prick, a cock! Draco bit his lower lip to keep completely silent while rubbing the heel of his hand over his own, just the fabric of his robe separating his hand from his hot flesh.

He'd never really thought of his Professor in this way before, had been perfectly happy with admiring and idolising him, but somehow it seemed so right to be watching this. Certainly naughty, but Draco didn't care. Snape was breathing harder now, and his hand was moving faster, with more determination. Salazar! Draco wanted to hear him moan. He squeezed his cock as it gave a twitch at the thought.

However, Snape finished without moans, but with a sharp intake of breath and his body arching up into his fist. Draco hurried to his own bed then, and lay down to wank furiously, the image of Snape coming still clear in his mind.

The days passed, as did the evenings and nights, and Draco continued to spy on Snape as often as he dared. Sometimes he just lay in bed and brought back the images of what he'd seen while he was stroking himself... But who was it on that picture Snape was masturbating to? Draco tried to tell himself that it was none of his business, but another part of his mind leeringly told him that he'd already crossed the line by watching Snape at it. Surely, it wouldn't be any worse if he got a look at the picture too?

So he waited until the right moment - Snape was in the bath down the hall, but he'd gone there in only his underwear, leaving his robe in his bedroom. This was the chance that Draco had waited for! He sneaked inside the bare room and carefully stuck his hand inside the pockets, careful to not disturb the material too much, so that Snape wouldn't notice that he'd been touching it. He fished out the scrap of paper. It was rather old, he thought, a bit yellowed at the edges and worn at the crease where it was folded.

Draco unfolded it and was met with the sight of himself as a young boy, standing next to his halfway torn-off father, flashing his smile at the camera and then turning his gaze adoringly at Lucius.

He sat down heavily on the bed, not quite believing his eyes. Snape was... he was wanking while looking at his picture? How long had he done that? Since the picture was published in the Daily Prophet several years earlier? But... Snape was fantasising about him, Draco Malfoy? He shivered suddenly and folded the picture again, got up and returned it to its hiding place. He'd be in so much trouble if Snape found him there...

The floorboards creaked once as he was tiptoeing away, and he froze to the spot for a moment scared that he'd be discovered, but nothing happened and Draco got downstairs safely. He sat down on the sofa to think about what he had discovered. He would never be able to meet Snape's gaze again! Not knowing that the man was having sexual fantasies about him. But, Draco wondered, if he did, then why was he so gruff towards him now? They were out of Hogwarts... no one would know... Why hadn't Snape approached him if he wanted him? Shock and surprise quickly turned to renewed fascination and a feeling of longing. What if he could feel Snape's hands on his body, and what if he could take Snape's cock in his hand?


Two weeks later, Draco couldn't wait any longer. It had been so hard to act normally around Snape, to not blush or stare at him, or worse: stare at his crotch. Draco was sure that if could only get his mouth on it, his tongue on his cock, he'd have Snape moan in seconds, and he wanted it so much.

So one evening, as Snape was going to bed, Draco brushed past him in the corridor, then stopped before Snape had time to even open his door.

"I know what you'll do," he said a little breathlessly and Snape looked at him with a frown.

"I'm going to go to bed."

"I know... thinking about me, touching yourself." Draco didn't know from where he got the courage to speak the words, but he was driven by his own desire.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Snape spat, but Draco thought he looked slightly shaken. "Why would I be thinking about you?"

"Because I've been watching you... I've been watching you get undressed and take your cock in your hand..." Draco licked his lips and swallowed. His throat was so dry. He stepped closer as Snape stared at him in disbelief. "It looks so good..." Draco was close enough to feel the warmth from Snape's body.

"That is hardly proper behaviour, Mr Malfoy, spying on me," Snape said coldly, angrily.

"You want me."

"Put that absurd idea out of your mind!" Snape opened the door and stepped inside his bedroom, turning to slam the door in Draco's face, but Draco was too quick and had already closed the distance between them and placed the palm of his hand over Snape's cock.

By Salazar! It was big even half hard. Draco squeezed it lightly and smirked as it seemed to come alive under his hand, growing a little, moving as it did so. "You want me," he repeated.

"Stop this immediately!" Snape took a step back, then another, but Draco followed him. "I do not want you, Mr Malfoy."

"You have a picture of me."

Now, Snape froze for a moment and his face paled. "That doesn't mean that I want--" he began, but Draco cut him off.

"You look at it while you're touching yourself." Draco fell to his knees in front of Snape, his hands on Snape's hips and his mouth hot over the bulge inside Snape's clothes. "No one needs to know," he mumbled as he mouthed the shaft through the fabric. "I want you too..."

"Stop," Snape said, but Draco didn't heed him and Snape didn't move away. "Stop this at once!"

"It's only you and me here..." Draco began unbuttoning the robe from the bottom up, not wanting to move his face away from his prize. "We both need this."

"No, Draco," Snape said, and his voice betrayed that his defences were crumbling. "You're too young for this... much too young."

Draco pushed the robe to the sides and pulled down the waistband of Snape's underwear to reveal the hard cock to his gaze. He couldn't hold back a small moan, and looked up at his former Professor, meeting his black eyes.

"Not as young as I was in that picture..." He broke eye contact and licked slowly from the base of the cock to the tip, savouring the moment of triumph as Snape moaned.


"Draco..." Snape said his name so softly, almost reverently, and his fingers moved lightly over Draco's hair. "Not here, not like this."

Draco looked up at him again, and Snape's hand trembled slightly when he brushed back the hair out of the boy's eyes. "Where?" came the question immediately, with no hesitation.

Snape inclined his head towards the bed and raised his hands to take care of the last buttons of his robe. The smile on Draco's face seemed to light up the room, and Snape's breath caught in his chest. That was the look that he'd seen so many times in his mind, the one he'd hoped to one day see directed at himself... and here it was.

Draco must have noticed his hesitation because once more his hot mouth was on Snape's cock. This time the boy's wicked tongue played over the head while his lips slowly moved forward over it, drawing Snape deeper and deeper into his mouth, and Snape forgot about the bed.

He moaned again, not able to hold the sound back and not having to either because the only other person in the house was on his knees before him, sucking his cock. He looked at him, noted the light flush on Draco's cheeks, the way they hollowed slightly as he sucked him eagerly. The boy -- the young man, he corrected himself -- was beautiful like this, with Snape's cock in his mouth, the pointy face losing a little of its sharpness. Yes, Snape thought as he threaded his fingers through the soft, blond hair at the back of Draco's head, beautiful... like the boy in the picture. His Draco... His.

With that thought, he groaned loudly and emptied himself into his newly-found lover's hungry mouth.
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