Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: That Time of the Month 
3rd April 2009 03:05
Title: That Time of the Month
Artist: [info]clayangel
Media: Gimp
Characters: Bellatrix
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: kind of gross blood play
Themes/kinks chosen: Blood Play
Artist's notes: Not what I set out to do, but it works. ;D
Art preview:

3rd April 2009 14:21
This is one of those works of art that is so well done but still hard to look at. I hope you understand what I mean. Her blissed out expression, the way her hand caresses her collar, her negligee are all just perfect. And seeing that it's Bellatrix I can imagine her doing this as well. Great job.
3rd April 2009 14:26
Oh, I totally understand. Originally I wanted to do a thing where she was toying with the blood of her victims, but the more I drew, the more it just seemed to make more sense to do it this way, so I said screw it and just went with it.

Considering the incredibly poor reception, probably not the way to go, but I'm really pleased with it, and in the end, that's all that matters. ^_^
3rd April 2009 14:50
Whoa. This is just amazing--slightly grotesque but so sensual and erotic at the same time. Very appropriate for Bellatrix. Love it!!
3rd April 2009 15:05
Thank you so much. ^__^ Grotesque and erotic...you know, I've never thought of it, but that really does describe Bellatrix, doesn't it?
3rd April 2009 15:06
*nods* And I do love her so...
3rd April 2009 17:54
*gulps* Beautifully done, if quite disturbing - just what one could imagine for Bellatrix, though.
3rd April 2009 18:00
^_^ Thank you.
3rd April 2009 18:05
Crikey, that's incredible.
3rd April 2009 18:06
Thanks so much. ^_____^
3rd April 2009 21:57
Now *this* is deviant for our fandom, which is saying a lot!

I find this startling, yet totally IC for Bellatrix! She is quite the creepy-sensuous slut, isn't she? Never met a boundary she didn't want to transgress. (I mean, having the hots for Voldie? 'Nuff said!)

The modern-art style, her clothing and pose, the medium, all add to the overall impact, I think. I'm "not a trained art critic," but it seems to me like there is a unified feel in the way all these elements work together to create the message. Even though I'm not turned on at all by the subject, LOL! But that's Bellatrix too, innit? Her total lack of restraint is part of her scariness!

Also? I like what you signed it in. *g* Almost as though you're part of *her* work. o_O
3rd April 2009 22:19
I like what you signed it in. *g* Almost as though you're part of *her* work. Holy shit, that was exactly what I was thinking!
3rd April 2009 23:00
Whew. Thanks for saying that! It felt like a weird thought - but then, this piece kicks up a lot of weird thought!

What popped into my mind was that it was sort of a "meta" kind of thing... but I'm not sure how, exactly. *frowns*

Does that make any sense to you?

Art gets me so confused. Like poetry. Too much for my linear little brain. :-)
4th April 2009 09:13
It actually does make sense, because it's so thought-provoking, which good meta does.
4th April 2009 07:48
^___^ Thank you.

I prefer for my signature, no matter what the picture, to feel a part of it, so as not to distract too much from the actual art...and yeah, that just seemed to fit. ^_^
3rd April 2009 22:15
Ah, it took me a minute to form a coherent thought after clicking. She's gorgeous, of course, and while the subject matter is not my cup of tea, I can totally see her doing this. It makes perfect sense! And when I say she's gorgeous, I mean that. She's utterly breathtaking in the way that only Bellatrix can be. Like a venomous snake just before it strikes. Really, this was an excellent contribution. I'm looking forward to more from you!
3rd April 2009 23:01
Like a venomous snake just before it strikes.

OMG, that is such a good description of her!
4th April 2009 07:46
The subject matter isn't my cup of tea either, not by a long shot, but that's part of the fun of the prompts—forcing yourself to do something you'd never, ever dreamed you'd do. :) Thank you so much. ^___^
5th April 2009 06:30
Like a venomous snake just before it strikes.
That is a wonderfully fitting description of her. My inner Bellatrix muse is pleased with you LOL xD
3rd April 2009 22:20
You know, I wasn't sure what I would find when I clicked. "Bellatrix" and "blood play" is not generally my cuppa, but this... This makes so much sense for her, and it's actually better than I thought it would be (understand that I am the fluffiest of the fluffy, so I shy away from torture and Bella in general, which is what I was expecting).
This though? This is a really fascinating take on the prompt. Makes me squirm, which I'm guessing was your intent. *g*
Brava to you!
4th April 2009 07:44
Thank you. ^_^ And yeah, I'm not one much for blood play either, so I didn't want to do something "traditional" in the genre.
4th April 2009 06:39
eeeeee, and ick, and 0_0 and wow.
4th April 2009 07:43
*laughs* Thank you?
4th April 2009 07:56

It was definitely meant in a positive way! That image will totally stay with me and probably make me write Bella to take it into consideration.
5th April 2009 06:47
When I first saw this I did a doubletake and stared... O.o After a while I finally gave up trying to come up with a coherent comment.

Trying again now. *G* (and I'm at work *headdesks and hides screen from customers*)

The art itself is beautifully done, you're actually one of my favourite artists here at D_D and this is another reason why :)
Bloodplay is SO her and I can totally see her doing this. Seeing this actually woke up my Bellatrix muse, heh. Dangerous thing to do. xP

I also love how you've challenged us all with this piece of art instead of the usual version of bloodplay. Well done!
6th April 2009 12:20
Thank you so much. ^_^ I really appreciate that.
5th April 2009 07:52
This is the sort of bloodplay that actually does hit me on a delicious gut level. I don't see much of it in fandom and I'm thinking it's because I run in the slashsmut circles. Thank you so much for this; Bellatrix is a beautiful medium for this!
6th April 2009 12:21
Thank you. ^__^
6th April 2009 12:10
This kind of squicked me out, but I'm also in awe because of how you drew it. The feeling is powerful, and the knowledge that this is Bellatrix makes it even more so. Thanks for sharing!
6th April 2009 12:24
When you think about what she's physically doing...yeah, it's pretty squicky, but on another level, it's like she's reveling in her femininity. I thought it fit her. ^_^
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