Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Title: Caught On The Night Before Xmas 
15th December 2008 23:59
Title: Caught on the Night Before Xmas
Author: acatnamedeaster
Characters: Young Severus/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks chosen: Spanking/Light Bondage
Original Request: alitea
Characters: Lupin/Snape
Kink: light bondage, Spanking! [Severus's been very naughty boy:]
Holiday item or location: ribbon, Christmas tree
Tone: kinky

Notes: Damn, I've missed drawing HP porn! A bit late since my server didn't want to let me upload. :P Please excuse the sketchiness, although I wouldlike to(and will)clean and color this one since it's a particular kink of mine that hasn't yet come up as a posting prompt for me yet.

Remus catches Snape sneaking into Gryffindor Tower on Xmas Eve without a doubt up to no good. Unfortunately, it looks like Severus won't be able to sit comfortably and enjoy his Xmas pudding the next evening...

Man...now I need to draw what happens next! *evil grin*
15th December 2008 23:19
Oh my!
*licks you the pic*
Guh! So very hot, although I do want to snuggle Severus. ;)

And you're back! Yay!
15th December 2008 23:21
:) *hugs* Yup! I have finally reclaimed my evenings. :)

Thanks and you know that they need to have hot, nasty make up sex after this, no?
15th December 2008 23:24
Mmmm, how nasty are we talking? *happy sigh*
15th December 2008 23:28
Hmm, after something like this it should start with a little domination(after all, the lesson has to stick) and then a nice slow slide into a more gentle mode. Although, I do like my Snape being roughed up a bit, he does wounded so well. :)
15th December 2008 23:58
GAH! STOP IT! I'm trying to finish a Classics paper that's due by 4 pm tomorrow and I have a Shakespeare final after that! Stop making me think about Alpha!Remus and a pitiful, spanked Snape who's angry and embarrassed and sporting a huge hard-on that Remus is going to see, and... GAH!

*runs away*
16th December 2008 00:01
Yeah, someone who can write should write something like that...*hehe* At least once their school work is done anyway. :)

13th October 2009 01:52
just wondering was this ever written?
*Lascivious leer* i must read it....
13th October 2009 01:57
No, unfortunately but I wish someone would as it hits all the right spots...for me anyway.
15th December 2008 23:36
Their expressions are perfect. (And, y'know, it's insanely hot and incredibly well-done, oh wow...)
15th December 2008 23:37
Thanks! :) Though, when I clean it some more there's a couple of things that need fixing anatomically.
15th December 2008 23:52
Hooray! You're alive! And you brought PRON!!! Oh gosh I've missed you and your beautiful art! And OMG what a delicious young Alpha!Remus! That stern face is making me crazy, and Snape's bollocks are adorable! (OK, I know that sounds weird, because they both look smexy as hell, but... they just are, okay?) As for make up sex? Hmmm. I'm thinking that Remus is about to realize just what effect his punishment has had on Snape and will soon say "Well, Happy Christmas to me, eh, Severus?" ;-)

This is wonderful!

Gawd, I love Xmas in fandom!!!!
15th December 2008 23:55
:) Thanks for the welcome back! It's taken a little time to get back into the swing of things but I can't stop drawing for too long.

I've missed you and your hot stories, I have a lot of catching up to do!
18th December 2008 17:29
How did I know I'd find you here. *G*
16th December 2008 01:44
Well, you can't go wrong coming back with some Remus/Severus! How very naughty and wonderful a drawing this is. *HUGS* So good to see you and your art again!

love, lore
16th December 2008 04:15
Oh, Sev's arse is so beautifully perfect *melted*
Can't wait that "next" :D
(Welcome back)
16th December 2008 05:11
*moans* Omigod spanking smut! *hearts hearts hearts* If you're drawing what happens next, me, I hope it's more spanking. ^_^ Love it, love it!
16th December 2008 06:14
wow this is hot! Their expressions, especially Remus'. And Remus' ring finger on his left hand - was that intentional? heh.
I'm another that's glad you're back as I completely enjoy what you have to offer :)
16th December 2008 06:33
Nnnnngh! Bulletproof kink alert! I have seriously been sitting here appreciating this for a good five minutes now. I'm particularly infatuated with the color on Snape's butt cheeks. And the determined look on Remus's face -- he doesn't look like he'll be stopping for a while. GUHHH.
16th December 2008 06:38
OMG I love it! *flails* Severus's hands tied, his red arse, a hairbrush! This is fantastic! I've missed your lovely art.
16th December 2008 07:21
oh, my. fantastic. their expressions are just wonderful!
16th December 2008 09:40
What?! OMG. Just. ;alskjglsdkjgs. Sweater-vests (or whatever they're called in Britain!) Sleeves rolled up. Bondage. Spanking. Remus's expression. OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU. ♥ !!!
16th December 2008 09:52
Yum! *dies*
16th December 2008 10:31
Mmm. You *definitely* need to draw what comes next :)
16th December 2008 14:08
Nnnnngg, this is delectable. Severus's red arse, and Remus's look of concentration, and that hand, and that bow...

Please to draw next part sooooon??
16th December 2008 14:15
Love this, their expressions, Severus' worn shoes, Remus' hand placement. *sigh*

Please draw what happens next.
18th December 2008 00:49
Hahha, poor Sevvy, though I know he's secretly enjoying it. XD Love their expressions and Sev's arse, all nice and red. Nicely done! ^_^
18th December 2008 17:28
Mmm, I do loves me some spanking porn. Very niiice! I'd wager a guess that's Sirius's brush, too. *G*
22nd December 2008 20:24
Holy FUCK!!

Merry Christmas to me!!!!1

23rd December 2008 10:57
AsdfVHD;NSJ GUH. No need to apologize, this is stunning and delicious! Their expressions are perfect, the details gorgeous, and I actually gasped out loud n this loaded. Amazing! Thanks for sharing! (and you do need to draw what happens next! XD)
25th December 2008 16:44
oh. my. dear. god...
*staring at the picture incoherently*
er... should I write something sensible here?
*goes stare some more*

i don't even know where to begin. I was skiing abroad and just came home for christmas. finding out that someone (wait, in this case The Someone) actually found my request inspiring enough... that's probably the best present one can get <3
I love so many things in this one - kinks and pairing are obvious, but the way you did them - the brush, the ribbon, Severus' position, his gorgeous red arse and OMFG Remus! his face and HIS HAND... *dies again*


and Merry Kinky Christmas everyone <3
24th July 2009 02:28
Oh, that's a present that would wrapped and unwrapped over and over!
13th October 2009 01:52
Hot damn.... I think you'be melted my brain
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