Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2008 
14th August 2008 02:54
It's hard to believe that the summer's nearly over and that we're already into the holiday fest season but, yes, the 2008 Kinky Kristmas fest will be coming soon! Starting September 1, we'll be taking prompts for what we're calling Winter Wishes. All [info]daily_deviant participants and watchers will be able to post requests for their kinkiest holiday wishes. The prompts will consist of one pairing (or threesome), one kink of preference, one holiday item and then a request for dark, fluff or humour fic. All participants will be allowed two requests, all watchers one. Shortly after that, we'll be opening up prompts for grabs for all participants. We'll also have a handy dandy table of characters, kinks and items for participants to chose from to write their own wishes if none of the requests strike their fancy. So, everyone start thinking of what they want to see here for the winter holidays -- it won't be limited to just Christmas so if you want to see Sirius/Snape with bondage and a latke, or Tonks/Ginny with dildos and a New Year's Eve toast, or Blaise/Padma with whipped cream and a Diwali mela, go for it!

All fic/art will be due on your regular posting date in December. If you post bi-monthly in odd months but want to be involved with the fest, we'll schedule you in for another date. Any questions? Just ask here!
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