Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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29th May 2008 01:34
Eeeee, what a terrific debut! Hilarious crack blended with deliciously hot Snupin pr0n ftw!! :) And despite what you say, I think this is glorious smut. It's as wonderful and addicting as any else you've written. [/fangirling]

I have so much love for Lupin. His experiment is brilliant and he's so damn cute in his persistence; I love his banter with Snape, as he tries to coax Snape into continuing the experiment. And poor Snape - so desperate to end it, and yet his body betrays him. :D But the best moment of all: the intense orgasm that knocks out Snape and Lupin becomes terrified that he's killed his lover. ♥!
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