Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Observing Propriety, NWS 
28th May 2008 20:09
Title: Observing Propriety
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS and tablet
Characters: Madame Edgecombe/Angelina Johnson
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Themes/kinks chosen: Fur and alternative pairing
Artist's notes: Please, like I could pass up a chance to try drawing Angelina :) Comes with bonus mini-mini-fic of 234 words. Unbetad, and containing one of the longest sentences ever :).
Art preview:

Privately, Angelina thinks that propriety is overrated.

If she could have had Madame Edgecombe’s particular attentions from the moment the job began, Angelina might have dropped George Weasley and his unfortunate sense of humour a little sooner. She might also have found working in the Floo Network Office less achingly dull if there had been more on offer than paperwork and soot-smudged Howlers.

However, her now ex-employer has always had a keen sense of the appropriate, and it was not until retiring that Madame Edgecombe admitted that although she hired Angelina for her skills, the reasons for the frequent tea-and-biscuit sessions had little to do with maintaining office relationships and rather more to do with the way Angelina sighed and stretched when she took her first sip of a fresh brew.

Angelina is sighing now, but it has nothing to do with tea.

“Do that again, please,” she murmurs, and bites her lip to mute a breathy whimper when that tongue thrusts again, deeper than it has any right to go. A lifetime of bureaucracy has apparently left Madame Edgecombe with an appreciation of the art of the fine detail, and Angelina is delighted to discover that it’s not just paperwork that benefits from attention to the minutiae.

Angelina decides that as soon as she’s capable of speaking in complete sentences, she’s asking Madame Edgecombe to come back as a consultant. Propriety be damned.


28th May 2008 04:22
Ohwow! That's gorgeous! Angelina is so beautiful. And the colours... oh, the colours... Wow. Love the text, too :-) Nice backstory!

Did I mention it's incredibly beautiful?
28th May 2008 04:30
Yay, thanks so much! [info]nehalenia mentioned something a while back about me having a "blue period" - it really is my go-to colour! So, here we have red. Lots of red :D.

I may have an eensy crush on Angelina. Not that she gets much canon-time, so it's more a crush on the idea of Angelina - kick-arse at her chosen sport, and more than capable of dealing with the walking catastrophe that was the Weasley Twins :). She seems like the kind of person who would exude competence and confidence, and therefore be sexy as fuck :).
28th May 2008 04:36
Hey, I love blue. It's kind of my default colour - aside from my usual black ;-)

I agree that Angelina does seem that kind of confident, strong person that would be really sexy.
28th May 2008 16:31
Hah, yes, black is an excellent default colour. It goes with itself so well!
28th May 2008 07:08
Ooh, that's gorgeous, and very hot! I love the way her foot is curling.
28th May 2008 16:17
Yay, thanks! I don't know what it is - I don't much like feet irl, but I think they're so cute in drawings :).
28th May 2008 07:40
That is hot and beautiful and so gorgeous. I love Angelina's expression and Marietta's curves. Yum.
28th May 2008 16:18
Thanks! I'm so glad Angelina's face came out okay in the end - I find that angle really difficult :).
28th May 2008 07:52
oooh pretty! And hot!
28th May 2008 16:18
That icon never fails to make me laugh :).

And thanks! Yay, happy comments on femslash!
28th May 2008 08:37
Damn but they're gorgeous!
28th May 2008 16:19
Thanks so much! Yay!
28th May 2008 09:03
Angelina is beautiful (love her legs and her collarbone and neck) and the colors are spectacular! I am trying not to think too much about Madame Edgecombe :P but for an older woman she looks lovely-her hair and back are especially nice.
28th May 2008 16:21
Hah, poor Mme Edgecombe :). I probably would have drawn more of her but I just couldn't figure out what she'd look like! So, yes, I just settled on pale hair in a bun and soft bits :). She's probably got lovely soft skin.
28th May 2008 09:19
*lusts after Angelina*

Gorgeous work. I love the firelight reflecting on their skin, and the colors of the marble in the fireplace look amazing.

Also, they are really damn hot. :D
28th May 2008 16:23
Heh, maybe there should be an Angelina Johnson fan club ;).

Thank you so much - I'm really glad the fireplace looks okay!
28th May 2008 13:51
Oh, that's just gorgeous! I love all of Angelina's body but especially her right leg and her tits, and also very much the fact that Madame Edgecombe's soft roundness looks like something I want to touch. Yum!
28th May 2008 16:29
Oh, I'm so glad you said that about Mme Edgecombe! I was drawing her and thinking that she'd probably be extra soft - firstly, she's going to have that delicate old-lady skin that always feels so perfect, secondly, she's a bit roundy and so will have padding under it, and thirdly, I wanted Angelina to look a bit harder than Mme Edgecombe, with muscles and so forth.

Also, I'm a bit jealous of the perkiness of Angelina's tits, yup! Girl's got a good rack - I was thinking of her as being in her forties, and eventually decided that it was okay for her to be fairly perky as this version of her had never done any Weasley Breeding and had always been an athlete of some sort, so her skin had stayed pretty elastic and gravity had never done much to her bits. Sigh. I wasn't that perky as a teenager!
28th May 2008 17:16
You're right about the old-lady skin - I wonder what it is that makes it so soft? I was really happy that you'd made Mme E an attractive sort of round, actually - I'm very much a fan of lean and athletic, but I also think that round and soft can be pretty fantastic, and it's so very rare in fandom.

I have friends in their forties who have hardly ever worn a bra but who have the perkiest breasts you can imagine - and friends who have never been perky. And the great thing is that they all look good - tits are so cool! :D
28th May 2008 17:57
I keep having plans to draw more rounded women and never get around to it. I want to draw some Molly, because with the number of kids she and Arthur have, there's no way that woman's not well comfortable with herself as sexual, y'know? Heh - I'd have quite a good model for it, as I'm carting around far more than my fair share of "round" ;).

Perky must have a genetic component, then? Because yeah, thinking about it - that's the same with my friends. Some are small and perky, some are large and perky, some are small and kinda droop a bit... enormous range of breasts out there. Most of the breasts I've seen in person have been under 30 years old, though, and almost all pre-baby.

I think, actually, that I should probably look at a wide range of photographs of nude women (OHNOES THE SACRIFICE) in order to get a better appreciation of the range of body types and shapes at different ages. And I'm guessing that'd be fairly difficult to find, but I'm thinking also that maybe looking for artistic photography or realistic portraiture rather than pr0nz might be a good place to go to find that range...

Hahah. This is my brain today: BREASTS BREASTS BREASTS BREASTS :).
29th May 2008 03:48
I'd be very interested to see your hot Molly! I absolutely agree that she would be comfortable with herself; I just don't believe she and Arthur have conceived all those children through holes in their flannel nightwear. ;) And I'd love to see more confident, imperfect naked people portrayed in fandom. This isn't only because I'm, uh, carefully maintaining a Baroque figure myself, I hasten to add, because I'm a total hypocrite and far better able to appreciate those curves and bumps on other people than myself. ;)

It's very good of you to be willing to sacrifice yourself and look at all those naked pics! ;D There's a great site that unfortunately I can't remember the name or URL of, and I can't google it from here, but it has pics that people proudly post of their post partum bodies with saggy breasts, stretchmarked bellies and all the scars of motherhood. Huge variety, and very relevant at least for a Molly body I should think. If you're interested and can't find it, I'll see if I can dig it up for you later.

And there's always old porn, of course, which features a lot more rounded bodies than today.
29th May 2008 05:11
post partum bodies

I have the vaguest memory that I've seen either that site or something like it - has it been around for at least a couple of years? That would be awfully good to tag as a reference site.

Old porn is a very good suggestion - the pre-silicone era ;).

And it's funny, because having talked about this with you this morning, I'm watching a British mockumentary about a magazine wedding competition which has a fair bit of normal nudity in it from both genders; I'd managed to forget that Brit telly is never shy of the wobbly bits :D.
29th May 2008 07:47
Just a quick note between battles at work re: the post partum bods, I found it. http://theshapeofamother.com/ Possibly there are more sites like it, but this one is fairly extensive. *must dash*
29th May 2008 13:26
Brilliant, thank you! I've got it in my reference section now, and from the site title I'm positive it's the one I've seen, too :).
28th May 2008 13:59
Oh lovely and hot! I love the light from the fire and the red fur rug and Angelina's expression and just yum yum yum!
28th May 2008 16:31
Yay, thank you! I wonder what was skinned to make the red rug? I couldn't decide on anything sensible when I was drawing it. Or maybe there's a spell that can grow fur from scratch. That'd be pretty cool :). Cruelty-free fur!
28th May 2008 22:18
very nice! I am a fan of the mammaries! How could anyone find fault with them?? :D
30th May 2008 16:09
Thank you! The internet needs more fans of mammaries. Heh :).
29th May 2008 01:16
Love the warm, earthy colors and the fireglow on their skin, especially with the different skin tones. Neat ficlet, too. I especially like the lines about Angelina stretching before she drinks tea, and Mme Edgecombe's attention to fine detail. :-D
30th May 2008 16:11
Yayy, thanks! The ficlet is more average than an average thing, but I thought the picture needed more background... and it was faster to throw words at it than draw office supplies and contracts and backgrounds ;). Lazy, lazy drawin'-person.
29th May 2008 06:27
Oh, Angelina! Yay. She's really gorgeous. Her body is so sexy. Beautiful breasts and her collarbone and - yeah, sexy! I also love Madame Edgecombe's soft-looking hair. And the colours! Great little ficlet, too. :-)
30th May 2008 16:12
Yay! Thanks so much! It was fun working with such warm colours - I don't think I'd done anything this warm since Springsmut, which was orangey but nowhere near as saturated.
29th May 2008 11:37
What lovely colours! Fantastic job as always. X
30th May 2008 16:13
Thank you! It's almost crazy-saturated - so odd grabbing colours from the far right of the palette. I'm usually getting them from more in the middle, but this has loads of almost pure colours in it.
29th May 2008 18:35
Oooh, I love the fiery edge to this! Red is such a striking colour. Love it.
30th May 2008 16:14
Yay, thanks! Red is quite a fun colour to use - so intense!
29th May 2008 21:55
Oh, damn. They're beautiful. I love the deep tones and colors and *flails* the arty things you did here, but I really love how beautiful they are. And so involved in what they're doing. Gah. Gorgeous.
30th May 2008 16:19
Whee, thank you! That's a lovely thing to read :). I wish I had any idea what Mme Edgecombe might have looked like - I couldn't visualise her at all past a vague idea of softness and white-grey hair - because it feels like a slight cop-out to hide her so much... but, hell. Who'm I kidding? This is all about Angelina :D.
30th May 2008 16:21
LOL, it's funny you say that because even though she's facing the other way, I can see her. Heh.
30th May 2008 16:32
Heh, I'm glad someone can, even though I can't :D.
21st September 2008 04:18
Wow, that's gorgeous! I love the coloring. And the story was delicious.
18th January 2009 12:53
Gorgeous! I love Angelina's legs, the softness of Mme Edgecombe's skin & the light from the fire on them both.
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